
All the ancient texts referred to in this book are available in the original Greek and Latin, with English translations, in the Loeb Classical Library (Cambridge, MA), except Aurelius Victor, On the Emperors (De Caesaribus), which is available in Franz Pichlmayr and Roland Gründel, Sexti Aurelii Victoris Liber de Caesaribus (Leipzig, 1961), English translation by Harry W. Bird (Translated Texts for Historians 17, Liverpool, 1994). The Loeb text of Donatus, Life of Virgil is published with Suetonius, Lives of the Poets. Many of these works are available online in the original language and in translation. Two particularly useful websites are: and

Of the early medieval texts: Chaucer, ‘Monk’s Tale’ is cited from the edition of Walter W. Skeat (ed.), The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (second edition, Oxford, 1900), vol. 4; Roman de la Rose, from Félix Lecoy (ed.), Le Roman de la Rose par Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun, 3 vols (Paris, 1965–70), English translation by Frances Horgan, The Romance of the Rose (Oxford, 1999); Dante, Inferno (Hell), from Georgio Petrocchi (ed.), Dante Alighieri, La Commedia secondo l’antica vulgata (Milan, 1966–67), English translation by Robin Kirkpatrick (London, 2006–7); John Malalas, Chronicle, from Johannes Thurn (ed.), Ioannis Malalae Chronographia (Berlin and New York, 2000), English translation by Elizabeth Jeffreys et al., The Chronicle of John Malalas (Melbourne, 1986). Important parts of Zonaras’s History, written in the twelfth century but drawing heavily on earlier writers, are available in English translation by Thomas M. Banchich and Eugene N. Lane (Abingdon and New York, 2009).

Collections of ancient documents, inscriptions and coins cited:

BMCRE: Harold B. Mattingly and R.A.G. Carson (eds), Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (London, 1923–62)

CIL: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin, from 1863). Online: and

POxy: The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (London, from 1898). Online:

RPC: Roman Provincial Coinage (London and Paris, from 1992) Online:

RRC: Michael H. Crawford (ed.), Roman Republican Coinage (Cambridge, 1974). Online:

Digital versions of many of the newspapers and magazines cited are available at (subscription service) and (for French publications). Oxford English Dictionary is available online at (subscription service).

‘Acquisitions/1992’, J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 21 (1993), 101–63