ALTHOUGH A WORK OF IMAGINATION, this novel was written with the help of several books of history. Gay Diary 1933-1946 by Donald Vining and the Gay/Lesbian Almanac by Jonathan Ned Katz were invaluable to me, works by just two of the many fine writers now uncovering the gay and lesbian past. Also useful to me were Naked City by Weegee, The Game of The Foxes by Ladislas Farago and Debutante by Gioia Diliberto. All historical facts, places and names have been used fictionally.

I owe a special debt to Frank Lowe, who told me the rumor that sparked this story, then shared his own memories from the period. Thanks again, Frank. For their advice, encouragement and friendship, I thank George Coleman, my editor at Donald I. Fine, Eric Ashworth, my literary agent, Peter Bejger at Henry Holt, John Niespolo, Ed Sikov, Mary Gentile, Chad Collins and, most of all, Draper Shreeve.