Ahuitzotl – 1. a mythical lake monster that resembles an otter with a fifth paw growing from its tail. Known for pulling fisherman from their boats. 2. the name of a Mexica emperor (Cuauhtemoc's father). [←]
Atole – a beverage or gruel made from maize flour mixed with water. A common breakfast or early afternoon meal. [←]
Calmecac – the priestly school where children learn the art of writing, reading, governance, and time-keeping. [←]
Chipahuacxihuitl – the Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa). A plant with many medicinal uses, including as an oral contraceptive when brewed as a tea. [←]
Chitli – term of endearment, “Grandma”. [←]
Cihuacoatl – 1. political title given to the second most-powerful person in a city, who was responsible for domestic order and justice. 2. warrior/mother goddess, the Snake Woman. [←]
Civatateos – vampire-like monsters: noblewomen who died in childbirth and came back from the dead to serve the gods. They had eagle talons on their hands and feet. [←]
Flowery War – a method of warfare innovated by the Mexica where the goal is not to kill but rather to capture enemy soldiers for the express purpose of offering their lives to the gods in sacrifice at a later time. [←]
Huey Tlatoani – the formal title of the ruler of Tenochtitlan. Translates to Great Speaker or Revered Speaker. [←]
Icpalli – a legless chair made from woven reeds and often covered with fur or feathers, to display the owner’s social rank. [←]
Metlatl – a flat stone used for grinding grain—such as maize—into flour. [←]
Mictlan – the underworld, realm of the dead. [←]
Nantli – term of endearment, “Mommy”. [←]
Octli – a milky-white alcoholic beverage fermented from the sap of the agave (maguey) plant. [←]
Patolli – a game played with beans and pebbles on a cross-shaped board. [←]
Tatli – term of endearment, “Daddy”.[←]
Tlachtli – a sport in which the objective is to knock a rubber ball through a stone ring without touching the ball with either hands or feet. [←]
Tepilli – female genitalia. [←]
Teyolia – the “divine fire”, one of three souls the Mexica believed inhabited the body. [←]
Xicolli – a tunic-like shirt. [←]
Yauhtli – a medicinal plant used for pain relief, known for causing hallucinations. [←]