Pneumoperitoneum literally means free gas in the peritoneal cavity. It usually indicates bowel perforation. Free gas may also be seen up to 3 weeks after abdominal surgery and in trauma (e.g. stabbing).
Main causes of pneumoperitoneum:
The radiological signs of a pneumoperitoneum are as follows:
Normally the bowel wall is only just visible, outlined by the gas within the bowel and peritoneal fat outside of the bowel. With a pneumoperitoneum the bowel wall is easily seen as it is outlined by gas within the bowel and gas outside of the bowel.
Pneumoretroperitoneum literally means gas in the retroperitoneal space. It is rarely seen but is always abnormal.
The retroperitoneal space is a potential space within the abdominal cavity retro (behind) to the peritoneum. It contains the kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands, aorta, inferior vena cava (IVC), most of the pancreas and duodenum, and the ascending and descending colon.
Main causes of retroperitoneal gas:
On an abdominal radiograph the gas outlines retroperitoneal structures such as the kidneys, psoas muscles and retroperitoneal bowel (duodenum, ascending colon, descending colon and rectum). At first glance a pneumoretroperitoneum can appear similar to a pneumoperitoneum as both give increased gas (blackness) on an abdominal radiograph.
The key to identifying a pneumoretroperitoneum is to look for gas (blackness) surrounding all or part of the kidneys.
Pneumobilia is gas in the biliary tree. It appears as branching dark lines in the centre of the liver, usually larger and more prominent towards the hilum. Sometimes you can also see gas in the common bile duct.
There are many causes of pneumobilia, not all of which are pathological. The main causes are as follows:
Gas in the portal vein appears as branching dark lines within the periphery of the liver on a plain abdominal radiograph. In adults, it indicates serious intra-abdominal pathology and is associated with a very high mortality rate. In infants it is a finding of far less consequence.
Main causes of gas in the portal vein: