
ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), 96, 97

Adams, John Quincy, 45

Adams-Morgan section of Washington, D.C., 200–203

Adelante, 201

age of suburbanites, average, 197

Ailey, Alvin, 143

alcohol, availibility of:

in Hudson, Ohio, 34

in Salt Lake City, Utah, 22–23

Ali, Muhammad, 5

Allen, Ivan, 81

Allen O’Neill Drive, Darien, Conn., 103–104

Alta Club, Salt Lake City, Utah, 27

Amberley Village, Ohio, 51

American Bar Association, 76

American Psychiatric Association, 188

American Yacht Club, 80–81, 117, 120, 173

Anderson, James Bonbright, 35

Anderson, William P., 149

Annenberg, Walter H., 134, 139

Anti-Defamation League, Southern Council, 72, 76

anti-Semitism, 78–82

in Atlanta clubs, 68–73

See also Jews, acceptance of

Apawamis Golf Club, 78, 120, 173

Archbold, John, 127

Ardmore, Pa., 134

Ardsley Club, 129

Arizona Ballet, 15

Arizona Republic, 15

Arizona State University, 13, 15

art museums, as means of social entry, 177

Ashland, Linda, 160

Atherton, Calif., 153

Atlanta, Ga.:

old families, 75–76

private clubs, 68–77

urban life in, 192, 194

Atlanta Constitution, 75, 76

Atlanta Journal, 75, 76

Autry, Gene, 7

Baker, James A., site of house, 7

Baker, John, 50

Bala-Cynwyd, Pa., 134, 135

Baldwin Hills, Calif., 198

Barclay Classes, 78, 177

Barlow, Haven, 28

Bell, Griffin, 68, 75, 79

Belvedere, 124

Benjamin, Allan, 158–159

Berwyn, Pa., 134, 135

Best, Mrs. Hugh, 136

Beverly Hills, Calif., 166, 172

sex practices in, 181

Bing, Rudolf, 71

Birmingham, Mich., 64

Birnam Wood Club, Santa Barbara, 164

Black, Mrs. Jennie Prince, 127

blacks, acceptance of, 174, 198–199

in Atlanta clubs, 71, 77

in Grosse Pointe, Mich., 174

in Philadelphia suburbs, 67, 139

in Rye, N.Y., 119

Blood and Money, Thompson, 6

Bloomfield Hills, Mich., 64, 174

financial burdens of life in, 183–185

Bloomingdale’s ladies’ room handbag story, 190 n.

Boston, Mass., 131, 141

Quincy Market, 197

urban life in, 192

water views, 193

Boulders, The, Ariz., 16

Brace, Dr. Charles, 125–126

Brando, Marlon, 60

Brigham Young University, 25

Bronfman, Edgar, 106

Bronfman, Samuel, 124

Brown, Franklin Q., 126–127

Brown, Walston H., 126–127

Bryce, Mrs. Angelica Schuyler, 165

Bryce, Peter Cooper, 165

Bryn Mawr, Pa., 133, 134, 176

Buffalo, N.Y., sex practices in, 182

Buffalo Tennis & Squash Club, 182

Burlingame, Calif., 153

Bush, George, 5

Butes, James, site of house, 8

Butler, Michael, 161

Camargo Country Club, 48, 51

Candidate, The, 154

Candler, Asa W., 76

Candler, John S., II, 76

Capital City Club, 68–69, 73

Carefree, Ariz., 16–18

Carnegie, Nancy (Mrs. Percy Rockefeller), 94

Carroll, Gen. Howard, 123

Carrollcliff, 123–124

Carter, Frank, 69, 82

Carter, Jimmy, 68

Carter, Victor, II, 8

Carter, Victor, III, 8

Castellane, Count Paul Ernest Boniface de, 125

Castro, Raul, 13

Cedarhurst, N.Y., 197

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 165

Chambers, Ann Cox, 75–76

change in suburbs, causes of, 197–200

Chapin, Roy, 64

charity, local, as means of social entry, 178

Charleston, S.C., 131, 193

Chase, Harold, 165

Chase, Pearl, 162, 165

Cherokee Club, 72

Chicago, Ill., 192, 194–195

water views, 193

children, advantage of, in suburbs, 177

Churchill, Winston, 127

church membership, 177

Cincinnati, Ohio, 39–46, 131, 141

Blue Book, 54

cultural life, 52

Fountain Square, 41–42

Mount Adams, 193, 203

old families, 44, 49–55

Procter & Gamble, 43–47

skyline, 41

Spring Grove Cemetery, 39–40


Amberley Village, 51

Clifton, 48

Glendale, 43, 44, 46, 47

Grandin Road, 48–49, 55–56

Hyde Park, 42, 43, 48–49, 50, 51, 55–56

Indian Hill, 39, 40, 43, 47–48, 51, 53

Madison Road, 48

Mariemont, 43, 50

Terrace Park, 43, 53

urban center, 41–42

urban problems, 171

water views, 193

Wesley Chapel, 45, 172

Cincinnati, 45

Cincinnati Country Club, 48, 51

Cincinnati Enquirer, 45, 53

Cincinnati Post, 45

city life, 188–191

problems of, 171–173

mental health in, 188–189

return to, 191, 192–197

Cleveland, Ohio, 33–38

crime rate, 190

old families, 33

suburbs, 33, 122

Hudson, 34–38

Peninsula, 37

urban life, 37–38, 194–197

Clifton, Ohio, 48, 171

club cars on commuter lines, 110–113

clubs, private, see private clubs

Coca-Cola families, 76

Cohen, Dolly, 53

Cohen, Jeffrey N., 201

Cohen, John, 71

Collier Heights, Ga., 198

Commerce Club, 72

commute, definition of, 106–107

commuting, art of, 107–114

Connecticut Turnpike, 86–87, 99

Conrad, Barnaby, 161

Coral Casino, 166

Coronado High School, Scottsdale, Ariz., 12

Corbett, Patricia (Mrs. Ralph), 49, 55

Corbett, Ralph, 49

Corbett Foundation, 49

Corcoran, Robert, 200, 201

Cornwall, Conn., 174

Country Club of Detroit, 60

Country Club Plaza, shopping center, 180

country clubs, see private clubs

Courtlandt Place, Houston, Texas, 8–9

Cox, Lori, 11–13

Crest Hills Country Club, 51


comparative rates, 190

in Darien, Conn., 100–102

Custance, James D., 69, 79

D. B. Cooper’s, 23

Dallas, Texas, urban life in, 192

Darien, Conn., 87, 99–105, 172, 174, 175

Darien Review, 104

Darlington, Thomas, 17

Dartmouth College, 93

Daylesford, Pa., 134

Daylight Time, 16

decor, interior, 176

Denver, Colo., urban living in, 194

Depew, Chauncey, 130

Detroit, Mich., 57–64

old families, 57–58, 61, 62

Renaissance Plaza, 59, 195


Birmingham, 64

Bloomfield Hills, 64

Grosse Pointe, 57–64, 122, 135, 174, 183

relationship to city, 59

urban life in, 192

Detroit Symphony, 59

Devereaux, Marion, 53–54

Devon, Pa., 134

Dillman, Bradford, 161

Disabled American Veterans, 13


against blacks, 61, 69, 78–82

against Jews, 68–73, 78–82

against single women, 156–158

divorce, incidence of, 190

in Hudson, Ohio, 35

reasons for, 187–188

in suburbs, 182

Dodge, Marcellus Huntley, 90–91

Douthit, Claude, Jr., 146

Dow, Earl, 4

Downs, Hugh, 17


Main Line, 136

Santa Barbara, 161

Scottsdale, Ariz., 14

Watch Hill, R.I., 148

Drulie, Sylvia, 143

Drury, Samuel S., 147

Duchin, Peter, 148

Dykema, Mrs. Raymond, 63

Eagle’s Nest, 14

earthquake at Santa Barbara, Calif., 163

East Aurora, N.Y., 182

East Ridge Shopping Center, 154

Eccles, George, 26

Einstein, Albert, 145

Elite Directory, 128

Elson, Edward, 72, 76

Emeny, Brooks, 92

Emery, John, 49–50

Emery, Mary M., 43, 50

Emery Auditorium, 50

Fadiman, Clifton, 161

Fairfield County, Conn., 87–105, 122

family room, 187–188

Federal Heights, Utah, 21

financial burdens of suburban life, 183–185

Finneran, Jane, 54–55

Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant, 147

Five Towns area of Long Island, N.Y., 197–198

Flagler, Henry Morrison, 133

Florestal, 165

food, in suburbs, 176

eaten by rich people, 74

Ford, Eleanor (Mrs. Edsel), 62

Ford, Emory, 62

Ford, Frederick Clifford, 62

Ford, Henry, Sr., 61, 63

Ford, Henry, II, 61–62, 64

Ford, John B., 62

Ford, Walter Buhl, 62

Franklin, DeJongh, 71, 72

Franzen, Ulrich, 185

Frisch, Mrs. Robert, 81

Fromm, Erich, 188

Gable, Clark, 75

Galleria Shopping Center, 6

Gans, Herbert, 183

Gasner, Beverley, 198

Geier, Inga, 51

General Motors families, 165–166, 183

Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge Foundation, 97–98

Ghirardelli Square, 194

Gilligan, John, 55

Giralda, 90–91, 98

Gladstone Car, 111–113

Gladwyne, Pa., 133

Glendale, Ohio, 43, 44, 46, 47, 171

Godfather, The, 60

Goldwater, Barry, 11, 12

Gone with the Wind, 75

Goodsell, Almira Geraldine (Mrs. William Rockefeller), 89

Goodstein, Jeanette (Mrs. Leonard), 186–188

Goodstein, Leonard, 15, 186–188

Gordon, Ernest, 201, 202

Gordon, The Rev. Ernest, 146

Gould, Anna (Duchesse de Talleyrand), 125

Gould, Jay, 124

Gracemere, 129

Grand Central Station, N.Y., homosexual rendezvous in, 182

Grapple St., Rye, N.Y., 119

Grasso, Ella, 111

Gratz, Helen (Mrs. Godfrey Rockefeller), 93

Gratz, Rebecca, 93

Great Salt Lake, 27–29

Green, Adelaide Browning (Mrs. H. Stuart), 129

Greenwich, Conn., 87–98, 99, 117, 167, 172, 174, 175

railroad station, homosexuals in, 182

Grey, Mrs. Horace, 165

Griffin, Merv, 167

Grosse Pointe, Mich., 57–64, 122, 135, 174, 183

automobile people in, 183

development of, 63

Ford families in, 61–62

Lake Shore Road, 64

relationship to Detroit, 59

Grosse Pointe City, Mich., 59

Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., 59, 60

Grosse Pointe Park, Mich., 59, 60

Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich., 58, 59

Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., 59, 60

growth of suburbs, vii–viii, 122–130

Gulph Mills Golf Club, 67

Hall, Seymour, 111, 113

Hamilton, Alexander, II, 127

Handy, Helen Parmalee, 58

Hanna, Mark, 34

Harvard University, 93

Harkness, Rebekah (Mrs. William Hale), 143

Harkness, William Hale, 143

Harlow, Harry, 79–80

Harness, Edward G., 43

Harrison, Benjamin, 51

Harrison, Charles Learner, III, 51–53

Harrison, Edmond, 52

Harrison, Learner Blackman, 52

Harrison, Molly (Mrs. Charles L., III), 51–53, 178

Harrison, Pegram, 69

Harrison, William Henry, 45, 51

Haverford, Pa., 133

Heirloom Cities, 131

Heminway, Mrs. John, 148

Herring, Joanne (Mrs. Robert), 4–5

Herring, Robert, 4–5

Hewlett, N.Y., 197

Hill, Jesse, 77

Hill, Joan Robinson (Mrs. John), 6

Hill, John, 6

Hillsborough, Calif., 153, 154

Hitchings, Nancy, 102

Hite, Kathleen, 17

Hodge, Shelby, 5

Holliday, Benjamin, 124

homosexual rendezvous points, 182

hospital work as means of social entry, 177–178

Houston, Texas, 3–10

Courtlandt Place, 8–9

crime rate, 190

Heights, 7

old families, 7–8

River Oaks, 3–7, 9–10

urban life in, 7–9, 194

Hovas, Alessandra (Sandra) (Baroness di Portanova), 5

Hovhaness, Alan, 154

Hudson, David, 34

Hudson, Ohio, 34–38, 141

social distinctions in, 35–36

Hudson Country Club, 35

Hughes, Howard, 25

Hurley, Mrs. Collier, 4

Hussein, King of Jordan, 4–5

Hutchins, Robert, 165

Hyde Park, Ohio, 42, 43, 48–49, 50, 51, 55–56, 171, 172, 193

Indian Hill, Ohio, 39, 40, 43, 47–48, 51, 53, 171, 173

Indian Village, Rye, N.Y., 117

Ingersoll, Anna, 131

inner city life, see urban life

interior decor, 176

Inwood, N.Y., 197

Ireland, Harry, 108

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith, 3–4

Jackson, Maynard, 71

Jagger, Mick, 161

Jamail’s, 6–7

Jews, acceptance of:

in Atlanta clubs, 68–73, 76

in California suburbs, 166

in Cincinnati, 51

in country clubs, 67–82

in Darien, Conn., 103

in Five Towns, Long Island, N.Y., 197–198

in Grosse Pointe, Mich., 61, 174

in Hudson, Ohio, 37

in Los Angeles Country Club, 37

in Philadelphia suburbs, 67, 133, 134, 139

at Procter & Gamble, 47

in Twigs, 117–118

in Watch Hill, R.I., 145

Joy, Helen Newberry (Mrs. Henry B.), 57–59, 64

Kansas City, Mo., suburbs of, 179–181

Kanzler, Mrs. Robert, 62

Kaplan, Samuel, 204

Kelly, Ken, 199

Kimball, Spencer W., 27

King & Spalding, law firm, 73, 79

Kinsolving, Arthur Lee, 146

Kirbo, Charles, 75

Korda, Michael, 159–160

Krumm, John M., 146

Ladera Heights, Calif., 198

La Grange, Gerald, 120

Lake St. Clair, Mich., 58, 63

Lance, Bert, 68, 79

Lawrence, N.Y., 197, 198

Lazarus, Irma (Mrs. Fred, III), 42, 49, 55

Lazarus, Ralph, 49

Lehr, Harry, 147

Leigh, Vivien, 75

Leimert Park, Calif., 198

Levittown, N.Y., 37

Lewisohn, Adolph, 89

Light, Goddard, 119

Lighthouse Book Store, 119

Lincoln, Florence, 92

Lincoln, Frederic, 92

Lindsay, Samuel, 146

Lipschutz, Bob, 73

liquor laws:

Hudson, Ohio, 34

Salt Lake City, Utah, 23

Little Town Club, 162, 164

living rooms, use of, 186–187

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 48

Los Altos, Calif., 153, 154, 156–158

Los Angeles, Calif., 159

urban life in, 192

water views, 194

Los Angeles Country Club, 67

Losantiville Country Club, 51

Loudon Woods, Rye, N.Y., 117

Lyndhurst, 124–125

McAllister, Ward, 147

McDaniel, Hattie, 75

McDonald, Duncan, 21

McIlvain, Alan, Jr., 140

Mack, Mrs. Edgar, 48

McMillan, James, 58

MacMullan, Mrs. Katherine, 139

McQueen, Butterfly, 75

Mad River, Vt., 94

Maddox, Lester, 71


in Arizona suburbs, 14

in Detroit suburbs, 60

Main Line suburbs of Philadelphia, 131–140, 141

dress, 136

manners, 137–138

old families, 135

speech peculiarities, 135–136

Manhattan, mental health in, 189–190

Manny, Elizabeth (Mrs. Ralph), 117

Manursing Island Club, 120, 173

Mariemont, Ohio, 43, 50

Markel, Mrs. Babette, 155

Martineau, Harriet, Society in America, 57–58

Massell, Sam, 71

Mazzola, John W., 143

Mead, Margaret, 171–172, 174

Mendenhall, Mrs. Joseph, 20, 24

Menlo Park, Calif., 153–154

mental health, 183, 188–191

Merion, Pa., 134

Merion Cricket Club, 67

Merion Golf Club, 67

Merritt Parkway, 85–86

Metropolitan Opera, 71, 96, 97

Midtown Manhattan Study, 188

Milton Point, Rye, N.Y., 117

Misquamicut Club, 143, 145, 148, 149

Miss Doherty’s College Preparatory School, 52

Mitchell, Margaret, 75

Mixter, Mr. and Mrs. James, 50

Mizner, Addison, 164

Model, Jean, 91

monkeys, experiment in discrimination, 79–80

Montecito, Calif., 167

Montecito Club, 164

Montessori School, Hudson, Ohio, 36, 37

Montgomery, Jim, 75

Moore, James, 112

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 129

Mormons, life style of, 22–27

notable families, 27

Mosbacher, Emil, Jr. (Bus), 80

Mount Adams, Cincinnati, 193, 203

Mountain View, Calif., 153, 154

mountain views, 194

Mount Desert Island, Maine, 147–148

Myers, Paul and Suzie, 141–142, 146, 149–150

Narberth, Pa., 134, 135

National Center for Health Statistics, 189

National Patriotism Week, 13

neighborhood relations in Calif. suburbs, 159

neighborhoods, city, 202–203

Neiman-Marcus, 6

New Canaan, Conn., 87, 99

New Haven Railroad, 87

New Orleans, La., urban life in, 192

water views, 193

New Rochelle, N.Y., 172

New York, N.Y.:

crime rate, 190

suburbs of:

Fairfield County, Conn., 87–105

Westchester County, N.Y., 115–130

urban life in, 192

water views, 192–193

New York City Educational Construction Fund, 204

New York Journal-American, 92

New York Yacht Club, 80, 117

Newark, N.J., 172

Newberry, John Stoughton, 58

Newberry, Oliver, 58

Newberry, Truman, 64

Newberry, Walter, 58

Newberry & McMillan, Capitalists, 58

Newport, R.I., 147

Noroton Yacht Club, 103

Northeast Harbor, Maine, 147–148

Ocean House Hotel, 144

old families:

Atlanta, 75–76

Cincinnati, 44, 49–55

Cleveland, 33

Detroit, 57–58, 61, 62

Houston, 7–8

Philadelphia, 135

Salt Lake City, 27

Santa Barbara, 164

Watch Hill, R.I., 142

Westchester County, 127–129

Oliver, John L., 58

Olympia Tea Room, 144

Olympus Cove, Utah, 21

Ophir Farm, Purchase, N.Y., 124

Operation Mailbag, 13

Oquirrh Mountains, Utah, 21

Overbrook, Pa., 134

Owen, Annie, 4–5

Palmer, K. T., 17

Palo Alto, Calif., 153, 154

Paoli, Pa., 134

Pappenheimer, Eloise, 71

Paradise Valley, Ariz., 16

Park Centre, Cleveland, Ohio, 195–197

Parker, Suzy, 161

Pasadena, Calif., 166

patriotism in Arizona, 11–13

Peabody, Endicott, 147

Peachtree Plaza, 73

Peninsula, Ohio, 37

Pennock, Liddon, 139

Penn Valley, Pa., 134

Pepper, George Wharton, 147

Perloff, Harvey S., 203

Piedmont Ball, 74, 75, 76

Piedmont Driving Club, 68–77, 79–80, 81–82

Pinnacle Peak, 14

Philadelphia, Pa., 133

food in, 131

old families, 135

suburbs of, 67, 131–140

urban life in, 192, 193

Philadelphia Country Club, 67

Philadelphian, The, 132

Phoenix, Ariz., 11–18

cultural life, 15

life style, 15–16

patriotism in, 11–13

political orientation, 13, 15–16

real estate speculation in, 14–15

restaurants, 14

schools, 12–13, 18

sports, 15


Boulders, The, 16–17

Carefree, 16–18

Scottsdale, 11–16

urban living, 13–14, 194

Phoenix Symphony, 15

Pocantico Hills, 88, 89, 94, 124

Poindexter, Beatrice, 200

political orientation of suburbs, 197

Darien, Conn., 104

Five Towns, Long Island, N.Y., 198

Hudson, Ohio, 35

Philadelphia, Main Line, 138

Salt Lake City, Utah, 21

San Francisco, Calif., 153

Scottsdale, Ariz., 13, 15–16

polygamy in Salt Lake City, 24

Portanova, Baron Enrico di, 5

Port Huron, Mich., 167

Price, Leontyne, 71

Princeton University, 93

private clubs:

Alta Club, Salt Lake City, 27

American Yacht Club, 80–81, 117, 120, 173

Apawamis Golf Club, Rye, N.Y., 78, 120, 173

in Atlanta, Ga., 68–77

Birnam Wood Club, Santa Barbara, 164

Camargo, Cincinnati, 48, 51

Capital City Club, Atlanta, 68–69, 73

Cherokee Club, Atlanta, 72

Cincinnati Country Club, 48, 51

Commerce Club, Atlanta, 72

Coral Casino, Santa Barbara, 166

Country Club of Detroit, 60

Crest Hills, Cincinnati, 51

in Darien, Conn., 103

discrimination in, 78–82

Gulph Mills Golf Club, Philadelphia, 67

Hudson Country Club, 35

Jews in, 68–82

Little Town Club, Santa Barbara, 162, 164

Los Angeles Country Club, 67

Losantiville, Cincinnati, 51

Manursing Island Club, Rye, 120, 173

membership in, 173–174, 178

Merion Cricket Club, 67

Merion Golf Club, 67

Misquamicut Club, Watch Hill, R.I., 143, 145, 148, 149

Montecito Club, Santa Barbara, 164

New York Yacht Club, 80, 117

Noroton Yacht Club, 103

Piedmont Driving Club, Atlanta, 68–77, 78–79, 81–82

Progressive Club, Atlanta, 72

Radnor Hunt Club, 67

in Rye, N.Y., 118, 120

Shenerock Shore Club, Rye, N.Y., 118

Standard Club, Atlanta, 72

Valley Club, Santa Barbara, 164

Wee Burn Country Club, Darien, 103, 104, 173

Woodway Club, Darien, 103

Procter, William Cooper, 43, 47

Procter & Gamble, influence in Cincinnati, 43–47

Progressive Club, 72

Quincy Market, Boston, 197

race discrimination, 78–82

in Atlanta clubs, 69

in Cincinnati, 55–56

in Darien, Conn., 103

in Detroit, 61

in Philadelphia suburbs, 67

Radnor, Pa., 133, 135

Radnor Hunt Club, 67

real estate speculation, 14–15

Redford, Robert, The Candidate, 154

Redwood City, Calif., 153, 154

Reid, Whitelaw, 124

religious discrimination:

in Cincinnati, 51

in Salt Lake City, 21–22, 25

See also Jews, acceptance of

Renaissance Plaza, 59, 195

renovation of slum areas, 200

Reserve Inn, 35

resorts, summer, 141–150

restaurants and bars:

D. B. Cooper’s, Salt Lake City, 23

Eagle’s Nest, Phoenix, 14

Olympia Tea Room, Watch Hill, R.I., 144

Pinnacle Peak, Phoenix, 14

Reserve Inn, Hudson, Ohio, 35

Rice, H. B., site of house, 7

Rich, Michael Peter, 69–70, 76

Rich, Morris, 69, 70

Rich, Richard, 69, 70

Riverdale, N.Y., 192

River Oaks, Texas, 3–7, 9–10

river views, Cincinnati, 42

Robinson, Ash, 6

Robinson, Oscar, 55–56

Rockefeller, Andrew, 95

Rockefeller, David, 88

Rockefeller, Emma, 89

Rockefeller, Geraldine (Ethel) (Mrs. Marcellus H. Dodge), 89, 90–91

Rockefeller, Godfrey, 91, 93

Rockefeller, Mrs. Godfrey, 94

Rockefeller, Godfrey Stillman, 88

Rockefeller, James Stillman, 94–95

Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 88, 89, 124, 129

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 88, 89

Rockefeller, John D., III, 88, 106

Rockefeller, Laurance, 88

Rockefeller, Molly (Mrs. William), 95, 96

Rockefeller, Nelson, 88, 93

Rockefeller, Percy, 89, 91, 92, 93

children of, 91–92

Rockefeller, William, Sr., 88–90, 95–96

estate of, 92

Rockefeller, William, 94, 95–96, 97–98, 120

Rockefeller, William G., 89, 90, 91

children of, 91–92

Rockefeller, Winthrop, 88

Rockefellers, Greenwich branch, 87–98

life style, 94

summer camp, 95–96

wealth of, 92, 97

Rockefellers, Tarrytown branch, 88–98

life style of, 94

wealth of, 96–97

Rogers, Henry H., 89

Rojas, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel, 161, 166

Romney, Melbourne, 23

Roosevelt Island, N.Y., 193

Rosemont, Pa., 134

Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, 72

Rothblatt, Donald, 156

Rothschild, Baron Philippe de, 166

Rowan, C. W., 155

Rye, N.Y., 95, 96, 115–121, 172, 174, 175

average age of residents, 197

Grapple Street, 119

schools, 119, 120–121

sex practices, 182

Rye Country Day School, 78, 96, 119–120

Rye Town Hilton, 118

St. David’s, Pa., 134

Saltair, 28

Salt Lake City, Utah, 19–29

availability of alcohol in, 22–23

founded by Brigham Young, 19–20

Great Salt Lake, 28

life style, 22–27

notable families, 22, 27

polygamy in, 24

religious conflicts in, 21–22, 25

schools, 25


Federal Heights, 21

Olympus Cove, 21

urban life in, 192, 194

San Antonio, Texas, 167

San Fernando Valley, Calif., blacks in, 198–199

San Francisco, Calif., 166–167

suburbs, 153–160

urban life in, 192, 194

water views, 193

San Jose, Calif., 154

San Jose Symphony Orchestra, 154

Santa Barbara, Calif., 122, 160–167

architectural style, 163

earthquake in, 163

old families, 164

Santa Clara Valley, Calif., 154–156

Savannah, Ga., 131

Schlotman, Mrs. Joseph, 64

Schnitzer, Kenneth and Joan, 4


in Carefree, Ariz., 18

Coronado High School, Scottsdale, Ariz., 12

in Darien, Conn., 103

economics of, 172

in Hudson, Ohio, 36

integration of, in Los Angeles, 199

private, 177

in Rye, N.Y., 119, 120–121

Rye Country Day School, 78, 96, 119–120

in Salt Lake City, 25

Scott, Mrs. Harold, 125–126

Scott, Sir Walter, Ivanhoe, 93

Scottsdale, Ariz., 11–16, 186

Coronado High School, 12

dress, 14

Fifth Ave., 196–197

life style, 13–14, 15, 16

Mafia in, 14

patriotism in, 11–13

Pinnacle Peak, 14

Seal Harbor, Maine, 95, 147

service organizations as social entry, 177–178

sex practices in suburbs, 179–182

Seymour, Mrs. Mary, 119

Seymour Electric Co., 119

Shaker Heights, Ohio, 122, 172

Shaker Square, shopping center, 196

Shawnee Mission, Mo., 179–181

Shenerock Shore Club, 118

Shepard, Helen Gould (Mrs. Finlay), 124

Sherman, Roger, 121

shopping centers:

Carefree Shopping Center, Phoenix, Ariz., 17

Galleria, Houston, Texas, 6–7

in Phoenix, Ariz., suburbs, 14, 17

in Santa Clara Valley, Calif., 154–156

ZCMI, Salt Lake City, Utah, 24

Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 96, 97

Smith, George Washington, 164–165

Smith, Joseph, 27

social entry, means of, 176–178

Social Register:

Atlanta, 74

Cincinnati, 52–53, 54

New York, 117, 128, 146

Santa Barbara, 166

Sondheim, Stephen, 143

Sound of Music, The, 115, 119, 121

Southport, Conn., 99

Spalding, Hughes, Jr., 75

Spalding, Jack, 75

Springer, Gerald, 55

Spring Grove Cemetery, 39–40

Srole, Leo, 188–190

Stamford, Conn., 87, 172

Standard Club, 72

Steinburger, Mrs. Harvey, 7

Stettinius & Hollister, law firm, 50

Steuben Glass staircase, 4

Stillman, Elsie (Mrs. William G. Rockefeller), 91

Stillman, Isabel (Mrs. Percy Rockefeller), 91

Stillman, James, 89, 91

Stirling County, Nova Scotia, mental health in, 189

Stolp, John and Kathleen, 154

Strafford, Pa., 134

Strauss, Mrs. Carl, 49

Suarez, Margarita, 201

suburban life, vii–viii, 122–130, 174–176, 186–188

changes in, 197–199

financial burdens of, 183–185

mental health in, 183, 188–191

migration to, 171–172

sex practices, 179–182

social entries, 174–178

summer homes, 43, 141–150

Summer Social Register, 43

Summit County, Ohio, 33–34

Sundial Realty Company, Phoenix, Ariz., 17

Sunnyvale, Calif., 154

Taft, Charles P., 51

Taft, Elizabeth (Mrs. Walbridge), 149

Taft, Martha Bowers, 50

Taft, Robert, Jr., 50

Taft, William Howard, 50

Taft Art Museum, 50

Talleyrand-Perigord, Duc de, 125

Tanner, Obert J., 26

Tarrytown, N.Y., 89, 123, 129–130

Afternoon Drive, 127

Tarver, Jack, 75

Tauber, Paul, 202

Taubman Company, 155

Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison, 148

Terrace Park, Ohio, 43, 53

Thaw, Harry K., 165

Thompson, Becky, 102–105

Thompson, Thomas, Blood and Money, 6

Tokeneke Road, Darien, Conn., 103–104

Tolstoi, Countess Cyril, 63

Town & Country, 160

Tutko, Thomas, 155

Twigs, 117–118

Twinsburg, Ohio, 35, 37

Tyler Davidson Memorial Fountain, 41

Union Terminal, Cincinnati, 40

United States Census, divorce rates, 182, 190

University of California, Santa Barbara, 165

University of Cincinnati, 48

urban life, 171–173, 188–191

mental health in, 188–189

return to, 191, 192–197

Valentine, Michael, 102

Valley Club, 164

Vandenberg Air Force Base, 165

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 129

Vanderlip, Frank A., 126–127

Van Dyke, Dick, 17


of mountains, 21, 194

of water, 42, 193–194

Villa, Mrs. Anthony, 4

Villanova, Pa., 133, 134

volunteer service as means of social entry, 177–178

Wainwright, Stuyvesant, Jr., 121

Warren & Wetmore, architectural firm, 8

Wasatch Mountains, Utah, 21

Washington, D.C., 199–203

crime rate, 190

urban life, 192

Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, 200

Watch Hill, R.I., 58, 141–150

dress, 148

old families, 142


feelings about, 192–193

views of, 42, 192–194

Wayne, Pa., 134, 135

Wee Burn Country Club, 103, 104, 173

Weil, Sydney, 45

Wendel, Ella, 127–129

Wendel, J. G., 127–129

Wendel, Rebecca, 127–129

Wesley Chapel, Cincinnati, 45

Westchester County, 122–130

old families, 127–130

Western Reserve Academy, 34, 36

Western Reserve of Conn., 34

Western Reserve University, 34

Weston, Conn., 87, 99

Weston, Phyllis (Mrs. Leo), 55

Westport, Conn., 87, 99

Wheelwright, Mrs. Michael, 166

White, Stanford, 164, 165

Whitehead, Robert, 143

Whitney, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 101

William Howard Taft School, 50

Wilson, Mrs. Russell, 48

Windmill Pointe, 60

windows, treatment of, 176

Wintersteen, Mrs. John, 140

Wittenstein, Charles, 72

women, single, discrimination against, 156–158

Women’s Wear Daily, 55

Woodmere, N.Y., 197, 198

Woods, William S., 70

Woodway Club, 103

Wynnewood, Pa., 134, 135, 138

Yale University, 93, 94, 95

Yorktown Heights, N.Y., 181

Young, Andrew, 70, 77

Young, Brigham, 19–20

Young, Harry, 111, 112

ZCMI Center, Salt Lake City, 24