AM | Arminian Magazine, 20 vols. (London: J. Fry, 1778–1797) |
AV | The Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible |
BCP | The Book of Common Prayer |
Clarke | Adam Clarke, Memoirs of the Wesley Family, Collected Principally from Original Documents (New York: N. Bangs and T. Mason for the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1824) |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography |
FB | Frank Baker, ed., Letters, I: 1721–1739, in The Works of John Wesley, vol. 25 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980) |
LB | John Wesley’s Letter Book, Methodist Archives, Manchester |
MA | Methodist Archives, John Rylands University Library, Manchester |
MH | Methodist History (Lake Junaluska, N. C.: Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church, 1962–) |
MSS A, B, C | The “Headingley” Manuscripts of Susanna Wesley, owned by Wesley College, Bristol |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary |
Priestley | Joseph Priestley, ed., Original Letters, by the Rev. John Wesley and His Friends . . . (Birmingham: Thomas Pearson, 1791) |
PWHS | Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society ([Burnley Eng.]: Printed for the Society, 1897–) |
Stevenson | George J. Stevenson, Memorials of the Wesley Family (London: S. W Partridge; New York: Nelson and Phillips, 1876) |
SWJr Letter Book | Samuel Wesley Jr.’s Letter Book, Methodist Archives, Manchester |
Walmsley | Robert Walmsley, “John Wesley’s Parents: Quarrel and Reconciliation,” in PWHS 29. 3 (1953–1954): 50–57 |
WB | The Wesley Banner, 4 vols. (London: Partridge and Oakley, 1849–1852) |