Much of this book was written in Pearl Street Bagels and the Center for the Arts. I wish to thank the fine folks at both for their patience while I lived in one world and existed in another.
Valley Books, as always, kept me going.
My family gave me time, space, and optimism.
Todd Stocke and Flip Brophy had the faith.
Thanks to the Sandlinistas, especially Curt Pasisz and Army and Aero Feth. You too can join at
I thank the board of the Jackson Hole Writers Conference, particularly Nicole Burdick and Linda Hazen.
I have now been with Maurey and Sam through four novels, two movies, and twenty-seven years. My loved ones say that’s enough. Even though, when pushed in a corner, I will admit they aren’t real, I still want to thank those two for giving me their travails and deepest needs. It’s been more fun than folks who only live one life can imagine.