Rodrigo was putting on a show for the crowd and Soren paid no attention to his over-the-top antics. He’d fawned over the bitch all night. Even Soren could tell she wasn’t thrilled with his overt attentions. He hoped his brother punished her later. Besides, Rodrigo and Dona seemed to have captured the attention of the crowd, allowing him to move about without much notice. He fidgeted with his hands, sliding the ruby ring containing poison up and down on his finger. He was anxious, waiting for the right moment to dump the poison into Lorenzo's unguarded drink. He was finding the task more difficult than he’d expected. The Medici table was crowded, and even though they were dancing, it seemed like someone was always at the table. He cursed under his breath. The bastards bred like rabbits! There were too many of them, but soon, there’d be one less if he could get a chance. He noticed the servers were ever-present, busy trying to keep filled glasses in the hands of every guest. He decided on a change of plans. The full dose of poison would easily kill Lorenzo, but he couldn’t get close enough to their table without being unobserved and pouring the poison in a glass carried by a server would never ensure Lorenzo received it. Perhaps he’d set the bar too high.

He refocused his attention and was able to see the pattern to which each server was assigned in the ballroom and could single out the server that covered the Medici table, along with nearby tables. He now had a chance of at least crippling one of the bastards.


Shade excused himself from Kate and walked outside on the large veranda, milling with vampires from the many covens throughout Europe. He lit up a smoke and stood taking in the night air. He felt someone walk up beside him and turned to see Ottavio Farnese. He watched, as Octavio lit up a large cigar. "These damn events get bigger and bigger every year, Farnese. It is good to see you here tonight. We haven’t seen you since the ceremony in Sicily, to celebrate your daughter’s mating to Diego Flores. I hope she is happy.”

Ottavio spit a piece of tobacco leaf to the ground. “Si, she is very happy. It has been a good union for her, and of course, it unites my coven with a powerful coven in Spain. I was pleased with my daughter’s choice for a mate. We miss her, of course, but she visits when she can.”

Shade took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled the smoke. “And now, it would appear my granddaughter has taken an interest in your son. I am impressed with Amondo, he has grown into a warrior with a solid reputation. They would be a good match, Ottavio, would you not agree?”

Ottavio puffed at the cigar, the thick smoke hanging in the night air. He and his family had known the Medici for centuries. "I would say a mating between the Farnese and the Medici is long overdue, si? My son is quite taken with your granddaughter. She is all he talks about. A union of our covens would be a good thing, Shade. The covens have grown larger, and the Borgia keep absorbing the smaller covens within their own, wiping out the weaker master. Whether or not our families are joined by mating, I wanted to speak with you tonight. Everyone knows the Borgia is targeting you, and it will not be a battle without massive causalities. I wanted you to know I will stand beside you in battle, as will Amondo. Our coven is not as large as yours, but our warriors are fierce. We can't let the Borgia win. If the Medici falls, it would only be a matter of time before he took down the Farnese. I can’t hold him off alone. He would become too powerful then. You have my word. We will stand with you when the time comes."

Shade wasn’t surprised by the offer. The Farnese had been a long-standing ally of the Medici. "I am honored and grateful for the support, Ottavio. This mating with the Alizzi places the Borgia on our doorstep. He borders our territory now and has moved his warriors along our borders. We are prepared to battle, and there will be one. It will take strategy and wit to beat him."

He let out a sigh and looked up at the moon. "Ottavio, I am a powerful master, I have lived a long time, and fought enough battles to know nothing is guaranteed. As a powerful master yourself, you will understand my concern for my lineage to move forward, no matter the outcome of battle." He turned and faced Farnese. “I would like to see my children and grandchildren secure before this battle begins, to know their futures are established. Will you do me the honor of drawing up a contract between Amondo and Bianca? I would like to see it signed before this blows up. I know Alfie and Sophia will have no objections. Alfie will gladly sign, and I can witness it. It will lay out my granddaughter's dowry, and what she will bring with her to the Farnese, then we can sit back and let them choose their own time. It would be a great comfort to me to know my granddaughter will be happy and protected in her future."

Ottavio shook his hand. "Consider it done. I will have a contract sent to Alfie in a few days’ time. I assure you I have no hesitation, and Amondo is chomping at the bit."

Shade laughed. "It seems both of them have a bond already, and our families shall unite in mating. It will be cause for a grand celebration!”

They walked back into the ballroom together. Shade was uplifted by the thought of his family growing, even with the overshadowing of an upcoming battle. As he headed back to the table, he caught sight of Kate as she laughed and talked with Shannon and Chantal. It lifted his spirits even more to see her happy. She was as beautiful as her heart, a vixen in an angel’s disguise. His eyes caught Dona sitting at the table with Borgia. She sat up straight, her back rigid, with a forced smile on her face. He’d known her all his life and he knew the smile was for show. He shook his head; he couldn’t believe she’d mated the one vampire master who’d been an enemy to both of their families for centuries. He felt no regret for the beautiful woman who’d once been an ally and friend.


Dona held her glass to her lips and sipped, smiling at all the right times, and nodding at the clever remarks Rodrigo or Soren made. She greeted any well-wishers who came to their table. She was playing her role, and it was exhausting. She sighed heavily as Soren and Rodrigo had their heads together, deep in a conversation and she felt safe to let go of the fake smile she’d held until her cheeks hurt. She looked around the room and saw Shade returning to his table, rejoining his family. He barely cast a glance in her direction. She knew he was angry, and probably thought she made the decision to mate with Rodrigo willingly. She regretted she couldn’t go to him and explain this mating was not of her choosing. She looked at Kate and found she was looking back at her. Dona flushed, giving her a nervous smile before casting her eyes down in shame and embarrassment.

Kate had been watching her for some time and she wasn’t fooled by the practiced performance. She saw Dona's smile, but it did nothing to hide the pain in her eyes, and she didn't miss the fact that as soon as Rodrigo's attention was drawn elsewhere, Dona's smile would fade. The woman looked miserable. Her "happiness" was an act, put on for Rodrigo's benefit. At first, Kate thought Dona was getting what she deserved if she mated Rodrigo for his power and money, but the longer she watched her, the more she saw. Dona flinched slightly when Rodrigo reached for her. She pulled away from him, almost imperceptibly, perhaps unconsciously when he showed affection. She observed Rodrigo and saw he was putting on an act as well. His affection toward her wasn’t genuine. He was acting out a role tonight as much as Dona was. Kate watched Soren, and his contempt for Dona was just beneath the surface. He hated her, and he hated her intrusion into their life. He didn’t like his brother had a distraction, and Soren was no longer the focus of all his attention. As Kate observed the threesome, it dawned on her Dona hadn’t gone willingly to this mating and she was being held against her will. Dona looked up again, and the two women locked eyes. Kate read the pain and torment in those eyes but knew there was nothing she or any of the Medici could do to intervene. I’m sorry.”

Dona looked down and quickly swiped away a tear before Rodrigo could notice. “I do not want your pity. I want your help.”

Kate didn’t look away from her. “It's too late for that now. Our fates are sealed. This battle is inevitable. We can't help you.”

Dona nodded subtly, unnoticed by anyone other than Kate. “Can you forgive me for doing the unforgivable? I have apologized to Shade and Lorenzo so many times, but it falls on deaf ears. I know I brought this on myself. Can you at least forgive me?”

Kate stared back at this broken woman who’d lost everything. She’d hated Dona for so many years, and maybe that hate had driven her to this end. “All is forgiven, Dona. I hope you can find some peace.”

Dona squeezed her eyes shut, fighting her emotions before she looked back up at Kate. “Thank you”


Shade stopped several times, as he made his way back to the table to Kate. As he reached the table, he noticed she was staring at Dona and her mood had shifted. He stood behind her, his hand on her shoulders, and leaned into her ear. "Would you give me the pleasure of this dance, mi amore?"

She looked up at him. "I was wondering where you wandered off to. I would love to dance."

She stood up from the table and placed her arm in his as he led her through the crowd. He pulled her close as they swayed slowly to the music. "I take it your conversation with Ottavio went well?"

"Very well indeed. Farnese is drawing up a mating contract between Bianca and Amondo. He will send it over to Alfie for his consent. It will lay in wait until they are ready."

“Shade, that’s wonderful! I’ve been watching them tonight, and I have to say, I don’t think it will be a long wait.”

He snuggled gently into her neck. "Now, you want to tell me why the hell you had a stare down with the new Borgia Queen?"

She looked up at him, reading his mood. He seemed more concerned than angry. "I think you should know Dona didn’t go to Rodrigo willingly. He’s taken her against her will and abuses her still. I know it’s too late, and we can't intervene, but I want you to acknowledge her intentions...or maybe better stated, her lack of intentions. She didn’t do this to hurt us, and I’ve forgiven her. It won't change the outcome of things. I know this battle is pending, as much as you try to keep it from me. What's done is done, but perhaps you could ease her pain by forgiving her as well. It’s you she loves, not Rodrigo. It was always you."

Shade was quiet at first. Her statement took him off guard. He’d noticed earlier Dona didn’t appear happy, but he didn’t give it much thought. "I am aware Dona has always loved me, but I could never return that love. We grew up together, I saw her as a friend, I slept with her, and perhaps that was not wise. It may have given her hope of something that would never be. I cannot say all my decisions and actions were good ones. But the Medici coven remained loyal to her and provided protection until she betrayed us and took out her anger on our son. I regret what has happened to her, and I certainly don’t condone the abuse, but my heart is not ready to forgive. She made her own destiny."

Kate laid her head against his chest and wasn’t unaware of the irony. After so many years of feeling jealous of the women in his past, she was the one asking him to forgive the female who’d betrayed them both. "Yes, she did. I don't deny that. But I think she’s paid dearly for that mistake. I’d ask you to consider if maybe our harsh response, even though it was warranted, perhaps played a role in driving her to the Borgia. She’s asked for forgiveness. If it brings her some peace of mind, what harm can it do? She’s bound to Rodrigo now, and I doubt he’d ever release her. He’d see her dead first. If you don’t feel forgiveness in your heart for Dona, then I ask you to do this for me."

He pulled back a bit and stared down at her face. She’d never asked for much from him in their entire lives together. And truth be told, he could deny her nothing. He knew deep within his soul this was the honorable thing to do. He was the Medici, and integrity and honor was the lesson he taught to every warrior. He kissed her softly, knowing deep in his warrior soul, it was the right thing to do. "For you, mi amore, I will do anything, even this. You have rarely asked anything of me, and I see your heart is unsettled over this matter. Consider it done." He saw her smile as he pulled her close again. "But don’t think I am going to go over there and ask for a dance."

She hugged him closer and laughed. "Don't get frisky on me. If you ask her to dance, I'd break both your legs." Getting serious, she looked up at him. "Thank you. This means a lot to me."

Kissing her nose, he grinned. "And you mean the world to me, mi amore."

As the dance came to a close, he led her back to the table, a smile gracing his face. When they settled back into their seats, he felt Dona’s eyes on him. He glanced up and she looked away quickly. She was sitting alone at the table, as Rodrigo and Soren worked the crowd. He sent his thoughts to Dona. “Don’t turn away, Dona. I know this is not how you wanted things to end.”

Dona glanced about nervously before looking in his direction. She had no doubts the punishment from Rodrigo would be severe if he caught her communicating with Shade. She’d seen him take his mate to the dance floor, and it appeared now she had been the topic of their conversation. She looked at him hesitantly. “I am sorry, Shade. I made a lot of mistakes, and I caused you great pain. You are not mine to love, but I never stopped loving you. I beg your forgiveness for what I know is unforgivable.”

He took a deep breath and locked her into his gaze. He realized the depth of sadness and hell buried in her eyes. "All is forgiven, Dona. I cannot intervene in your relationship with Rodrigo. What happens between a master and mate is off-limits, but I will wish for you a place of peace in my heart. Be brave and strong, as your padre taught you. You are still the Alizzi.”

Dona felt a weight lift from her shoulders, a burden she’d carried for years. She bit her lip as a tear fell and she wiped it away. Their forgiveness changed nothing, and yet, changed everything. At least they knew she wasn’t part of this plan to bring down the Medici, she had been used as a pawn on a chessboard to bring down a king. At least she had that. She mouthed the words, 'Thank you', before looking away. She dared not hold him with her eyes much longer in case Rodrigo or Soren should take notice.

Kate leaned over, placing her head on his shoulder. "And I thank you as well."