p.v Let my golden life… from Ko Un, ‘Barley Field’, The Three Way Tavern: Selected Poems, translated by Clare You and Richard Silberg (University of California Press, 2006); p.7 Glory be to God… from Gerard Manley Hopkins, ‘Pied Beauty’; p.80, ‘We see asquint’… Dante, Inferno, Canto X, 100–104, translated by John Ciardi (Signet Classics, 2009); p.140, Every ridge… from Xanana Gusmão, To Resist is to Win! (2000); p.171 Awake!… from ‘Mount Ramelau’, Revolutionary Poems in the Struggle Against Colonialism: Timorese Nationalist Verse, by Fransisco Borja da Costa, edited by Jill Jolliffe, translations by James J. Fox, Mary Ireland and Elizabeth Traube (Wild & Woolley, 1976); p.177–78, The worst thing… adapted from Roberto Cabral, Statement from the National Council of Timorese Resistance, 12 November 1998; pp.218–19 If you do free… and I am so far in blood… Shakespeare, Richard III; p.222 liquidate all… adapted from Abilio Osorio Soares 26 March 1999, quoted Marian Wilkinson, ‘Timor: the quest for justice’, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 January 2000 (see also Collaery, p.185); p.229 Most of the time… from Arthur Miller, A View from the Bridge (Penguin Books, 1961, p.85); p.265–266 the solution… Henry James, writing to a friend on 6 February 1886 about the suicide of Marion Clover Adams.