
gratitude goes out to my husband who has never given up on me and supported me through the good and the bad. When I told him I wanted to start writing again, he never wavered and has encouraged me every step of the way. He goes out of his way to make sure I have dedicated writing time and insists that I stick to my goals. Our start to 2020 was particularly rough, but we made it through together, and I wouldn’t know what to do without him at my side.

I also want to thank my family for never doubting or questioning my dream of being an author. I was encouraged from a young age to write, and my grandparents took me to the library regularly so I could always have a pile of new reading material. And my 7th grade English teacher, Mrs. Cook, who encouraged me to write, enter competitions, and assured me that she believed I would be a published author one day. Despite my reluctance to reveal the nature of my books, having been raised in a conservative area, my family quickly offered their support and often talk about my books with friends and co-workers. I have been fortunate to have had a lifetime of encouragement, surrounded by individuals who embrace my work.

After joining the online author community, I discovered many friends who shared my life-long dream and readers who are always eager to support my career and my work. Many have become lifelong friends. Pepper Winters and Lyra Parish were among the first people I truly connected with. Pepper’s friendship and guidance have meant the world to me over the last seven years. We spent almost every day writing together for many years, and we probably talked to each other more than our spouses some days. Lyra is simply an amazing person, and her willingness to help others and support the writing community inspire me every day.

My first readers, Sasha, Sheila, Becca, Vicki, Amber, and LK have also provide a source of strength and resilience for me. These amazing ladies have always been there to provide words of encouragement, critiques, and catch the silly errors that have slipped through the net. I appreciate them putting up with my insanity and willingly acting as the guinea pigs for all of my work.

Finally, thank you to every reader who makes it possible to keep following my dreams. I hate doing acknowledgements, because I always feel like there is someone who is going to be left out, but every person who has encouraged, supported, and interacted me over the last seven years will always be in my heart because you have made this journey a little easier, a little more entertaining, and worth every moment of struggle.