
Some of these stories appeared previously in the following periodicals and anthologies, sometimes in a different form:

The Arkansas International: “Circuit City”

Barrelhouse: “Let Me Think”

Better: “Husbands”

Bookanista: “Doors”

DIAGRAM: “Nine of Swords”

Epoch: “As Usual, Only the Crows,” “By the Light of Small Explosions,” “In Darkness,” “Lost and Gone,” “SuperAmerica,” “Unnamed”

Gigantic Worlds: “Something You May Not Have Known about Vera”

Los Angeles Review: “The Deaths of Animals,” “Jim’s Eye”

The Louisville Review: “Marriage (Dogs),” “Marriage (Game),” “Marriage (Marriage),” “Marriage (Mystery)”

Marry a Monster: “Marriage (Pie),” “Marriage (Whiskey)”

Matchbook Stories: “Marriage (Fault)”

McSweeney’s: “Pins,” “Subject Verb”

Monkeybicycle: “Falling Down the Stairs”

The New Yorker: “Breadman,” “The Loop”

Outlook Springs: “The Regulations”

Pie and Whiskey: Writers under the Influence of Butter and Booze: “Marriage (Divorce (Pie))”

Salon: “Apparently Not,” “Monsters”

The Short Story Advent Calendar 2016: “Blue Light, Red Light”

The Short Story Advent Calendar 2019: “The Unsupported Circle”

Significant Objects: “Choirboy”

Slate: “The Museum of Near Misses”

Unstuck: “The Cottage on the Hill”

Willow Springs: “Eleven,” “Marriage (Love),” “Marriage (Sick),” “Owl”

“Lipogram for a Passover Turkey Knife” was written in response to a prompt from Magna Wonder-Knife Inc., of the Empire State Building, New York, NY: “Here is my ten or more word statement as to WHY THE MAGNA WONDER-KNIFE FOOD SLICER IS BEST.”

“Boys” and “Girls” were written for a chapbook, Boys≠Girls, published by LunaSea Press, in Ithaca, New York, and presented at the Spring Writes Literary Festival in May 2015.

“Falling Down the Stairs” and “It’s Over” were originally written for and performed at the Friday-night Merrill House readings at the Colgate Writers Conference.

“Marriage (Pie)” and “Marriage (Whiskey)” were originally written for and performed at the Pie & Whiskey Reading at the Montana Book Festival in September 2015, in Missoula, Montana.

“The Museum of Near Misses” is a cover of Vladimir Nabokov’s “The Visit to the Museum.”