


Who should I thank? Practically everyone. Thanks come from deep inside us—they are the forces that separates us from superficiality. It is a miracle how my message is spreading all around the world. Something so simple and yet, at the same time, so very, very strong. Believe in yourself and nature will thank you and yours, everyone, and our beautiful planet. I especially want to thank everyone who has supported me. With them, we will force back the coldness of disease and powerlessness even further.


In the first place, I would like to thank everyone who allowed me to interview them for this book. And I thank especially Mark Bos, Marianne Peper, Mathijs Storm, Richard de Leth and Jack Egberts for their candid and honest stories. Henk van den Bergh is not included as a profile in this book, but I would also like to thank him for his highly motivating enthusiasm.

Special thanks, too, to Professor Pierre Capel for his time and patience and his contribution to the chapter on the scientific underpinnings of the WHM. Our morning meetings were very elucidating and the evening we spent together with René Gude was special and informative.

I would also like to thank Stans van der Poel. She put me in touch with Pierre Capel. Without her, I never would have found out about him. I also thank her for her contribution to the chapter on breathing.

Enahm Hof, thanks for the coffee and the wonderful trip to Poland. Keep up the good work.

Lastly, I would like to thank the following for their close cooperation and contributions to this book: Bart Pronk, Robert Schraders (for helping me when I wrote off my car), Rob van Eupen, Bram Bakker, Dr. Geert Buijze, Linda Koeman, Maarten de Jong, Mark Zuurhout, Isabelle Hof (who had already described the method), and my blog teacher Kitty Kilian.

And the three of 241: Pauline Overeem, Palden Lama Overeem and Marin Koenszoon Overeem.