Advanced Coding and Memory Handling

17.0 Introduction

As you do more with your Arduino, your sketches need to become more efficient. The techniques in this chapter can help you improve the performance and reduce the code size of your sketches. If you need to make your sketch run faster or use less RAM, the recipes here can help. The recipes here are more technical than most of the other recipes in this book because they cover things that are usually concealed by the friendly Arduino wrapper.

The Arduino build process was designed to hide complex aspects of C and C++, as well as the tools used to convert a sketch into the bytes that are uploaded and run on an Arduino board. But if your project has performance and resource requirements beyond the capability of the standard Arduino environment, you should find the recipes here useful.

The Arduino board uses memory to store information. It has three kinds of memory: program memory, random access memory (RAM), and EEPROM. Each has different characteristics and uses. Many of the techniques in this chapter cover what to do if you do not have enough of one kind of memory.

Program memory (also known as flash) is where the executable sketch code is stored. The contents of program memory can only be changed by the bootloader in the upload process initiated by the Arduino software running on your computer. After the upload process is completed, the memory cannot be changed until the next upload. There is far more program memory on an Arduino board than RAM, so it can be beneficial to store values that don’t change while the code runs (e.g., constants) in program memory. The bootloader takes up some space in program memory. If all other attempts to minimize the code to fit in program memory have failed, the bootloader can be removed to free up space, but an additional hardware programmer is then needed to get code onto the board.

If your code is larger than the program memory space available on the chip, the upload will not work and the IDE will warn you that the sketch is too big when you compile.

RAM is used by the code as it runs to store the values for the variables used by your sketch (including variables in the libraries used by your sketch). RAM is volatile, which means it can be changed by code in your sketch. It also means anything stored in this memory is lost when power is switched off. Arduino has much less RAM than program memory. If you run out of RAM while your sketch runs on the board (as variables are created and destroyed while the code runs) the board will misbehave (crash).

EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory) is memory that code running on Arduino can read and write, but it is nonvolatile memory that retains values even when power is switched off. EEPROM access is significantly slower than for RAM, so EEPROM is usually used to store configuration or other data that is read at startup to restore information from the previous session.

To understand these issues, it is helpful to understand how the Arduino IDE prepares your code to go onto the chip and how you can inspect the results it produces.

See Also

AVRfreaks is a website for software engineers that is a good source for technical detail on the controller chips used by Arduino.

Technical details on the C preprocessor

The memory specifications for all of the official boards can be found on the Arduino website.

17.1 Understanding the Arduino Build Process


When you click Compile or Upload, a lot of activity happens that is not usually displayed on screen. The command-line tools that the Arduino IDE was built to hide are used to compile, link, and upload your code to the board.

First your sketch file(s) are transformed into a file suitable for the compiler (AVR-GCC) to process. All source files in the sketch folder that have the default Arduino (.ino) file extension are joined together to make one file. All files that end in .c or .cpp are compiled separately. Header files (with an .h extension) are ignored unless they are explicitly included in the files that are being joined.

#include "Arduino.h" (WProgram.h in previous releases) is added at the top of the file to include the header file with all the Arduino-specific code definitions, such as digitalWrite() and analogRead(). If you want to examine the contents of that file, change to the directory where Arduino was installed; from there, you can navigate to hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino to find the header files

On the Mac, right-click the Arduino application icon and select Show Package Contents from the drop-down menu. A folder will open; from the folder, navigate to Contents/Java/. You’ll be able to find the hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino folder there.


The Arduino directory structure may change in new releases, so check the documentation for the release you are using.

To make the code valid C++, the prototypes of any functions declared in your code are generated next and inserted.

Finally, the setting of the board menu is used to insert values (obtained from the boards.txt file) that define various constants used for the controller chips on the selected board.

This file is then compiled by AVR-GCC, which is included as part the Arduino IDE installation. It is in the hardware/tools/avr/bin folder under the Arduino installation (on macOS, the hardware directory is under the Contents/Java/ folder within the Arduino app as described earlier).

The compiler produces a number of object files (files with an extension of .o that will be combined by the link tool). These files are stored in your temporary directory. In there, you’ll find directories such as arduino_build_137218 that contain all the build artifacts. You can determine your temporary directory on Windows by checking the value of the TEMP environment variable: open a command prompt and run the command echo %TEMP%. On macOS, open a Terminal shell and run the command echo $TMPDIR. On Linux, you should be able to find build artifacts in /tmp.

The object files are then linked together to make a hex file to upload to the board. Avrdude, a utility for transferring files to the Arduino controller, is used to upload to the board.

The tools used to implement the AVR build process can be found in the hardware\tools\avr\bin\ directory.

Another useful tool for experienced programmers is avr-objdump, which you can find in the hardware/tools/avr/bin folder under the Arduino install. It lets you see how the compiler turns the sketch into code that the controller chip runs. This tool produces a disassembly listing of your sketch that shows the object code intermixed with the source code. It can also display a memory map of all the variables used in your sketch. To use the tool, compile the sketch and navigate to the Arduino build folder (which will be a subdirectory of your temporary directory as described earlier). You can also find this by enabling and viewing verbose compiler output and looking for the directory name there. Navigate to the folder that contains the file with the .elf file extension. The file used by avr-objdump is the one with the extension .elf. For example, if you compile the Blink sketch you could view the compiled output (the machine code) by executing the following on the Windows command line (note the use of the PATH command to add the Arduino bin folder to the head of your PATH for this session only). You will need to change 706012 to the suffix of the arduino_build folder for the sketch you just compiled:

cd %TEMP%
cd arduino_build_706012
PATH "\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\";%PATH%
avr-objdump -S Blink.ino.elf

On Linux, it will be more like this:

cd /tmp/arduino_build_700798/
avr-objdump -S Blink.ino.elf

And for macOS:

cd arduino_build_97987/
avr-objdump -S Blink.ino.elf

It is convenient to direct the output to a file that can be read in a text editor. You can do this as follows:

avr-objdump -S Blink.ino.elf > blink.txt

You can add the -h option to add a list of section headers (helpful for determining memory usage):

avr-objdump -S -h Blink.ino.elf > blink.txt

For non-AVR boards, such as ARM-based boards or ESP8266, the Arduino core (a collection of tools, header files, and other files that support compilation on a particular hardware architecture) are stored under your home directory somewhere. On macOS, cores are stored in ~/Library/Arduino15/packages. On Windows, it’s %LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15\packages. On Linux, ~/.arduino15/packages. For example, at the time of this writing, the objdump file for SAMD boards is located in the arduino/tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc/4.8.3-2014q1/arm-none-eabi/bin/ folder beneath the packages folder:

arm-none-eabi-objdump -S Blink.ino.elf

If you have many cores installed, including cores from Adafruit, SparkFun, or the ESP8266 community, there may be several ARM toolchains in there. The best way to determine which one goes with which core is to compile your sketch verbosely and look for the full path to the tools. When you see a command like arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m0plus or xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -CC -E -P -DVTABLES_IN_FLASH scroll by, make note of the full path to the tool.

17.2 Determining the Amount of Free and Used RAM


This recipe shows you how you can determine the amount of free memory available to your sketch. This sketch contains a function called memoryFree that reports the amount of available RAM on an AVR:

 * Free memory sketch for AVR

void setup()

void loop()
  Serial.println(memoryFree());  // print the free memory

// Variable created by the build process when compiling the sketch
extern int *__brkval; // Pointer to last address allocated on the heap (or 0)

// function to return the amount of free RAM
int memoryFree()
  int freeValue; // This will be the most recent object allocated on the stack
  if((int)__brkval == 0) // Heap is empty; use start of heap
    freeValue = ((int)&freeValue) - ((int)__malloc_heap_start);
  else // Heap is not empty; use last heap address
    freeValue = ((int)&freeValue) - ((int)__brkval);
  return freeValue;


The memoryFree function first declares a variable, freeValue, which is allocated on the stack because it’s local to this function. There are two primary areas of managed memory: the stack and heap. The stack resides at the end of free memory, and when your sketch calls functions, the stack usage grows (downward). The stack memory is used for function calls and storage for local variables. As your functions finish running, stack memory is released, and so stack usage shrinks. The heap resides at the beginning of free memory, and when your sketch (or a library) allocates memory (such as when you create a String object), the heap usage grows (upward). The stack grows toward the heap, and the heap grows toward the stack.

So, if you know the distance (in bytes) between the stack and heap, you know how much free memory Arduino has. The address of freeValue (&freeValue) is the address of the last byte of free memory (the start of the stack). The system variable __brkval contains the address of the first byte of free memory (aka the end of the heap), unless there is nothing currently allocated on the heap. In that case, it’s 0 (null), and won’t be of any help to us because there are a lot of other things in memory before the heap. However, there’s another system variable, __malloc_heap_start, that gives you the address of the start of the heap. If you know the heap is empty (0), use __malloc_heap_start instead.


You do not need to take the address of __brkval or __malloc_heap_start with the & like you do with freeValue. That’s because __brkval and __malloc_heap_start contain numbers whose job it is to contain an address, while freeValue is an integer value whose address we are interested in. In case you are wondering where __malloc_heap_start and __brkval come from, they are created by the compilation process, and are available as symbols to your sketch. __malloc_heap_start is automatically available to all sketches, but __brkval requires an extern declaration to access it.

For ARM, the sketch is a bit simpler. The general idea is the same, except for ARM, you can use the sbrk function, which is a low-level function for managing memory. If you call it with an argument of 0, it just returns the starting address of free RAM. The distance in bytes between the address of freeValue and the return value of sbrk(0) gives you the free RAM. sbrk is declared as a char pointer, so the sketch has to cast it to an int pointer to subtract it from the address of freeValue. The sketch uses reinterpret_cast rather than a regular cast [(int *)] because reinterpret_cast allows the use of conversions that may be considered unsafe in some configurations:

 * Free memory sketch for ARM

void setup()

void loop()
  Serial.println(memoryFree());  // print the free memory

// Variable created by the build process when compiling the sketch
extern "C" char *sbrk(int incr); // Call with 0 to get start address of free ram

// function to return the amount of free RAM
int memoryFree()
  int freeValue; // This will be the most recent object allocated on the stack
  freeValue = &freeValue - reinterpret_cast<int*>(sbrk(0));

  return freeValue;

The number of bytes your code uses changes as the code runs. The important thing is to ensure that you don’t consume more memory than you have. Your stack and heap will grow as your program runs. If they crash into each other, you’re out of memory! If you make heavy usage of the heap, it will become fragmented, and there may be holes in it. The methods shown in this recipe will not take these holes into account, so you may have a little bit more memory than it reports.

Here are the main ways RAM memory is consumed:

The Arduino String class uses dynamic memory to allocate space for strings. You can see this by adding the following line to the very top of the code in the Solution:

String s = "\n";

and the following lines just before the delay in the loop code:

s = s + "Hello I am Arduino\n";
Serial.println(s);           // print the string value

You will see the memory value reduce as the size of the string is increased each time through the loop. If you run the sketch long enough, the memory will run out—don’t endlessly try to increase the size of a string in anything other than a test application.

Writing code like this that creates a constantly expanding value is a sure way to run out of memory. You should also be careful not to create code that dynamically creates different numbers of variables based on some parameter while the code runs, as it will be very difficult to be sure you will not exceed the memory capabilities of the board when the code runs.

Constants and global variables are often declared in libraries as well, so you may not be aware of them, but they still use up RAM. The Serial library, for example, has a 128-byte global array that it uses for incoming serial data. This alone consumes one-eighth of the total memory of an old Arduino 168 chip.

17.3 Storing and Retrieving Numeric Values in Program Memory


Store numeric variables in program memory (the flash memory used to store Arduino programs).

This sketch adjusts a fading LED for the nonlinear sensitivity of human vision. It stores the values to use in a table of 256 values in program memory rather than RAM.

The sketch is based on Recipe 7.2; see Chapter 7 for a wiring diagram and discussion on driving LEDs. Running this sketch results in a smooth change in brightness with the LED on pin 5 compared to the LED on pin 3:

 * ProgmemCurve sketch
 * uses table in program memory to convert linear to exponential output

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>  // needed for PROGMEM

// table of exponential values
// generated for values of i from 0 to 255 -> x=round( pow( 2.0, i/32.0) - 1);

const byte table[]PROGMEM = {
   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,
   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,
   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   5,
   5,   5,   5,   5,   5,   5,   5,   6,   6,   6,   6,   6,   6,   6,   7,   7,
   7,   7,   7,   8,   8,   8,   8,   8,   9,   9,   9,   9,   9,  10,  10,  10,
  10,  11,  11,  11,  11,  12,  12,  12,  12,  13,  13,  13,  14,  14,  14,  15,
  15,  15,  16,  16,  16,  17,  17,  18,  18,  18,  19,  19,  20,  20,  21,  21,
  22,  22,  23,  23,  24,  24,  25,  25,  26,  26,  27,  28,  28,  29,  30,  30,
  31,  32,  32,  33,  34,  35,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  40,  41,  42,  43,
  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  58,  59,  60,  62,
  63,  64,  66,  67,  69,  70,  72,  73,  75,  77,  78,  80,  82,  84,  86,  88,
  90,  91,  94,  96,  98, 100, 102, 104, 107, 109, 111, 114, 116, 119, 122, 124,
 127, 130, 133, 136, 139, 142, 145, 148, 151, 155, 158, 161, 165, 169, 172, 176,
 180, 184, 188, 192, 196, 201, 205, 210, 214, 219, 224, 229, 234, 239, 244, 250

const int rawLedPin  = 3;           // this LED is fed with raw values
const int adjustedLedPin = 5;       // this LED is driven from table

int brightness = 0;
int increment = 1;

void setup()
  // pins driven by analogWrite do not need to be declared as outputs

void loop()
  if (brightness > 254)
     increment = -1; // count down after reaching 255
  else if (brightness < 1)
    increment =  1; // count up after dropping back down to 0
  brightness = brightness + increment; // increment (or decrement sign is minus)

  // write the brightness value to the LEDs
  analogWrite(rawLedPin, brightness);  // this is the raw value
  int adjustedBrightness = pgm_read_byte(&table[brightness]);  // adjusted value
  analogWrite(adjustedLedPin, adjustedBrightness);

  delay(10); // 10 ms for each step change means 2.55 secs to fade up or down


When you need to use a complex expression to calculate a range of values that regularly repeat, it is often better to precalculate the values and include them in a table of values (usually as an array) in the code. This saves the time needed to calculate the values repeatedly when the code runs. The disadvantage concerns the memory needed to place these values in RAM. RAM is limited on Arduino and the much larger program memory space can be used to store constant values. This is particularly helpful for sketches that have large arrays of numbers.

At the top of the sketch, the table is defined with the following expression:

const byte table[]PROGMEM = {
  0, . . .

PROGMEM tells the compiler that the values are to be stored in program memory rather than RAM. If you were to delete PROGMEM from the sketch on an Arduino Uno, you’d see the global variable use balloon from 13 bytes to 269 bytes (the sketch would not work, though, because pgm_read_byte will not work correctly without PROGMEM there). The remainder of the expression is similar to defining a conventional array (see Chapter 2).

The low-level definitions needed to use PROGMEM are contained in a file named pgmspace.h and the sketch includes this as follows:

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

Although “avr” is in the path to this header file, you can still include it on 32-bit architectures because it is included for backward compatibility with AVR boards. The implementation is a bit simpler, and in fact PROGMEM is defined empty on ARM-based (SAM, SAMD) boards. This is because the ARM compiler will generally store data structures declared as const in program memory. On ARM-based boards, you can confirm its location by adding this code to setup():

while(!Serial); // for Leonardo and 32-bit boards
Serial.print("Address of table: 0x"); 
Serial.println((int)&table, HEX);

If the value displayed is between 0x0000 and 0x3FFFF, then it is stored in program memory! If you remove const from the declaration of table and run the sketch, you’ll see that it is stored at a much higher address (0x2000000 or higher).

To adjust the brightness to make the fade look uniform, this recipe adds the following lines to the LED output code used in Recipe 7.2:

  int adjustedBrightness = pgm_read_byte(&table[brightness]);
  analogWrite(adjustedLedPin, adjustedBrightness);

The variable adjustedBrightness is set from a value read from program memory. The expression pgm_read_byte(&table[brightness]); means to return the address of the entry in the table array at the index position given by brightness.

See Also

Adafruit Industries’ Memories of an Arduino contains a lot of useful insights and techniques for working with Arduino memory.

See Recipe 17.4 for the technique introduced in Arduino 1.0 to store strings in flash memory.

17.4 Storing and Retrieving Strings in Program Memory


This sketch creates a string in program memory and prints its value to the Serial Monitor using the F("text") expression. The technique for printing the amount of free RAM is described in Recipe 17.2. This sketch combines both the ARM and AVR methods. If you are using something other than an ARM or AVR board, this sketch probably won’t compile correctly:

 * Write strings using Program memory (Flash)
void setup()

void loop()
  Serial.println(memoryFree());  // print the free memory

  Serial.println(F("Arduino"));  // print the string

#ifdef __arm__
// Variable created by the build process when compiling the sketch
extern "C" char *sbrk(int incr); // Call with 0 to get start address of free ram
extern int *__brkval; // Pointer to last address allocated on the heap (or 0)

// function to return the amount of free RAM
int memoryFree()
  int freeValue; // This will be the most recent object allocated on the stack
#ifdef __arm__
  freeValue = &freeValue - reinterpret_cast<int*>(sbrk(0));
  if((int)__brkval == 0) // Heap is empty; use start of heap
    freeValue = ((int)&freeValue) - ((int)__malloc_heap_start);
  else // Heap is not empty; use last heap address
    freeValue = ((int)&freeValue) - ((int)__brkval);
  return freeValue;

See Also

See Recipe 15.13 for an example of flash memory used to store web page strings.

17.5 Using #define and const Instead of Integers


Use const to declare values that are constant throughout the sketch.

For example, instead of:

int ledPin = 2;


const int ledPin = 2;


We often want to use a constant value in different areas of code. Just writing the number is a really bad idea. If you later want to change the value used, it’s difficult to work out which numbers scattered throughout the code also need to be changed. It is best to use named references.

Here are three different ways to define a value that is a constant:

int ledPin =  2;           // a variable, but this wastes RAM
const int ledPin =  2;     // a const does not use RAM

#define ledPin LED_BUILTIN // with a define, the preprocessor replaces
                           // ledPin with the value of LED_BUILTIN

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

Although the first two expressions look similar, the term const tells the compiler not to treat ledPin as an ordinary variable. Unlike the ordinary int, no RAM is reserved to hold the value for the const, as it is guaranteed not to change. The compiler will produce exactly the same code as if you had written:

pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

That said, if your sketch uses ledPin as though it were a constant (such as if you never modify it), the compiler is very likely to notice this and optimize it away, producing the preceding code even if you forgot to add const.

You will sometimes see #define used to define constants in older Arduino code, but const is a better choice than #define. This is because a const variable has a type, which enables the compiler to verify and report if the variable is being used in ways not appropriate for that type. The compiler will also respect C rules for the scope of a const variable. A #define value will affect all the code in the sketch, which may be more than you intended. Another benefit of const is that it uses familiar syntax—#define does not use the equals sign, and no semicolon is used at the end. One exception to this is if you need to perform conditional compilation of code, where the compiler ignores or includes code based on the values of one or more #defines (see Recipe 17.6).

See Also

See Recipe 17.0 for more on the preprocessor.

17.6 Using Conditional Compilations


You can use the conditional statements aimed at the preprocessor to control how your sketch is built.

This example, using the sketch from Recipe 5.6, displays some debug statements only if DEBUG is defined:

 Pot_Debug sketch
 blink an LED at a rate set by the position of a potentiometer
 Uses Serial port for debug if DEBUG is defined

const int potPin = 0;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer
const int ledPin = 13;   // select the pin for the LED
int val = 0;             // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

#define DEBUG

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);     // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT

void loop() {
  val = analogRead(potPin);    // read the voltage on the pot
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // turn the ledPin on
  delay(val);                  // blink rate set by pot value
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);   // turn the ledPin off
  delay(val);                  // turn LED off for same period
#if defined DEBUG


This recipe uses the preprocessor used at the beginning of the compile process to change what code is compiled. The sketch tests if DEBUG is defined, and if so, the file incorporates the debugging output. Expressions that begin with the # symbol are processed before the code is compiled—see this chapter’s introduction for more on the preprocessor.

You can have a conditional compile based on the controller chip selected in the IDE. For example, the following code will produce different code when compiled for a Mega board that reads the additional analog pins that it has:

 * ConditionalCompile sketch
 * This sketch recognizes the controller chip using conditional defines

int numberOfSensors;
int val = 0;               // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

void setup()

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)   // defined when selecting Mega in the IDE
  numberOfSensors = 16;           // the number of analog inputs on the Mega
  #pragma message ( "Using 16 sensors" )
#else                             // if not Mega then assume a standard board
  numberOfSensors = 6;            // analog inputs on a standard Arduino board
  #pragma message ( "Using 6 sensors" )

  Serial.print("The number of sensors is ");

void loop() {
  for(int sensor = 0; sensor < numberOfSensors; sensor++)
    val = analogRead(sensor);    // read the sensor value
    Serial.print(sensor); Serial.print(": ");
    Serial.println(val);         // display the value
  delay(1000);        // delay a second between readings

The #pragma directive will display a message in the output area at the bottom of the IDE:

C:\Sketches\conditional.ino:15:40: note: #pragma message: Using 16 sensors
        #pragma message ( "Using 16 sensors" )  