NOOK Tablet™ For Dummies®, Portable Edition



About the Author

Corey Sandler is a voracious reader and an indefatigable author: books, magazine pieces and, ages ago, newspapers. He has written more than nearly 200 books at last count, about computers and technology, history, sports, and business. When he’s not at the keyboard, Sandler travels all over the world as a lecturer aboard luxury cruise ships. (Someone has to do it.)

Okay, so sometimes he is fatigable. That happens when you carry 150 pounds of luggage including a laptop, two tablets, three cameras, four lenses, five electrical plugs, half a dozen books to read and consult, and a hogshead of lecture notes printed out and neatly bound to sit on a lectern. And that’s one major reason why he’s a fan of electronic books. It’s good for his back.

Sandler studied journalism at Syracuse University; he also took some courses to learn how to program a gigantic IBM mainframe computer and worked nights at a newspaper printing plant.

He began his career as a daily newspaper reporter in Ohio and then New York, moving on to a post as a correspondent for Associated Press. From there he joined Ziff-Davis Publishing as the first executive editor of PC Magazine. He wrote his first book about computers in 1983 and hasn’t come close to stopping. When he’s not out to sea or in a foreign country and living on his smartphone, tablet, and computer, he’s at home on Nantucket Island 30 miles off the coast of Massachusetts. He shares his life with his wife Janice; two grown children have their own careers elsewhere on the continent.

You can see Sandler’s current list of books on his web site at and send an e-mail through the links you find there. He promises to respond to courteous inquiries as quickly as he can. Spam, on the other hand, will receive the death penalty.


This book is dedicated to my home team. Janice has put up with me for more than 30 years and still laughs at most of my jokes. My children, William and Tessa, are no longer constantly underfoot, embarked now on careers of their own, but when I need consultation on social networks and cultural references beyond the scope of Old Dad, they’re the first to text, IM, or tweet.

Author’s Acknowledgments

This book bears just one name on the cover, but that’s only part of the story.

Thanks to the smart and capable crew at Wiley, including Katie Mohr and the rest of the editorial and production staff, who turned the taps of my keyboard into the book you hold in the electronic device in the palm of your hand.

Also, my appreciation to long-time publishing collaborator Tonya Maddox Cupp, who once again managed the process with grace and humor.

And as always, thanks to you for buying this book. Go forth and enjoy your NOOK Tablet for escapades on the World Wide Web, audio, video, games, and easy (and weightless) access to millions of great works of literature, thoughtful history and analysis, and humble heapings of help like the very one you are reading now.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments at For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions, Editorial, and Vertical Websites

Project Editor: Tonya Maddox Cupp

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Katie Mohr

Editorial Manager: Jodi Jensen

Editorial Assistant: Amanda Graham

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Cover Photos: © / BanksPhotos

Cartoons: Rich Tennant (

Composition Services

Project Coordinator: Kristie Rees

Layout and Graphics: Claudia Bell

Proofreaders: Laura Albert, Debbye Butler, Jessica Kramer

Indexer: Potomac Indexing, LLC

Publishing and Editorial for Technology Dummies

Richard Swadley, Vice President and Executive Group Publisher

Andy Cummings, Vice President and Publisher

Mary Bednarek, Executive Acquisitions Director

Mary C. Corder, Editorial Director

Publishing for Consumer Dummies

Kathy Nebenhaus, Vice President and Executive Publisher

Composition Services

Debbie Stailey, Director of Composition Services