In a book that is essentially about acknowledging and repaying debts, I must extend a debt of gratitude to the many friends and family who assisted in easing the burden of having a book hanging over my head: Hugo Barreca, Paul and Judy Berkman, Sandee Brawarsky, Asha Curran, Marjory Dobbin, Eva Fogelman, Robert Goldblum, Sol Haber, Tom Hameline, Angela Himsel, Robert Hollweg, Tracey Hughes, Annette Insdorf, Carolyn Jackson, Myrna Kirkpatrick, Andrea and Bill Kirsh, Gary Klein, Andy Kovler, Jim Leitner, Karen Mauskop, Ellen Pall, Pearl Pantone, Brett Paul, Paula and Maya Rackoff, Danny Retter, Solenne Rose, Joel Seidemann, Bret Stephens, David Stern, Ivan Strausz, Esther Tendy, and Susan Wolfson.

Also due thanks are my longtime agent and friend, Ellen Levine, who continues to watch over this literary career, and my editors for this book, David Pervin, whose vision and support hovers over this book still, and Christie Henry, a most redoubtable and inspiring publisher and friend. I would also like to thank Yvonne Zipter and Carrie Adams for their dedicated editorial and promotional efforts on my behalf.

I had a crack team of research assistants from Fordham Law School who assisted in preparing this book to be written, loyal former students who are now friends: Claire Evans, Ilana Ofgang, Megan Rockwell, Jared Stanisci, and especially, Kate Moore and Aaron Retter. And I was assisted by one of Fordham’s law librarians, Theodore Pitts.

I also had a Dream Team of teenage daughters who pitched in at critical times and without the inducement of a reward: Zofii and Elska, who I thank for their flawless inputting, and Basia Tess, for her meticulous end-noting. And, finally, a full-throated thank you to Roslyn, who simply lovingly makes it all easier.