1. Lenore became discouraged and began to feel frustrated about her future and her desire to be married and have a family of her own. Have you ever become impatient with God’s timing and plan for your life and tried to work things out your own way?
2. Michelle faced a number of major changes in her life, including becoming Amish, getting established in the Plain community, and, later, moving to New York where she didn’t know anyone. Have you had to move a lot or dealt with numerous life changes? How did you grow or adjust to each situation?
3. Jesse suffered a great loss and had trouble moving on. Although he still loved his deceased wife and was not in love with Lenore, Jesse saw the need to move on for his daughter, Cindy’s, sake because he felt that she needed a mother to care for her. Jesse also needed someone to cook and keep house for him. Can you understand his indecision about marrying Lenore? Have you or someone you know been in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Would you marry someone for the sake of convenience if you did not feel any love for them?
4. Lenore’s father, Ivan, was frustrated with Jesse after he broke his engagement to Lenore. He felt that Jesse should have been honest with her about his feelings from the beginning and not led Lenore to believe he was in love with her. As parents, we don’t like seeing our children, even as adults, be rejected by someone. What are some ways we can help our children deal with the hurts they face in life?
5. Although devastated by the loss of Willis, Mary Ruth felt assured that she would see him again. She also took comfort in knowing her beloved husband was with the Lord and no longer suffering. Have you lost someone dear to you? Are you assured you will see them again? Do you know the Lord personally and have confidence that you’ll be with Him when you pass from this world?
6. Brad was a pastor, dedicated to preaching God’s Word and helping others. Sara had taken on the role of a pastor’s wife. Can you think of ways these responsibilities are fulfilling as well as stressful? Have you been praying for your pastor and pastor’s family? What are some things you can do to show your love and appreciation of the clergy and their families in the church you attend?
7. Lenore was confused by her feelings for Jesse after he admitted he was not in love with her. She enjoyed spending time with Mark, but her heart continued to lean toward Jesse. How did she figure out what to do? Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn’t see clearly which direction the Lord was leading? What did you do about it?
8. Ezekiel had to confront his parents with his decision to move to New York and begin a new vocation. He needed to tell his dad he wasn’t happy working in the greenhouse and wanted to pursue his own interests. Have you ever been in Ezekiel’s situation or in his parents’ situation? Should parents dictate what grown children should do with their lives or expect them to live where they want them to?
9. Michelle was separated from her bothers at an early age. Can you imagine her feeling of loss and separation and the desire to see them again? Have you experienced anything like that? How did you cope?
10. Lenore loved to teach, but it became harder for her as time went on. The stress seemed more difficult to handle as she grew older and dreamed of becoming a wife and mother. Do you have a job you are dissatisfied with? Is the Lord leading you in a new direction or wanting you to learn some valuable lessons along the way?
11. Jesse was a single parent. That seems to be much more common than it used to be. Do you know a single parent you could lend a hand to or encourage? Are you a single parent? What could you use the most help with in your situation?
12. When Mary Ruth became a widow, at first she felt as if her life had no meaning. Having Lenore and Cindy around helped to fill her lonely days, but she still grieved the loss of her husband. What can be done for a person who has suffered such bereavement? If you have lost someone close to you, what helped the most as you moved forward?
13. Why do you think Rhoda put the verses and sayings in the old jars? Do you have a collection of verses and sayings that have helped you during difficult times? If so, you may want to review them and then share them with someone who might need encouragement.
14. Did you learn anything new about the Amish way of living while reading The Healing Jar? If so, what did you learn, and what are your thoughts about people who have chosen to live the Plain way of life?
15. What have you learned from this book, as well as the others in the Prayer Jars series? Were there any particular Bible verses that spoke to your heart? Spend some time thinking about new insights and scriptures and consider how to incorporate them into your life.