For most people today, numbers are nothing more than mathematics, which they either love or hate. But numbers can be so much more—agents for more loving relationships, for more money, for better health, for personal growth, for spiritual awareness, and for greater luck. In numerology, each number is alive, a living energy that flows from and into infinity carrying positive and negative characteristics. When these energies combine, they create the spark of life. In ancient times the magi—early numerologists—became so skilled at directing and arranging these flows of universal life, they could shift the expected outcomes of events according to their wishes. Today, you can do the same and use numerology as a guide to help you make decisions as you seek self-knowledge, establish satisfying relationships, improve your love life, and become more financially successful.

Numerology will help you understand yourself through the wisdom of the numbers. Remember: the numbers are alive, they have personality. Beyond that, they are the substance of life and energy that empowers our spirit and soul. Use numerology wisely; it is the language form of the universe, and it has the power to show you how to live your life in joy and prosperity.