GETTING STARTED IS THE FIRST CHALLENGE TO AN ORGANIZING PROJECT. While you’re going through a major life transition, it’s difficult to focus on your regular day-to-day life, including housework and keeping things organized. When the dust settles, you may find yourself surrounded by your past—your belongings or home reflect who you were before your transition, but now things have changed. It’s time to reorganize.
When we’re in sync with our surroundings, we’re so much more at peace, and that’s why it’s important that your home reflect who you are becoming. So how can you get started making your home your own again? How can you create time to tackle this useful and cathartic project? How will you know what you want? In this section you’ll gain insight on how to figure out your individual organizing goals as well as how to assess your existing organizing systems to see whether they are still working well for you, even after all you’ve been through.