When you have stories about everything from Tim Hortons doughnuts to the Halifax explosion, Molson beer to the introduction of the loonie, Joni Mitchell to Simon Whitfield, and Red Green to CCM bicycles, you know it’s going to take a big book to cram in all that amazing Canadiana.

The Big Book of Canadian Trivia contains all that and much more.

From history and sports to music and business, this book will enlighten you about the many threads that weave through the tapestry that is Canada. For fans of our previous books, this new collection takes some of the best items from our more than 20 years of research into this country and blends them with an array of new information we’ve dug up since our last book Whatever Happened To…? Catching Up with Canadian Icons.

Think of this book as something of a Greatest Hits CD of Canadian trivia. We’ve gathered together some of the most surprising, delightful, and stirring moments from Canada’s long history and added in as bonus tracks an array of new, compelling Canadiana.

And as a tip of the hat to all those Canadians who grew up as keen observers of the culture and history of our neighbours to the south, we’ve added a sprinkling of American trivia that should be a fun test of your knowledge about goings on across the border.

Many of you grew up watching the Oscars, listening to American rock and roll, or indulging in Sunday afternoons with NFL football on the tube, and we’ve got some quizzes on those topics and others to test your brainpower.

Of course, even The Big Book of Canadian Trivia can’t encompass everything, so if you want to continue to dabble please visit our website for more factual fun and tantalizing trivia tidbits.

Whether you read our Canadian trivia in this, our latest book, or on our website, we’re pleased to have you along for the ride as we take you on a trip that explores the lighter side of Canada.
