
This novel draws on a large body of work by writers, scholars and community activists concerning Timor-Leste and Australia and I gratefully acknowledge that inspiration and guidance. There are many people to thank for their support along the way. I especially thank Clinton Fernandes, Tim Game, Matthew Hooton, Julia Leigh, David Malouf, Lurdes Pires and Rob Wesley-Smith for their help in bringing the book to completion, and Claire who has been there throughout. This is a work of fiction, a story in which characters and events are imagined against a background of recent history. Any resemblance to actual persons is unintended. Any mistakes or misinterpretation are my responsibility. It has been a great pleasure to work with Giramondo Publishing again and I thank Ivor, Nick, Aleesha, Kate, Alex and the team for their skill, commitment and good company. Thanks too to Cameron’s Management for their help.

I dedicate this book to Ivor Indyk and Evelyn Juers, friends of many years, in appreciation of the warmth and light they give to literature in this country.