The hour of midnight was approaching, and Shade was dressed and ready to teleport out to L'adventure. He’d never before taken Kate into a situation that he knew would end in violence, and he couldn’t help but feel some concern, despite her determination. Tonight, would also mean the end of a centuries’ long association with someone he’d considered an ally. He’d been thinking about the many adventures he and Alec had shared, not all of them positive. There was a time when he’d lost his way, when his soul was dark and depraved, and Alec had gladly accompanied him on that journey. But that was before Kate, before he knew how love could heal, before he discovered how having a mate he wanted to spend eternity with, would change him. Alec had never outgrown that depravity.

Grabbing his third glass of Midnight, he worried whether his sweet bel would be able to go through with this plan tonight. He was watching her carefully and could feel her nervousness. But there was something else inside her as well, a level of determination he’d not witnessed before. They both had their minds set, this had to be done. He sipped at the drink and then pulled his hair back behind his head into a loose ponytail, a few curls hanging loose around his face. "I think you should have a glass of Midnight, mi amore. It will help relax you."

Kate was standing in her closet, staring blankly at the outfits hanging there, when she asked herself, What do you wear to kill someone? He handed her the glass of wine, and she took a swallow, feeling it burn inside her belly. She had no illusions about what they were about to do. She couldn’t continue to walk this earth and pretend she didn’t know what Alec had done to them. She couldn’t let Alec live without paying for the consequences of his actions, but that didn’t make her less nervous.

In the end, she selected a simple black dress, and a pair of ankle strap black heels. Black was always appropriate for a funeral. He was dressed in his leathers, and if he was nervous, it didn’t show. He’d killed many, but her list of kills was short. She’d killed Cuerpo, to save her own life, and she’d killed the two Asian feeders. She knew they were innocent of any wrongdoing. They were doing what they’d been bred to do, what they’d been ordered to do by Max, but killing the feeder’s brought retribution against Max, and helped heal the pain of betrayal that Shade felt in his heart. It wasn’t a kill she was proud of, as the feeders were defenseless, and they were sacrificed as a means to an end. Fiamma had been with her then and had said nothing as she beheaded the feeders. Her last kill had been Jacks, although her death didn’t come by her hand, but by her command, when Aegis and the others had torn Jacks from limb to limb. She swallowed down the rest of her wine, as it calmed and soothed. Locking eyes with him, she nodded. “I'm ready, lover."

Shade watched as she downed the Midnight, and knew she was ready. They’d planned carefully for what they were about to do. He’d never let harm come to her, but she had a part to play and so did he. Tonight, they’d avenge their sleeping warrior. Ever since discovering Cory, he’d tried not to focus too much on the loss of their son. He was aware now that the boy could have survived in this world, and could have had a place in their lives, just as Cory and Grace had. He was comforted in his sorrow and anger by the thought that Natalia was changing things for their kind, and the half-breeds would now have a totally different future.

"Remember to just breathe, mi amore. Stay calm. Come, it is time we leave."

He took her hand and they teleported toward San Francisco. He’d contacted Alec prior, setting the date and time. He told Raven he was coming, but to keep the information to himself to minimize their exposure. They had teleported directly inside the club, landing inside the lobby and bypassing the warriors who stood guard. Shade tipped the face of his queen to his and kissed her on the lips. He locked eyes with her. “This is for our sleeping warrior. You are safe with me.”

She stared back at him, feeling comfort in his words. He’d never failed her, and she knew he never would. "You lead and I follow, in all things, lover, in all things."

Bree approached them in her sprayed on latex bodysuit and a smile. "Welcome back. Haven't seen you two in a long time. Alec told me what you wanted, and I have your room ready. Follow me, please. I’ve already informed Alec you’re here. He’ll be joining you shortly."

Bree turned on her five-inch heels and strutted like a model on a catwalk down the long corridor of private suites. They followed behind her, and Kate cleared her throat when she noticed his eyes had settled on Bree's tight ass, intentionally swaying for his pleasure. He chuckled as he looked down at her and winked.

She looked up at him. "Stay focused. We have enough to attend to tonight."

Bree inserted the key card in the lock and pushed open the door, handing the card to Shade, her hand lingering in his a little longer than necessary. Looking back at him, she flipped her blonde hair and purred. "The Red Moon you requested is on the table. Be sure to call me if you need anything."

Kate intentionally walked between them, as Shade took the card, and she grabbed his hand, leading him into the room. “We've got it covered, thanks. You can leave now."

Bree flashed her a cold stare before closing the door and heard the lock click into place. Kate heard his soft chuckle, amused as always by her jealousy. She looked around the room at the equipment that had been set up for them. They’d discussed, in great detail, how they’d carry out their plan. Alec was no warrior, but he was a master, and he wouldn’t go down easy. Shade had said they’d have to have him restrained and sedated, and that would be no easy task. Alec was a dominant, not a submissive. He wouldn’t be so eager to allow himself to be bound to St. Andrews cross. Shade opened the bottle of Red Moon and dropped the tranquilizer inside. The cross sat at a slight angle, like a giant X in the room, thick leather straps at each point of the cross. It made Kate shiver to look at it.

Shade wasn’t nervous about what he was about to do, or how to do it, that was the easy part. He was more concerned about Kate, and carefully leading her. He saw her look at the equipment in the room. He knew she felt out of her element here, but she’d have to move with some confidence if they were going to pull this off.

"I know this isn’t easy, but he thinks you are interested but also conflicted. Your nerves will not be unexpected. Use them to your advantage. Be curious.”

He removed the leather jacket and quickly pulled the tee-shirt off over his head and threw it to the corner. Walking toward her like she was his prey, he pulled her body hard into his, and kissed her long and passionately. "If you feel frightened, remember to just look into my eyes, and forget he is here."

Taking her hand, he led her on a tour of the objects on the walls and tables. "Floggers, whips, chains...play toys. Touch them, don’t be afraid." He led her to the cross placed in the center of the room.

"St. Andrews cross, you remember our discussion?" He ran his hand across the leather strap and looked into her eyes. "See, easy. Just buckle the straps tight around my wrist and my ankles. That’s all there is too it, si?"

He leaned over and unlaced his boots, kicking them off before unzipping his fly and stripping from his leathers.


Alec slid his own key card into the lock and opened the door of the dimly lit room. Shade was already naked, and his fully clothed mate was strapping his wrists to the two upright arms of the cross. Kate turned to look at him over her shoulder and dropped her hands. It was clear she wasn’t familiar with the equipment.

Alec smiled. "Well, I didn't expect this, brother. Since when you become the submissive?"

Shade chuckled. "I’m her teacher. How better to let her get familiar with the equipment than to let her use it on me? It will calm her nerves to let her take control. Will you give us the pleasure of just watching from the shadows for a bit?"

Alec huffed to himself. He would never have allowed his mate to lead him around like this. He poured himself a Red Moon and took a seat in a chair in the corner of the room. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, he lit up, keeping his eyes on the female. "Your dime, brother."

Kate squatted down and strapped Shade's ankles to the lower limbs of the cross, acutely aware of Alec's presence. She reminded herself why they were here and tried to stay focused. As she stood, she slowly ran her fingers up his legs, across his muscular thighs, and stopped at his hips, as she gripped him tight. She locked eyes with him and read his thoughts for her to stay strong. She stepped back, staring at his body, looking chiseled from marble, and strapped to the cross. Even restrained, he looked deadly and dangerous.

She reached down and grabbed the hem of her dress, and pulled it over her head, standing before him in a black lace bra and thong, and her strappy black heels. She swallowed hard, trying to ignore the second set of eyes on her.

Alec watched from the corner as the dress came off, feeling more relaxed than usual. He settled into the chair, eager to watch. Her skin was flawless, and her paleness was exaggerated by the black undergarments. She was small and delicate, even by mortal standards, and it was easy to see her appeal.

Kate walked slowly around the cross, her hand trailing across Shade’s tight abdomen. She stood before him and rose on tip toe to kiss his lips as he tilted his head forward to her. Her kisses were soft and gentle, and she moved to his jaw and nibbled his ear, her tongue following the curve of his neck onto his muscular shoulder. Her hands brushed against him with the lightness of a feather. She wouldn’t torture him with floggers or leather straps; she’d torture him with softness and gentleness. Her mouth found his nipple, and her tongue flicked over it before sliding down his belly to the throbbing cock that waited for her.

Shade wasn’t surprised that she ignored all the pleasurable and painful vices she had at her disposal. He knew his bel like no one else. Her tongue unleashed its own brand of torture, warm and wet, as she explored his body, hardening his nipples with the flick of her tongue. She left a heated trail down his abdomen, and he knew where she was headed, and he tugged against the leather straps with anticipation. His blood was rushing faster as her tongue explored his abs and teased his cock.

He would command her from this position, showing Alec that being strapped to the cross didn’t diminish his station as a dominant. He could still control her. He told her what he wanted, and how he wanted it, and ordered her to her knees.

Kate knelt before him. He may be the one subdued, but she remained, as always, his. She cupped his balls in her hands as he’d asked and heard the sharp intake of his breath. Her tongue lashed out, as she tasted the salty, musky, maleness that was his scent. She sucked his balls into her mouth, and slowly slid them out, blowing her breath on them, and watching the goose bumps rise on his thighs. Her hands glided up and down his thighs, before returning to his cock, encircling him, and guiding the bulging head to her mouth. She slid the smooth head into her mouth, and across her tongue, before she took the full length of him deep into her throat.

Shade struggled against the straps, responding to the pleasures of her mouth. His hands begin to sweat. He wanted to run them through that crimson, feel her silky mane between his fingers as he guided her head. His growl rumbled through the room and his eyes lit up, his fangs punched through. "Cazzo, mi amore."

His fangs already ached to sink deep into her soft flesh, but he knew that wouldn’t happen tonight. They had other things to accomplish. He flung his head to the side and caught Alec in his gaze. Alec’s attention was on her, and the magic she worked with her mouth, as he knew it would be. Sending Kate a message, he entered her thoughts. “When you are ready, sink your nails into my thighs and draw blood. The smell of my blood will light him up. Keep focused.”

She telepathically acknowledged his instructions, and knew she had him on edge, just as she could hear the uncomfortable squirming from Alec as he shifted his weight in the chair. She slid his cock slowly in and out of her mouth, her movements deliberately seductive. She felt his cock throbbing, growing more rigid with each slow stroke, and she lightly drew her nails over his balls and felt them tighten. She moaned as his cock pushed deeper, and the vibrations of her moan traveled the length of his cock, triggering his orgasm. She saw his whole body go rigid on the cross as his head thrashed and he released into her. She sucked him dry, as her hands clawed down his thighs, drawing thin trails of blood. She licked her lips, and then ran her tongue over the fresh blood. She looked up at him, before turning to look at Alec. "You're next."

From her kneeling position, she released the straps around Shade's ankles and gently rubbed the chafed skin before standing before him, kissing his lips, and releasing his wrists. They locked eyes, knowing what they must do. She mouthed the words, “I love you."

Getting his breathing under control, Shade's body felt alive, wanting her, and wanting the kill. Alec stood and stepped up beside him, and Shade noticed he was more than ready to get his hands on Kate. He could see from the look in his eyes Alec would much prefer to strap Kate on the cross. Quickly getting his mind in the game, they needed to get Alec’s ass strapped on the cross so he could be kept under control.

"Damn, brother, why are you still dressed? Cooperate, si? She is still skittish with another male. Let’s not lose the pace!"

As Alec smirked, he stripped bare, and Shade nodded to him to take the position on the cross. Alec hesitated for a second, and Shade knew he didn’t like this move. Alec was the one heaping out the abuse. Shade roughly grabbed his wrist, slamming Alec hard against the cross as he raised his hands over his head. He strapped his wrist in place before licking his vein and growly softly. "Play along, brother."

Alec grunted, feeling sluggish, and allowed his arms to be strapped down. Shade bent down to his ankles, strapping them in, pulling the straps tight. As he stood, he moved in close and grabbed Alec's hard cock in his hand and squeezed hard as he stroked him. "My Queen is in control now. Whatever she wants, she gets. Hope you are ready, brother."

Alec was hard already from watching her perform. He’d hoped to take a more dominant role in this little threesome and show her what it really felt like to be controlled by a master. He wasn’t entirely pleased to be strapped on the cross. He consoled himself with the thought that it may be worth it to feel her mouth around his cock. "Let's see what your queen can do."

Shade leaned in close, nose to nose. "Oh, I would say she can do quite a lot."

Shade stepped back to admire his work then turned to Kate. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow. "Give me one moment, mi amore, and the promise I made to you for revenge will be yours."

Shade telepathically called out to Raven. “I need you at L'Adventure immediately. Bring me a sword, sharp and true, and one that your queen can handle. Come directly inside, take no shit from anyone. Come to Room 17. Knock, your queen will come and take the sword. Remain on standby outside that door until further instructed. Move it!”

Shade ran his hand along her cheek. "Get dressed, my Queen. Raven is bringing you a present." Winking, he smiled and turned to Alec. "Sorry for the delay, brother, but I do believe you will quite enjoy this special delivery."

"What the fuck?" Alec didn’t like the direction this was going and struggled against the straps as he heard Shade tell her to get dressed. He watched as she picked up the dress from the floor and pulled it over her head, shaking out that mane of red hair. He felt sluggish and shook his head to remove the cobwebs. "Not sure I'm interested in your games, brother."

He heard the tap at the door, and Kate opened it wide enough for him to see Raven standing on the other side, handing her a sword. He yanked at the straps, reinforced to restrain the strength and resistance of a vampire, and his heart pounded as he realized he was at Shade's mercy. "Enough of this!"

Shade watched his futile struggle to release himself from the straps. He turned his back on him and walked back to Kate. Kissing her softly, he took the sword from her hands. Spinning it around in his hands, he flexed his muscles. He looked over his shoulder at Alec. "How does it feel to be immobilized, knowing you face the wrath of your past? The King of Medici has a score to settle with you."

Shade approached him slowly, as Alec continued to try to pull free from the straps, his brain feeling clouded, and he was wondering now if Shade had slipped something in his drink. Shade touched the tip of the sword to Alec’s abdomen, above his cock, which had now gone limp. He drew a small trickle of blood as he left a razor thin opening in his skin.

"I wouldn’t struggle too much if I were you. You might lose that infamous cock of yours."

Alec's eyes glowed red, and he bared his fangs. “Is this part of your game? I will rip your throat out, Medici!"

Shade's beast flared in anger and hatred over what Alec had done. His eyes blazed and his fangs grew long. "You will rip my throat out? And how do you propose to do that?”

Shade stepped in closer, as he roared and slashed the sword across one cheek, marring that face Alec was so fucking proud of. "You killed my son, our son. You and that fucking bitch of a whore you called a mate. You planned the whole, black-hearted thing. You even planned the feeder, and for what? So, I would not be distracted from your plans to take the White House? I should cut your cock off and shove it up your ass while you watch, but that isn’t good enough for me. You are staring at the dealer of your death, but unlike my son, you will see it coming."

Alec struggled against the restraints and was wondering what the fuck he was talking about, when the memory of that long-ago pregnancy came back to him. Kate was still mortal then, and he’d sent Rissa to give her pills that would kill the baby, and quite possibly, Kate. That was ages ago! The only person who knew was Rissa, and she was long dead. How had he discovered this? He needed to stall for time. “What are you talking about, brother? I never killed your son."

Shade roared, raising the sword above his head. "Don’t play the fool with me."

He got in Alec's face, his fangs dripping, as his eyes glowed red. "My son died, and my mate almost died. I hope you meet the bloody bitch you connived with in hell, and the two of you burn for all eternity together."

Shade spit in his face and turned his back on Alec once more, walking back to Kate. He handed her the sword. "My Queen, this honor belongs to you, to our son. Take it. Let us be done with the black-hearted bastard."

Kate took the sword from his hands and slowly walked to stand in front of him. He snarled at her, his fangs bared, saliva dripping. He’d kill her where she stood.

She spoke softly. "You killed our child."

He spit back at her. "Your half-breed!"

She nodded slowly. “Yes, our half-breed son. You took his life, and now I’ll take yours."

She slowly drew the tip of the sword down his other cheek, leaving a deep wound, as she watched him grimace. “That is for the feeder you sent.” He spit at her again and stared back with so much hatred she knew he’d kill her in seconds if he was freed. She placed the point of the blade at the base of his throat, and locking eyes with him, slowly dragged the sword down his chest, across his abdomen, and stopped at the base of his cock. The wound opened up as the blood poured forth, running down both of his legs and pooling at his feet, as he struggled to free himself. His growl was loud, a mixture of pain and anger, when she raised her voice, making sure he heard her. “And that is for the poisoned pills. The ones I so desperately took in an effort to save the life of my child; the pills that almost killed me.”

Alec struggled against the restraints, growling and shaking the cross violently in an effort to free himself, but the straps he’d had designed to immobilize an immortal held firm.

It had been over a hundred years since Luca had taught her how to swing a sword, but they were lessons she’d never forgot. Grasping the hilt with both hands, extending her arms, she swung the sword in an arc, and in a single blow, removed his head. The sound of his roar, as he saw the blade glint in the dimly lit room, was cut short as he felt the blade slice through his throat, severing his skull from his spine. His world went dark, as his head rolled across the floor and landed at Shade's feet.

She stared as his headless body went limp on the cross, his weight supported by the straps. “And that is for our infant son, who never lived to draw a breath.”

He never heard her last words. His life had ended, as the blade of the sword removed his head.

Shade watched as Kate took the swing and, with one clean stroke, she beheaded Alec, and logged another kill under her belt. He looked down to see the severed head, in a wobbly, rolling path land at his feet. He kicked Alec's head across the room and heard the dull thud, as it hit the wall. He’d lost count of the number of times he’d wanted to splatter his fucking brains across the room. No longer would he have to deal with his bullshit.

He heard the sword clatter to the floor, as she dropped the blade and turned to walk into his arms. "I love you, my Queen. But right now, there is still work to do, and I need to give Raven instructions."

He opened the door to allow Raven to enter, and quickly closed the door behind him. "Raven, you will speak of this to no one, ever. Find Bree, and together with our warriors, have the place evacuated. Tell them there is an unforeseen emergency, and they must leave immediately. Then burn this fucking place to the ground with Alec in it."

Raven nodded, looking with some surprise at the severed head, recognizing the identity of the victim on the cross, but he didn’t ask questions. "With pleasure, boss-man." Shade knew Raven would handle any loose ends.

"Let’s go home, mi amore, I think we have dealt enough death this night."

He lifted Kate in his arms as they teleported out. Shade grinned as he heard the sounds of Nickelback's “Burn it to the Ground” blaring out into the night, and the skies lit up with the flames from the fire.