Carla plopped down onto one of the two forest green chairs on her front porch and propped her feet on the railing. Cradling her cup of coffee between her palms, she took a sip, sighed as the glorious liquid slid down her throat, and then leaned her head against the chair back.

“Nice, huh, Abbey?”

The golden retriever beside her stretched out on the cool cement porch and slapped her tail lazily.

“Yeah, I’m with you.”

She loved her family, but a long evening with them was enough to convince Carla that living alone was just this side of heaven. And maybe that’s part of the reason she wasn’t interested in having a man around. Right now, there was nobody talking. Nobody making demands on her time. Nobody expecting anything from her.

Nobody to let down.

Okay, steer the brain away from that train of thought.

Reaching over to the table beside her, she picked up a biscuit for the dog and, saying, “Treat,” tossed it. Abbey caught it on the fly, crunched it noisily, then laid her head back down as if exhausted from the effort. Smiling, Carla picked up an Oreo for herself and popped it into her mouth. Cookies and caffeine: the breakfast of champions.

Another sip and she felt herself starting to wake up. Slowly. Like it should be done. None of this leap out of bed, dress, hop in a car, and head for some office where you had to be nice to people you didn’t like so you wouldn’t lose the job you hated.

Of course it wasn’t always like that. Sometimes you had a good job. She had. For five years, she’d worked it and made herself into one of the best in the business. But then it had all gone to hell one fine day and now she was here. Pretending to everyone, including herself, that she didn’t miss it.

A pang in her chest eased away into a whisper of discomfort. She was all right. She was doing fine. She had her savings and the money she made from training search dogs. Everything was great. Right?

Carla frowned, ate another cookie, and had a coffee chaser. Thinking about it wouldn’t change anything. It would only serve to remind her of the very thing she spent most of her time trying to forget. It was done. Over. At twenty-eight, she was starting fresh. And here in Chandler, she’d make it work.

Her bare feet crossed at the ankle, her denim shorts hitting just above her knee, she tugged at the fabric of her red T-shirt, then settled back again. Whatever the weather, she started her days with this morning ritual. Coffee, cookies, and a seat on the porch where she could watch the world go by. If the world actually passed this way. Which it didn’t very often. Oh, there was the occasional car out on the road, fifty yards from the porch. But the street wasn’t exactly Highway 101.

Chandler was a good mile to the east. Here on the outskirts, her closest neighbors were her mother—sometimes too close—on one side and, on the other, the Garvey cottage. Her gaze slid in that direction and she found herself wondering just who she’d be dealing with this year.

But then, dealing with a new batch of tourists every year was just part and parcel of living in Chandler. Most of the town’s economy depended on a good summer, with people coming in from all over to stay in the B and Bs and cruise the art galleries and visit the local winery and the beach. By the end of summer, the fall crowd was trickling in, to watch the incredible show of color that Mother Nature put on every year. Winter was a time to relax and enjoy the quiet; then spring arrived and the first of the tourists began the whole cycle all over again.

But besides the tourist trade, there were the local commercial fishermen who ran a fresh fish market at the dock and the outlying ranches that fed the farmers’ market every Thursday. They were within commuting distance of San Jose, and Monterey wasn’t much farther. Of course, with one movie theater and no mall to speak of, the teenagers didn’t have a lot to do, which led to plenty of mischief making. The clinic was too small for a growing town, and environmentalists held regular protests against the timber company. But other than that, Chandler was great.



Damn near perfect.

Then the phone rang.

She scowled as Abbey lifted her head. “I know. It’s an ungodly hour for anyone to call. Let’s ignore it.”

The dog flapped her tail against the porch again as the phone shrieked a second time, an irritating intrusion.

“Okay, fine. I’ll answer it. But I won’t be nice.”

She stepped over the dog, crossed the porch, and went into the house. The phone was just inside the front door on a battered table that Carla liked to think of as “distressed.” Sounded so much more trendy than “junk.” Soft morning sunlight splintered through the oval stained-glass pane set above the picture window in the living room. The blue of the sea and the emerald green of the trees sent shafts of color dancing about what would otherwise be a plain but comfortable room.

And the morning quiet shattered again with the third insistent ring. Snatching up the receiver, she nearly snarled, “What?”

“Nice. Still your charming self in the morning, I see.”

“Mike.” At the familiar voice, Carla’s hand tightened on the receiver. Strange. Even the sunlight seemed a little dimmer.

“Ah, she remembers.”

“What’s not to remember?” she said, hoping her voice sounded lighter than she felt at the moment. It was way too early to be talking to anyone. Let alone Mike Shaner. She thought about going out to retrieve her coffee cup from the porch, then decided against it. She’d just get rid of him quickly—then try to reclaim her morning.

“Look,” he said, and she heard the tone he would always use when he wanted her to go out on a job. For years he’d been laboring under the impression that he oozed charm. And maybe the people still working for Searchers had to go along with that. But she didn’t work for him anymore, did she? “You been watching the news?”

“No.” She never watched the news anymore. She’d sworn off. Too many disasters. Too many crises. Too many people needing help that she couldn’t give. Nervously she walked around the room, straightening picture frames on the wall, kicking a throw pillow onto the sofa, then pausing long enough to write her name in the dust on the coffee table. Really had to get to that, she thought.

She picked up the postcard of an aqua blue sea rushing toward a pristine white beach and wished she’d gone with her best friend on that cruise. Then she wouldn’t have been here to answer the phone.

Anything, she told herself. Think of anything but what Mike was calling about.

“Do you get the news out in that backwater you live in?”

Her eyes rolled. According to the gospel of Mike, any place outside of LA qualified as the boondocks.

“Not only do we have TV, but we may get a new thing called a refrigerator. The whole town is chipping in together. We’re going to share it. It’s very exciting.”

“One cup of coffee or two so far?”


“God help me.”

She sighed. “What do you want, Mike?”

“We have a situation.”

“Not interested.” Her stomach twisted, her palms began to sweat, and every bit of moisture in her mouth dried up. But despite the sick pool of dread swimming inside, she was also honest enough to admit, if only to herself, that her heartbeat quickened with a splash of the old adrenaline. “I told you that when I quit, Mike.”

“It’s been two years. Get over it.”

She squeezed that receiver until it should have snapped. “Go to hell.”

“Damn it, Carla.” She could almost see him shoving one hand through his hair and then tugging at the knot in his ever-present tie. He probably had one cigarette burning in the ashtray and another one tucked into the corner of his mouth. The man was a walking ulcer waiting to happen. Of course, the six-pack of Mylanta he chugged almost daily would probably keep that threat at bay.

“I mean it, Mike. I meant it two years ago and nothing’s changed.” Just her life. Just her dreams. Just everything.

“It’s a waste, that’s what it is. You’re the best, Carla, and you should be doing what you were born to do.”

“I am.”

“That’s bullshit. You’re hiding.”

“If I’m hiding, how did you find me?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do. And you know what I mean when I say no.”

“Well, how about loaning me Abbey?”

Carla yanked the receiver away, glared at it, then slapped it back to her ear. “Abbey’s my dog and you damn well know it. We’re a team. Nobody else works her but me.”

“Fine. Work her.”

“We’re retired.”

“You can’t retire; it’s in your blood.”

“I’ve had a transfusion.” She could be just as stubborn as Mike. More so, with only one cup of coffee in her. “What about the dogs I sold you last year? They’re excellent. Use them.”

“They are excellent. You and Abbey are better.”

She walked back toward the front door and stared out the screen. Fastening her gaze on the line of trees in the distance and drawing up an image of the ocean just beyond, she tried to center herself. Fought to remember that her life was here, now. Not in LA. Not in the middle of a disaster area. Not trooping through misery trying to keep a knot of hope alive.

She couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t be the one to look into tear-filled eyes and crush the last tiny flicker of optimism. If that made her a selfish bitch, then she’d just have to live with it.

“Listen, Carla.…”

Outside, Abbey stood up and walked across the porch, ears up, head tilted, obviously scenting something unusual. Carla took a step closer, watching her dog, not even listening to Mike anymore, though his voice rattled on, no more than a droning sound, a distraction. The dog stepped off the porch and headed around the side of the house, out of sight.

“Mike,” Carla interrupted him. “I gotta go.”

“No, damn it—”

“Bye.” She hung up, and hit the front door. Crossing the porch in a couple of strides, she followed after Abbey, more curious than worried. Nothing ever happened in Chandler. It was one of the last bastions of small-town life in America. No one locked their doors. Neighbors watched out for one another. And no secret had a shelf life of longer than twenty-four hours.

She’d grown up here. Gone off to the big city to find herself, and when she didn’t like what she found she’d come back home. It hadn’t been easy to swallow her pride—admit she’d failed—but what was that old saying? “Home is the place that, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” Well, she was home again. To where she felt safe. And Abbey getting spooked wasn’t going to spoil that feeling.

*   *   *

Jackson shoved his right hand through his hair and squeezed the telephone receiver in his left. “Damn it. Where could she have gone?” He paced back and forth in front of the wide lead-paned picture window gracing the house he’d rented for the summer. As he listened to the phone ringing on the other end of the line, his gaze scanned the grassy slope that led from the house down to the road. Nothing. No sign of her. His heart tightened in his chest. Less than twenty-four hours here and she was missing. For chrissakes, was this some kind of sign? Was somebody trying to tell him something?

Like maybe … You’re out of your depth, Wyatt.

“Sheriff’s office.”

“Thank God.”

“Is there a problem?”

Yeah, you could say that. Hell, you could say that about the last year. But that wasn’t really the issue here, was it?

“Hell, yes, there’s a problem!” Jackson nearly shouted. “My daughter’s missing.”

“Who is this?” Tony Candellano asked, swinging his feet down off the corner of his desk and rolling his chair closer. Reaching for a pen, he grabbed a pad of paper.

“Wyatt. Jackson Wyatt.”

Instantly Tony’s mind raced, going through every one of the names and faces of the people in and around Chandler. A man in his position got to know the people who elected him. And a town the size of Chandler couldn’t hide a stranger for long. But the name Wyatt didn’t ring any bells.

“Where are you located?”

“Sixteen-sixteen Robello Drive. You’ve got to send someone right out.”

“Ah, the Garvey place.” Okay now, that explained a few things. Summer renters. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he said in the practiced calming tone he’d discovered long ago cut right through incipient hysteria. “Now just stay put. Probably nothing to worry about. Chances are she’s just wandering around taking a look at the place.”

“She’s six.”

Shit. “Okay, Mr. Wyatt. Wait there. I’ll be with you in a few minutes.” But the man had already hung up. Apparently, his “calming” tone didn’t work any better on Jackson Wyatt than it did on Beth. And, grumbling to himself, Tony headed for the door and the squad car parked right outside.

*   *   *

As she rounded the house, Carla’s gaze swept the area. Trees, dozens of them, surrounded her lot. Pines, poplars, and even an oak that looked older than time tossed shade onto the grass and set the brass wind chimes hanging from the corner of the house to singing. A slider swing, painted a bright blue, sat empty beside a fountain that burbled noisily. The flower beds were just coming to life, tender green shoots spearing through the dark earth, and in a few weeks there would be splashes of color to brighten up the yard. The puppy enclosure took up the back half of the lot. Six golden retriever pups currently lived in the three large white doghouses set behind chain-link fencing—her house might be dusty, but the puppy pen was spotless.

Carla had never claimed to be Suzy Homemaker. Despite her mother’s best efforts at taming her only daughter, Carla had always preferred being outside. Came from having three older brothers, she guessed. She’d played football and baseball and had been falling off her skateboard while other little girls were having tea parties with their dolls.

She pushed her hair back from her face and quickened her step. The still-damp grass felt cool against her feet, and a chill swept up her spine. From the direction of the puppies’ enclosure came the sharp yips and barks that heralded the start of another day. But it was different this morning. Louder. More excited, somehow.

Carla headed for the chain-link fence and spotted Abbey, sitting beside the fence, ignoring the puppies clamoring over one another on the other side. Of course, Abbey was a sucker for being petted. And the little girl rubbing the dog’s head was clearly enjoying herself as much as the golden was.


The girl’s head snapped up and wide blue eyes fastened on Carla as she approached. But an instant later, those eyes were shifting from one side to another as if the child was looking for a quick getaway.

“It’s okay.” Carla stopped and lifted both hands. “You’re not in trouble or anything.” The girl relaxed a fraction but still looked ready to bolt. Slowly Carla dropped her hands, then shoved them into her pockets. While Abbey whined and pushed her head beneath the child’s hand, Carla studied the girl.

Young. No more than seven or eight. Blond hair messily pulled into pigtails on either side of her head. She looked too thin, as if she hadn’t been eating enough, and her pink shorts and yellow-striped T-shirt were rumpled, not to mention mismatched. She wore neon green tennis shoes, with Scooby-Doo on the toes, and a wary expression on her face.

Her small hand continued to smooth over the top of Abbey’s head, and knowing her dog, Carla realized the golden was about to melt into a puddle of affection. Where had the kid come from? Carla’s first instinct was to take the girl inside and give her some milk while she called Tony at the station house. But a moment later, she realized that the kid probably belonged to the summer renters.

Oh, this is a good start to the summer, she thought wryly. Not a house full of noisy teenagers this year—but at least one small girl who obviously had a soft spot for puppies.

But then, who didn’t?

Carla looked past the girl at the puppies and smiled to herself. “Cute, aren’t they?”

The child didn’t say anything, but her gaze shifted to the puppies climbing over one another in an attempt to get to her through the chain link. And a small smile curved that little mouth.

“Yeah,” Carla said, moving slowly as she walked closer. “I think goldens are the cutest puppies ever. They look like little white puffballs, don’t they?” She took a seat on the grass beside Abbey and carefully kept her distance from the child. After all, Carla didn’t know what was going on here.

From the look of things, the girl was being neglected. Angela Candellano would have died before letting one of her children go out looking like an orphan. Orphan. Maybe she didn’t have parents. Maybe she wasn’t from the Garvey house. Maybe she’d wandered away from … somewhere. A campsite down by the lake? On the beach? After all, it stood to reason that if she was with the new summer rentals, wouldn’t someone be out looking for her by now?

Carla watched the girl as she poked small fingers through the gray chain link, letting the all-too-happy-to-oblige puppies chew and suck at her fingertips. There was a sweet but lost look to her, and Carla’s long-suppressed maternal instinct suddenly kicked into high gear. Surprised the hell out of her.

“Are you lost?”

A quick shake of the head and one of those pigtails slipped another notch.

“Does your mom know where you are?”

Those big blue eyes fastened on her again and this time they were filled with sudden tears.

Oh, man.


A man’s voice, deep and scared, roared over the din of the puppies. The girl jumped, obviously nervous, and Carla came to her feet, waiting for whoever was coming. Abbey, too, went on alert, standing up and positioning herself in front of the girl.

He stomped around the side of the house. Long legs looked even longer in faded blue jeans. The black polo shirt he wore made his fair skin seem paler, and his light brown hair looked as though he’d shoved his hands through it repeatedly. His eyes were as blue as the girl’s, and Carla watched as they scanned the yard frantically, finally coming to rest on the child beside her.

Relief rushed across his features, quickly followed by a carefully banked anger.

“Reese. You shouldn’t have just left the house.” He walked around Carla, not even acknowledging her presence. She didn’t know whether to be impressed or insulted. He did, however, give a moment’s pause to Abbey. But apparently not sensing any danger, the dog moved out of his way. Going down on one knee, he turned the child’s face toward his and said, “Don’t do that to me again. You scared me to death.”

“Scared me a little, too,” Carla said, not that anyone was listening. “I didn’t know where she belonged.”

Neither of them looked at her.

The child nodded, but he wasn’t finished.

“You can’t just wander off. It isn’t safe. You could have been hit by a car when you crossed that road.”

“It’s not a busy road,” Carla put in.

He ignored her.

“Now come on,” he said, standing up and helping the girl to her feet. “We’ll go home and I’ll make you breakfast.”

The little girl mimed putting her hand into a bag.

“Cookies?” the man asked. “No, you can’t have cookies for breakfast.”

Carla shrugged. Most people just didn’t know how to live. “You know,” she said, and waited until he was looking at her, finally, before she continued. “It’s customary in some tribal communities to actually say thank you to someone who’s helped you out.”

“Thank you?”

“You’re welcome.”

He gave her a look that was decidedly ungrateful. “Look, Ms.…”

“Candellano. Carla.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry my daughter and I disrupted your morning.”

She smiled at the child before looking at him again. “She didn’t disrupt me at all.” She looked up into eyes the same color as the girl’s and wondered what kind of man he was. He obviously wasn’t paying enough attention to his daughter. The girl was running around alone, first thing in the morning, in a strange neighborhood—looking like an extra in Annie. “But you and her mother should keep a better eye on her.”

Jackson glared at her, but she didn’t back up an inch. Any other time, he might have admired that. But this was now and, damn it, he’d already had enough trouble for one morning. His gaze swept her up and down, from the top of her black curly hair, to the tips of her bright pink toenail polish, to the tiny silver toe ring on her left foot. Her features were fine: a straight, even nose, full lips, and wide, expressive brown eyes that looked as though they could see through a man to his soul. Which was a little disconcerting when a man had a soul that no one should be looking at. She had a curvy body and a sassy attitude that was alluring and irritating all at once. An instinctive, purely male response blasted through him and was quickly shut down. One thing he didn’t need at this stage of the game was a summer fling. The next three months were too important to blow on some brown-eyed free spirit with a smart but great-looking mouth.

“Her mother’s dead.”

Beside him, he felt Reese’s withdrawal, and it was all he could do to keep his anger trapped inside. He shouldn’t have blurted it out like that, but he wasn’t going to stand here and be lectured by a woman he’d never seen before. And he’d figured that the blunt statement would shut her up so he could take Reese back to the house.

It didn’t work.

“That’s too bad.”

She surprised him. Usually the first words someone said to him were, I’m sorry. As if they’d had something to do with Diane’s accident. It was pointless pity. Good manners. Nothing more. And he appreciated the fact that she hadn’t said it. For that alone he was almost ready to give her the thank-you she’d wanted earlier.


“Yeah. Well, I’ve got to get back to the house. I called the police when I found Reese missing and I’d better go call and let them know she’s been found.”

“Oh,” she said, waving one hand at him. “I’ll do it.”

“Why the hell would you do it?”

She cocked her head to one side and stared at him. “You’re a real charmer, aren’t you? Tony—the sheriff—is my brother.”


“Oh God, any more charm and I may swoon.”

“Jesus, Carla,” another voice piped up, and she half-turned to watch Tony stroll up, a solid, familiar figure in a buff beige uniform with a star pinned to his left breast pocket. “Cut the man a break.” He narrowed his gaze on her. “One cup or two so far?”



“Surrounded by crabby men.” She paused and sighed dramatically. “A girl’s dream come true.”

“Sheriff?” Jackson Wyatt turned toward Tony like a man reaching for a life preserver in a stormy sea and held out one hand. “Thanks for coming.”

He nodded, shook hands, and let his gaze cut to Reese. He smiled, but those sharp eyes of his were taking in the kid’s appearance and Carla knew his cop’s mind was churning. “Happy to help. Glad you found her.”

“Reese came to visit the puppies,” Carla said.

“It won’t happen again.”

The little girl’s face fell as she shifted her disappointed gaze from her father, to Abbey, to the puppies as if she’d just been told Santa was dead and the Easter Bunny was rabid.

Carla idly stroked Abbey’s head as the dog sat down beside her and leaned all of her ninety-five pounds against Carla’s leg. Used to it, she simply locked her knee and leaned back in to the dog to keep her balance. Deliberately ignoring both men, she looked at the little girl and said, “She can come back anytime. It’s okay with me.”

The child’s face lit up and her eyes shone as she turned and looked up at her father for permission just as he said, “It’s not okay with me.”

Carla wanted to kick him. Okay, he’d lost his wife. But he still had a daughter. A daughter who was obviously looking for something that he wasn’t giving her.

“Now if you’ll excuse us…” the man said, nodding to Tony and deliberately avoiding looking at Carla. “We’ll be going home now.”

She opened her mouth to say … well, she wasn’t sure exactly what she would have said, but Tony’s hand on her arm cut off the attempt anyway.

Once the Wyatts were out of sight, she looked at her brother. “Do you believe that guy?”

Tony sighed, bent down to rub the belly Abbey so thoughtfully provided by rolling over and losing every shred of her dignity. Glancing up at Carla, he said, “If you’re gonna bitch at me, can you at least give me some coffee?”