When you outgrow or wear out your shoes, you don’t have to throw them out. If they are still in good condition, give them to a thrift store. (Maybe someone else can use them.) But if they are pretty worn, this project will give your shoes new life.
What you need:
• a pair of old shoes
• a drill with small drill bit
• potting soil
• flower seeds or a small plant
What you do:
1. Ask a grown-up to drill several small holes in the bottoms of the shoes. These holes will let water drain out to help keep your plants healthy.
2. Fill the toe of the shoe with potting soil. Pack it in firmly. If you are using seeds, move on to step three. If you are using a plant, skip to step four.
3. Fill the rest of the shoe with potting soil. Plant your seeds according to the directions on the package. Follow the directions for how to care for the seeds, and soon you will have a shoe full of flowers!
4. Place some soil in the heel of the shoe, leaving room for your plant. Carefully, place the plant in, adding more soil around it to secure it in place. Water it thoroughly.
Water your planters every day, and enjoy the pretty flowers. This makes a very nice gift for your mom or grandma, too!