First and foremost, a huge thank-you to my agent, Brooks Sherman, who somehow knows exactly when I need a cheerleader and when I need a coach. Thank you for believing in me and this book. To Stephanie Pitts, who made this whole experience ridiculously fun, even when it was work. I could not imagine a better home for Lou, thank you. And to everyone at Putnam for believing in this book and turning my dream into a reality. I am proud to be a part of such an amazing team.

Many thanks to:

Beth Phelan for creating #DVPit and helping me find my people. DVSquad for being so welcoming and supportive. Meredith for always being the voice of reason; you are an excellent CP and an even better friend. Roselle for being the best cheerleader on the planet.

Becky for loving my book from the very first pitch. I promise I will find my OTC one day, but until then, thank you for not judging me too harshly. (But Pop Rocks do make Oreos better, sorry.) Kelsey for being the nanny to my plant, the true alpha, and the one who reminds me to sleep—even if you are totally wrong about Peter. Sonia, whose kind words kept hope alive in the query trenches. PCC, my first writer friends ever. Lucy/Kate, Sarah, Lilly, Kelly, Karen, and Isabel for always, always being there.

Erin for being the Scott to my Stiles and the Stiles to my Derek; there is literally no one better to be on this wild ride with. Shannon, my found family, who loved me even at my most unlovable. One sentence could never be enough to express how much you mean to me, and I wouldn’t be here without you. Lacy, who has been there from day one of this writing adventure, equal parts friend, therapist, and beta reader.

My mom, who believed me when I said I was going to be a writer at five years old and did everything she could to foster that. Dennis, the best big brother in the world, who singlehandedly got all of Kohl’s excited for this book. Bonkers, for not killing me in my sleep, even though I suspect he wants to. Joe, Brody, and Olivia, for being my true north and making even the hardest days brighter. I love you.

And last but certainly not least, to my readers, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here.