Looks Like I’m stuck on the beach. |
I have gotten stuck in a sandtrap/bunker. |
You’re in the cabbage now. |
You are in very thick rough. |
That ball’s dead. |
You are in a position from which you are unable to reach the green. |
Well, that’s an elephant’s ass. |
That shot is high, but not very long—and it stinks. |
What a goat farm! |
This is a very poorly maintained course. |
Stop being such a golf lawyer. |
Stop constantly telling me the rules. |
You left it right in the jaws. |
You came just short of the cup. |
Now I’m leaking oil. |
Now my game is really falling apart. |
Don’t overcook it. |
Do not hit your shot too hard. |
You’re in throw-up range. |
Your putt is close enough to make, but long enough that you will probably miss it. |
You burned a few worms on that one. |
You have hit a very poor, low shot. |
Get up on the dance floor! |
Get up onto the putting green! |
You’re in the soup. |
You are in a water trap. |
I’m headed for the chopping mall. |
I am playing a terrible round. |
Nice banana! |
That certainly was a big, looping slice! |
I fried that egg. |
I buried that right in the bunker. |
I think I’ll use my knife. |
I think that I will take that shot with my one iron. |
You whiffed that one. |
You missed the ball completely. |
I think I’ve got the yips. |
I doubt that I can sink short putts. |
I guess it’s just the rub of the green. |
You only have a certain amount of control. |