Would you like to know more about our work in Central Asia?
Perhaps even get involved in some way?
We would love to hear from you!
Together we can truly make the world
a better place as we share God’s love
by compassionately serving others.
P. O. Box 352
Turnbridge Wells
Kent, TN2 5XF
Telephone: +44(0)1892 531357
E-mail: D.A.R.E.@bigfoot.com
Shelter for Life International
P. O. Box 1306
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Surf: www.shelter.org
John Weaver
P. O. Box 271
Coats, NC 27521
E-mail: jmw3af@yahoo.com
My first job: Giving daily bread to the displaced in Desht-e Qaleh (September 11, 2000)
Beside Engineer Massoud with our staff in Nowabad (October 2000)
Wheat from America blesses the war-torn people of Afghanistan (November 2000—Nowabad Camp)
Blessing the bewildered in Rostaq with blankets, a sleeping kit and soap (Winter 2000-2001)
Our dedicated supervisor, Khalidjon, distributes sandalees, blankets, and soap (Winter 2000-2001)
Writing reports/letters and journaling (Rostaq office, Christmas 2000)
With our trusted accountant/office manager, Mahboob, and faithful driver of four years, Hasan
Preparing for wheat distribution for our Host Family Project in the thirteen villages of Dasht-e Qaleh
On the road to the border at Eshkashem (January 2001)
Giving wheat, oil, and sweaters to female students at the school in ChaAb (Spring 2001)
With our skilled carpenter, Akbar, and his assistant (Spring 2001; school construction)
“The first day you meet, you are friends.
The next day you meet, you are brothers.”
—Afghan Proverb
Samaritan’s Purse —the American children affected by 9/11 reach out to the children of Afghanistan (Christmas 2001)
Unloading bags of USAID wheat at our storage and distribution center
Surveying in Mawmaii (village featured on CNN) where we are building a school for boys and girls
The infamous river crossing on an Afghan raft (Spring 2002)