Tito returned to camp at the end of his shift, the note folded tightly, and tucked into the pocket of his leathers. What Donatella had asked of him was dangerous. He had, on occasion, been asked to fill in on border patrol, so he could hang on to the note and wait for the next time he was assigned there again. Then he would have to be extremely discreet to break away from the others, get across into Tuscany, slip the note to one of the Medici warriors, and ask them to deliver it to Lorenzo. He had no illusions about what would happen to him if he was caught. He’d grown fond of Dona and couldn’t understand why his master had exiled her. There had been no gossip in the coven about Dona being an unfaithful mate. In fact, no one could even recall seeing her outside the palace, with the exception of the All Covens Ball. As Tito entered the camp, he saw a group of warriors, standing in a circle in the middle of the field, and made his way there to see what was going on. Nudging his way into the crowd between his fellow warriors, they were all gathered around Soren, who was regaling them with stories of past battles. Tito stood fascinated. He rarely saw Soren in the camp.
Soren was speaking loudly, using his sword as a prop as he recounted his victories on the battlefield. It wasn’t often he came to camp and mixed it up with the average warrior, he felt it was beneath him, but he thought they were fascinated with his life and past. He noticed when the extremely young warrior nudged his way into the small crowd, and his eyes never left Soren. He was like a sponge taking in every word.
Tomas began to bark out orders for the warriors to begin their nightly training, and Soren noticed the young warrior was reluctant to leave. Soren approached him, re-sheathing his sword. "I am not familiar with you, warrior, your name and your duty assignment?"
Tito was almost dumbstruck when Soren approached him. "Uh, Tito, master. I grew up in the camp in Rome. This is my first outpost. I’ve been assigned to guard the villa where the exiled queen resides."
Soren took his measure and wondered why his brother would send such an inexperienced pup to guard the wretched whore. "Tito. My brother must think highly of you to give you such a post. So, tell me, how does the queen fair, being back in her home?"
Tito processed the question quickly. He’d told no one he’d grown fond of Dona, and he wasn’t stupid enough to tell that to his master! "I’ve worked very hard, master. She’s been complacent and doesn’t put up any resistance, but she does come outside every night to take in the air and get some exercise. I watch her closely and listen for any negative gossip she may be trying to spread about the Borgia."
Tito felt like Soren could see the note tucked in his pocket, and his heart beat faster. He was torn now. The task of getting the note across the border was always going to be a long shot but handing the note to Soren could mean a promotion for him as a warrior. "I’ve been working to win her trust, so she’d speak freely around me."
Soren listened closely and could sense the young warrior was nervous, the vein in his neck pulsing faster. "And has she extended you her trust? Has she tried to escape? Anything you care to tell me?”
Tito made his decision, slipping his hand into his pocket. "She’s never tried to escape. She knows she wouldn’t get far, but she has expressed her need to have the Medici know her fate." He held the folded paper in his hand. "She wrote a note and asked I try to get it to a Medici warrior on the border. I took the note and told her, “Of course.” Stupid female! Does she understand nothing? Does she think our warriors just stand at the border and chat with the enemy? I haven’t read her note, but she wanted it delivered to Lorenzo."
Soren quickly grabbed the note from Tito's hand. "You have done well, Tito. This must be kept confidential, of course, say nothing to anyone. I will deliver this note to my brother. You will be heavily rewarded for your loyalty to the Borgia." Soren stuck the note inside his leather jacket and smiled. "Say nothing, return to your duties, if the queen asks about the note, inform her it was delivered.”
Soren could feel his beast rising. He watched the warrior walk away, a proud swagger to his walk. He chuckled to himself. He had no intention of sharing this note with Rodrigo. He headed back to the palace, it was time to read and plan his next move.
Soren got home right at sunrise, his brother already home and sequestered in his private wing of the palace. He chuckled and made his way to his own suites. He grabbed a Red Moon and sat himself down to read the note. As he read, he laughed, pathetic bitch. She was asking Lorenzo for a source of Midnight to curb her hunger and perhaps a small weapon. "I assure you, my lady, you will have your choice of weapons." His beast began to plan, now he just needed to bide his time for the perfect night to launch it. He’d show his brother how to get things done and begin this fucking battle.