Electronic Components

If you are just starting out with electronic components, you may want to purchase a beginner’s starter kit that contains the basic components needed for many of the recipes in this book. These usually include the most common resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, LEDs, and switches.

Here are some popular choices:

You can also purchase the individual components for your project, as shown in Figure A-1. The following sections provide an overview of common electronic components.

Schematic representation of common components


Diodes permit current to flow in one direction and block it in the other direction. Most diodes have a band (see Figure A-1) to indicate the cathode (negative) end.

Diodes such as the 1N4148 can be used for low-current applications such as the levels used on Arduino digital pins. The 1N4001 diode is a good choice for higher currents (up to 1 amp).

See Also

For more comprehensive coverage of basic electronics, see the list of books in “What Was Left Out”.