Me: What about Angela?

Seeley: ???

Me: To date, Seeley, to date. Keep up!

Seeley: She’s obsessed with Superman.

Me: Perfect! You love Captain America!

Seeley: Exactly! She’s DC! I’m Marvel! It would never work.

Me: I’m sure you could find some indie comic to bond over instead. Ooh! First date at the comic store?

Seeley: I don’t know if I’m ready, Lou.

Me: . . .

Seeley: Why are you even up? It’s 1 a.m.!

Me: Why are you??

Seeley: Because somebody texted me and woke me up.

Me: What kind of jerk would do that?

Seeley: It’s fine. I needed to be up in . . . seven hours anyway. Are you okay? I know this park thing is messing with you.

Me: I think I miss my mom? Like, what? I don’t even know. It’s dumb.

Seeley: Wanna FaceTime?

Me: No, you have to rest up if you’re gonna woo Angie tomorrow.

Seeley: I didn’t agree to that!

Me: Ssssssshhh. Sleep.

Seeley: Okayyyyy. Night!

Me: Night.