

An enormous thank-you to the wonderful team at Sasquatch Books. From your initial excitement about this project and faith in me throughout the book’s development, you’ve been a pillar of support in just the right way.

I was inspired and educated by a wide variety of sources, but there are a couple of noteworthy ones that taught me how to make doughnuts in the first place. The first successful cake doughnuts I made were from a recipe on—a site that features recipes and tips that really work. I have not found a better source for learning pastry techniques than Bo Friberg’s The Professional Pastry Chef, and without it I might never have arrived at my raised dough recipes.

A special thank-you to Shauna and Danny Ahern for their wonderful insights into gluten-free baking. Yes, you can make doughnuts gluten-free!

A huge thanks to my recipe testers: Bria Mertens, Caitlin Pierce, Carolyn Cope, Carolyn Pickton, Clair Sutton, Deeba Rajpal, Aparna Balasubramanian, Elizabeth Nyland, Helen McSweeney, Jamie Schler, Jennifer Eggleston, Jill Lightner, Linda Nguyen, Susan Roxborough, Anda, Lucy Vaserfirer, Andrew Vaserfirer, Maggie McConnell, Melinda Knapp, Cindy Ensley, M. Lynn Yu, Sheena Starky, Jess Thomson, Tom Bauer, Danielle Tsi, Tara Barker, and Tara O’Brady. Your great comments and questions made both the book and the doughnuts better!

I owe both Matt Wright and David Silver a debt and some doughnuts for graciously lending me their cameras after mine died midway through the photo shoot.

Finally, I never would have attempted to write this book without the encouragement, gentle nudging, and honest feedback from my wonderful husband, Cameron. You said I should do it and you were right.