Sue West lives on a lake with her lifelong friend, Donna, her Entlebucher Swiss Mountain dog, Sanford (born in the same year as her organizing business), a gaggle of geese, one lone lake turtle, and a few other animal friends. In a period of roughly eighteen months, she struggled through more than a few major life changes and transitions, and came out quite happy on the other side. Organizing was a key player along the way of course. And so it became her passion to assist others at midlife and beyond, to move on from change, taking the best along for the journey into the next chapter of life.
Sue owns Space4U, Organizing Services, LLC, independently. She is a Certified Organizer Coach® and Certified Professional Organizer®. Through organizing services, classes, and organizing coaching, Sue works with people in their second half of life to downsize, organize, and simplify their life, their belongings, and their time. Her specialty is supporting clients through change and transitions, such as downsizing, loss of a partner/spouse, health issues, adult ADHD diagnosis, caregiving, the empty-nest stage, pre-retirement, and into retirement.
She also holds specialty certificates in life transitions, ADHD, and chronic disorganization from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization and is currently pursuing her level three certification from the ICD. She has an MBA from Babson College, Massachusetts, and a BA from Smith College, Massachusetts.