“When does Sir Hubert leave?” Sebastian yawned widely, as dawn broke through the night sky. Although they were exhausted, he knew Amelia was still awake and lay sated and exhausted before him. He could almost hear her thinking.
“I think he is leaving later this morning. I have said I will be there later to pack a basket for them to take on the journey. Then I will begin to clean the house and get ready to close it.” Amelia’s voice quivered with tears she fought hard not to shed.
Her senses were still reeling from the events of the past night. Although tiredness beckoned, she hadn’t objected to any of his demands. Instead she had given herself wantonly, without hesitation and had thoroughly enjoyed her experiences throughout the night. The one night she could share with Sebastian before her life irrevocably changed once more.
“Then you shall do your chores, and return here when they have gone. We have plans of our own to make.” Sebastian watched as she slowly absorbed the import of his words, unsurprised when she stiffened in his arms. Instinctively he tightened them to stop her moving away.
“Plans?” Amelia’s heart thumped heavily in her chest as she stared blankly across the room. This was it, a tiny voice inside her cautioned. This is the time when he tells you that he is going to leave too, and you will be all alone again just as you predicted, although this time will be worse because Sir Hubert won’t be there either. She closed her eyes and waited for his fateful words.
“We have to make plans for our own departure,” Sebastian said, feeling her jolt against him.
“Pardon?” Amelia’s tone was blank as she struggled to take on the import of his words.
“You cannot remain here either, Amelia.” Sebastian tried to keep his voice soft. He knew she loved her little home, and although he couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to leave it, he knew she was going to be upset.
“Why not?” Her tone was a mere whisper. She pushed against his arms and turned to gaze at him, nonplussed. There was no way she could go with him when he left. Was that what he was suggesting?
“You have to come with me.” Sebastian sighed when she began to shake her head, before trying to leave the bed.
Instead of letting her go, he pushed her deeper into the bed by leaning over her. “You are in danger here.” He shook her slightly to emphasize his words, urging her to look at him and understand the significance of his words.
“Danger?” She knew she was parroting his words, but simply couldn’t control the rising well of panic at the thought of leaving her beloved cottage with him. “How?”
“It was Danvers, the coachman, in that cellar. That means Rat could be aware that no other body was found. Amelia, the man who was going to push me out of a moving carriage to my death is undoubtedly on his way to report back to Ballantyne. Because they cannot be certain of my death, they will almost certainly come back and look for my body. Believe me; you do not want to be out here, all alone, when they call by.”
He knew he was frightening her but needed her to understand that he simply would not leave unless she was with him.
“Why should they bother with me? It was windy, dark and raining that night. You could have been anywhere when you were pushed. Why should they bother to check this road?” Amelia felt her stomach flip over at the possibility of this Rat person, knocking on her door. Swallowing hard, she stared at Sebastian and tried not to let her fear show.
“Because they will check the area and will almost certainly want to search the cottage.” Carefully he swept his hands down her cold arms, until he was holding her trembling hands in his. “I have to leave in the next day or so. I need to get in touch with my brothers. They will be frantic by now and will be trying to find me. My ribs have healed enough that I can return home, but I cannot countenance you being left here by yourself. You simply must come with me.”
Amelia felt tears well again, and this time couldn’t prevent them trickling down her cheeks again. Defiantly, she shook her hair back from her face and looked him straight in the eye, her voice firm.
“I will not go with you. I will not be your servant or your whore, and I do not belong in your world. My place is here, Sebastian.”
Amelia’s heart ached for the confusing turn her life had just taken. “You have to leave. Of course you do. You have to go back to your world, and leave me to mine.”
Tugging her hands out of his, she was too upset to realise she was revealing her nakedness when she slid from the bed. Quickly she disappeared behind the retiring screen to dress. She was so lost in her tumultuous thoughts; she didn’t look back or notice Sebastian’s masculine interest.
Sebastian sat on the side of the bed, and watched the curvy bottom of his intriguing lover disappear from sight. Ignoring the surge of desire that swept through him at the sight of her delicious curves displayed so gloriously, he swore loudly. He knew the prospect of leaving scared her, but had hoped the passion they shared would have tipped the balance in his favour.
That the thought of leaving him was too painful for her, he thought ruefully, considering his arrogance. Her vehement refusal to go with him was a minor setback he would just have to skirt around somehow.
He shook his head as he carefully banked the fire. There was one thing he was certain of; when Sir Hubert left later that morning, Sebastian could waste no time in leaving Glendowie with Amelia in tow, whether she liked it or not.
He could only hope Bestwick was reliable, and provided the relevant manpower and transport.
“Come on, Amelia,” Sebastian muttered quietly from his seat in the dark confines of Lord Bestwick’s most luxurious travelling coach. Bestwick had been true to his word. A few hand-picked men had appeared as planned, along with the conveyance, a few minutes ago. They were under strict instruction that under no circumstance was Amelia to be unduly scared any more than was necessary, or harmed in any way.
So far he was impressed. The men had quietly disappeared into the dark shadows of the woods, and he hadn’t seen or heard of them since. Even the two horses hitched up to the carriage had remained quiet and steady under the groom’s calming hands.
Heart thumping, he became aware of a sudden flurry of movement within the trees. A soft squeak of surprise rent the air, before all four men appeared at the side of the carriage, a small bundle of squirming blankets held between them.
Sebastian opened the door and watched as the wriggling mass was set gently down on the carriage floor at his feet, before the door was slammed shut. As planned, the carriage immediately moved off at a fast clip.
“You bastard!” Amelia spat, shaking the blanket off her head. She was so angry with him that she could have happily clawed his eyes out. “You can just turn this carriage around right now and take me back. I will not go with you!” The last was bitten out through clenched teeth, as she fought to free herself from the rough confines of the covers wrapped tightly around her. “Let me up!”
“I take it they didn’t hurt you?” Sebastian’s question was almost conversational as he carefully settled back against the squabs, clearly not prepared to help her.
She didn’t bother to answer, as she tried desperately to squirm her way out of the tangled mess wrapped around her.
“Take me back, for God’s sake. How dare you do this?” Her voice trembled with anger.
“You haven’t listened to a word I have said, have you?” Sebastian’s voice was so calm and unaffected, she wanted to kick him.
Amelia tried hard to ignore his masculine length lounging nonchalantly against the seat opposite. “I have listened, but I don’t agree. You have no right to override my wishes in such a high-handed way! Who do you think you are?” Amelia ranted, her voice rising to a near-shout.
“I am not your bloody servant you can order to do as you wish! I demand you turn this carriage around and take me home!” Her tones were clipped and cultured. Once again the speech she had slipped into, in her fury, was pure aristocracy.
It confirmed that there was much Sebastian had yet to discover about his future wife.
Sebastian shook his head slowly. “Sorry, darling, I can’t do it. Not only do I not consider it in your best interests to return you to that desolate hovel you call home. But the coachman has been instructed not to stop unless it is to change horses. We are to be taken directly to Tingdale.” He leaned back against the squabs nonchalantly. “I could bang on the roof for the next ten minutes, and he will ignore me as he has been instructed to.”
Closing his eyes, he pretended to settle back for a snooze, seemingly ignoring the soft thumps coming from the opposite side of the carriage as Amelia unravelled herself from the blankets.
“Take me back, Sebastian, now.” Amelia’s voice was harder than he had ever heard it, and it was enough to make him open his eyes and consider her warily.
Her stony glare glinted at him through the dimness of the carriage. Whether the moisture was from tears or temper, he wasn’t sure. Still, he couldn’t afford to cave in and let her have her way.
“Stop this carriage now, or I will jump out.”
He tensed, wondering if she was serious. Within moments he had his answer as she moved towards the door. He didn’t hesitate to drag her hand away from the handle, and tug her down onto the plush seat beside him with a thump. He lay over her to hold her still when she tried to squirm away from him.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” His voice was incredulous as his own temper began to rise. “Do you not remember the state I was in when I jumped from a moving carriage?” he snapped. He couldn’t believe she would be that stupid, even when she was so upset.
“I told you to take me back.” Amelia's chest heaved with temper.
“No!” Sebastian replied, softly but firmly. He had not seen this side of her before, and it intrigued and worried him in equal measure.
A small part of him wanted to prod and provoke her a little just to see how she would react. How much could he get away with, before his spitting kitten revealed her claws and scratched him? He felt his manhood begin to stir beneath his breeches, but knew this wasn’t the time. She would probably snap it off and beat him with it; if he showed her the effect having her angry at him was having upon his loins, he thought as he slowly eased away from her. Shaking his head when the tantalising mental image of her naked body in the firelight crept into his mind, Sebastian shifted his hips and kept a wary eye on her.
“Let me up, Sebastian. Now!” Amelia wanted to smack his arrogant face, she was so angry. “Damn you, I should have left you in the woods,” she bit out, wishing she had at least a foot free so she could kick his arrogant shin.
She didn’t mean it. Not if she was truly honest. Finding Sebastian was the most wondrous thing that had happened to her.
If only he wasn’t Ton, and so damned gorgeous.
“Now, now; you know you don’t mean that,” Sebastian murmured tenderly, easing a tendril of hair out of her eyes. He winced when she snatched her head back, and shot him a filthy glare.
“Keep your hands off me.” Her voice trembled with fury she did little to hide.
Pushing roughly at his shoulders, he eased back enough for her to wriggle out from beneath him and stumble to her feet. When he made to drag her back down, her small hands thumped at his shoulders, pushing him forcefully back against the squabs.
As her small fists rained down upon his shoulders, he wondered whether she was just trying to get him to listen to her. But when her tears began to flow and her small fists moved to his head and neck, Sebastian grew concerned. A sense of disquiet settled over him, and he wondered briefly if he had made the right decision in forcing her to come with him. What if she didn’t forgive him?
“Calm down, Amelia.” Sebastian cursed fluidly as a well-placed fist, although small, landed on his brow with surprising accuracy.
Capturing her frail wrist in his large palm, he pulled her against him, twisting around until she lay beneath him. When she continued to thump him with her free hand, he tugged that over her head too, and held them both down against the seat.
Rather than calming her, this seemed to enrage her further. She began to buck and writhe against him. His ears rang with her fluid curses as she struggled to free herself.
She was so frail beneath him that he easily held her wrists in one large palm. Her feminine strength was no match for his masculine bulk and he pinned her against the squabs far too easily. He was impressed that she cursed so fluidly, using language that caused Sebastian to grin widely. His mirth only seemed to fuel her temper.
He should be angry with her for abusing him in such a way. No woman had ever been so audaciously brazen as to call into question his parentage so boldly before. He should be offended. Instead found her language, and wrestling with her, more of a turn-on than a turn-off. God, he loved her for her free spirit. The feel of a feminine curves writhing and twisting against him made him so hard, he was certain he was going to burst out of his breeches.
“Amelia, stop,” he pleaded, as her hip came into close contact with his rigid shaft. She was still muttering dire imprecations when he cursed loudly, and slammed his lips down upon hers. It seemed the only effective way he could shut her up.
Her lips quivered under his and she fought to resist his sensual onslaught. She didn’t want the sensations he was creating inside her. Seducing her into submission wasn’t the answer. If she had any hope of returning to her little cottage, she had to stand firm against him.
After several moments, she wrenched her lips out from under his and turned her head towards the squabs.
He leant on his elbows to study her through the gloom.
“I won’t be your whore,” Amelia grumbled defiantly, refusing to look at him.
Carefully easing off her, he sat up with a frown as she immediately moved away to the far corner of the carriage, putting as much distance between them as possible in the confined space.
“Is that what you think this is ultimately all about, Amelia? I want to take you home to service me?” Sebastian tried to keep his voice soft, but couldn’t keep the bite of temper from his voice.
“You need to understand one thing, darling.” His voice bit through the darkness of the carriage. “I do not want you as my mistress. I do not expect you to be my whore. Making love with you is – well - great.” Sebastian’s tone was matter of fact, while he discussed one of the most important issues of his life.
“I know there is much we have to learn about each other before we decide on a future together. But set that aside for now. You saved my life, and I owe it to you to keep you safe in return. I cannot, and will not, leave you to be at risk of the brutality of Ballantyne. A risk I brought to your door, by the way.” Sebastian’s voice was harsh in the silence of the rocking carriage.
Great? Great! Amelia was shocked and more than a little hurt as she latched on to his description of one of the most stunning nights of her life. The feelings he created in her when they made love were amazing. Wonderfully mind-numbing. But to him, they were great? Had he not enjoyed it as much as she? He had certainly seemed to. But what they had shared didn’t rate any higher than simply ‘great’?
She hadn’t expected any declarations of undying love and devotion. Even though she knew her heart belonged to him, she was wise enough to know that men like Sebastian didn’t fall in love with mousy women like her. Even if he did ignore her lowly status. But to have the physical love between them reduced in such a casual manner hurt considerably.
Amelia felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Maybe he didn’t want her as his whore, or mistress, if she wasn’t that good. His words highlighted the differences between them.
He felt a need to protect her because he felt he owed her for saving his life. She loved him desperately.
To him, Amelia was the only female around and he had made use of her.
To Amelia, she had taken the man she loved into her body, and embraced their closeness with joy.
She realised just how uncertain her future had become. Not only was she being dragged back into the Ton; the very last place she wanted to be. But she had to rely upon the man opposite to house her until she could secure future employment.
“You owe me nothing,” Amelia muttered quietly, feeling emotionally battered and bruised from the events of the evening. “I did nothing I wouldn’t have done for someone else.”
She turned her watery gaze towards him, staring across the dimness of the carriage as she fought the overwhelming urge to sob uncontrollably. The rose-tinted glasses she had been wearing had just been cruelly ripped off, and she had been made to face the stark reality of what her life had become. She needed a few moments to herself to regain her composure and decide what she was going to do.
During their conversation, one thing had become apparent. Her future could never be with Sebastian.
“Amelia.” Sebastian went to move towards her, only to freeze when she shook her head and curled up into a tight ball against the squabs.
“Talk to me?” he pleaded softly. He hated to see her so upset, and it disturbed him greatly to see her physically withdraw from him. It would have been better if she screamed and shouted at him again, Sebastian thought. Her anger he could deal with. This wounded silence left him feeling helpless, and he hated it.
“I’m tired, Sebastian,” Amelia choked out, drawing her thin cloak around her tightly and burying her face in her knees.
Stilted silence settled between them as the carriage tumbled through the night.
Sunlight was breaking through the clouds when the carriage jerked to a stop in front of Tingdale House. The sudden jolting movement snapped Sebastian out of his doze. With a yawn, he eyed the vast stone edifice of the house he called home with an enormous sense of relief.
“Thank God,” he murmured, briefly glanced at Amelia who was still curled against the opposite door.
At least she hadn’t jumped out while he had been asleep, Sebastian thought ruefully, opening the door and jumping down. He almost cried with the sheer relief of being home again. Even the air tasted better here, he mused, as he took a deep breath of the crisp October morning. He was just turning to drop the step to call softly for Amelia, when the banging of the front door made him turn.
Moments later, chaos ensued. Men piled out of the front door and ran down the steps towards him.
“Good God, man, where the hell have you been?” Dominic demanded. He tore down the stairs with his hair wildly tousled, and breeches half-fastened. Sebastian barely had time to say ‘hello’, when he was swept into a bear hug by his elder brother.
“We thought you were dead!”
Moments later, Edward joined them. After much back-thumping, Sebastian was finally released, feeling somewhat stunned by the sheer jubilation on his brothers’ faces.
“I damned well nearly was,” Sebastian muttered with an abrupt shake of his head. “Let’s go inside and I’ll explain.”
He eyed Dominic’s broad, naked chest ruefully. “You must be getting cold.”
The men watched curiously when Sebastian turned towards the door of the coach, beckoning with his hand until Amelia emerged from the dark recesses of the carriage. Despite her wariness, her instinctive movements showed an elegant grace that contradicted the cheap, threadbare clothing she wore.
“Let me introduce Amelia,” Sebastian murmured, loving pride ringing clearly in his voice. “Amelia is the lady who saved my life.” He handed a hesitant Amelia forward as if she were a princess.
Amelia shot him a wary glance, and was about to curtsey when she was immediately swept into a hug by the man beside her.
“On behalf of all of us, thank you, Amelia. My name is Edward. You’ll have to excuse the lack of formality in the family. When there are just us around, we don’t bother with the bowing and scraping. Most of the time, we do wear clothing though.” His blue eyes twinkled ruefully down at her.
Amelia’s senses reeled. Although rumpled and clearly fresh out of bed, he had partially laced his loose shirt which hung over his low riding breeches. The man looked so much like Sebastian, it was startling.
“Sorry.” Amelia turned at the mumbled apology, and found herself facing the half-naked male who had greeted Sebastian so enthusiastically. “Edward is quite right, my dear. We do usually wear clothing. Please accept my apologies.”
“This is Dominic, my elder brother.” Sebastian was unable to prevent a teasing smile at Amelia’s shock. She had yet to say anything, but her usually pale cheeks were stained a tantalising shade of pink with embarrassment.
“Let’s go inside, Amelia is getting cold.”
Without further hesitation, Amelia was swept into the vast hallway of Sebastian’s home.
A butler held the door open for them, beaming with joy as the small party swept through. Despite her appearance, he bowed deeply at Amelia before practically bursting with happiness at the sight of Sebastian.
“Sir, it is so very good to have you back.” Emotion laced the butler’s voice as he practically bounced from one foot to another with enthusiasm.
“Thank you, Hodgkiss,” Sebastian replied with a grin, as he clapped the older man on the shoulder. “It is indeed good to be home.”
Amelia’s senses whirled. She had expected Sebastian’s house to be large. He was, after all, Ton. The size was everything she had expected. Larger than most houses, there must be over thirty rooms within.
Despite her expectations, she was still stunned by the luxurious splendour that greeted her. The entrance hall was huge, and the study she had been led into was furnished quite elegantly. Oak panelling appeared to be practically everywhere. The darkness of the wood contrasted with the lush fabrics of the brightly upholstered furniture and thick curtains. Glittering crystal chandeliers and porcelain ornaments finished the tasteful decor to perfection.
It was a clear statement to anyone who visited, that they were in the house of a lord of the realm, and a wealthy one at that.
She jerked out of her daze to find Sebastian holding a delicate cup of tea in front of her nose. Woodenly she took it from him, shaking her head slowly when she was offered milk. Instead she sat perfectly still, and held the fine china in her hand as though it was about to grow horns and run off.
Memories she had spent years burying, were suddenly bursting to life once again. Memories Amelia wanted – needed - to remain buried.
She hadn’t been to Tingdale House before, but its luxury was so similar to the house she had grown up in, it was unnerving.
“You must be exhausted.” A soft murmur in her ear snapped her out of her reverie.
“I’m sorry,” Amelia replied with a sad smile to Dominic who, now fully clothed, had moved to sit beside her. “It must be all of the travelling. Please accept my apologies for my rudeness.”
“Nonsense, my dear, we understand,” Edward replied. He was intrigued by the dishevelled beauty his brother had returned home with.
“Should I prepare the green suite, sir?” Hodgkiss appeared so silently that Amelia jerked at the sudden question, spilling some of her tea with a frown.
“No, the Countess suite please, Hodgkiss. Could you also draw a bath for my lady and I’ll have one too,” Sebastian replied, fully aware of the status he had elevated Amelia to by his simple instructions. A status that at the moment was lost on Amelia. Everyone else knew the truth of their relationship. He shot them a warning glare to remain quiet.
“We will catch up with what happened later,” Sebastian added, in a voice laden with hidden meaning. “For now, let Amelia and me have a drink, and something to eat. Once we are cleaned up, we will update you on what has been happening.”
“You had better,” Dominic warned, with a frown at his younger brother. If he wasn’t mistaken, there was much more to the relationship between Sebastian and the beautiful woman by his side than saviour and victim.
“Sebastian!” The delighted squeal was accompanied by a flurry of movement as a stunning auburn-haired woman launched herself across the room at Sebastian, landing in his arms with a thud.
Amelia’s heart twisted in her chest at the sheer delight that lit Sebastian’s face as he lunged to his feet, barely catching her in his arms before swinging her around.
“We thought you were dead, you oaf,” the woman scolded, smacking his upper arm lightly when she was set back on her feet. “Don’t you ever do that to us again, Sebastian, we have been frantic.”
“Let him up, Izzy, the man needs air.” Dominic’s scolding was accompanied by a rueful smile as he met his wife’s haughty look.
“He’s back, are you not happy too?” Izzy knew the answer already. She had spent many nights trying to comfort her distressed husband over the past few weeks.
“Of course, but you might want to say hello to Amelia.” Dominic nudged Amelia. “Please excuse my wife’s enthusiasm. This is Isobel.” He winked at his wife. “This is Amelia. The woman we have to thank for bringing Sebastian back to us.”
“Oh, I didn’t really,” Amelia mumbled, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She could feel the curiosity shimmering in the air.
“Yes she did,” Sebastian interrupted. “If it wasn’t for Amelia, I would be dead by now. She saved my life. Unfortunately, she has had to leave her home to reside here while we get to grips with Ballantyne.”
“Ballantyne?” Dominic leant forward, all traces of softness gone.
Sebastian puffed out a deep put-upon sigh and reluctantly admitted, “I think Ballantyne was behind my disappearance. Because of the risks, I made Amelia come with me. She didn’t have time to pack.” He rubbed an uncomfortable hand through his hair. He didn’t want to admit he had kidnapped her. Even to save her life. “She needs to borrow a wardrobe until we can get a modiste here.”
He could have kissed Izzy when, after the briefest hesitation, she accepted the situation without question and turned to Amelia.
“Well then, while you have a bath, I’ll sort you out some dresses. We are about the same size. I am sure we can find you something that would fit.
“Oh please, don’t put yourself out. Really, I can manage,” Amelia replied hastily, only for her protests to be firmly quashed as she was led from the room.
The door had no sooner closed behind them, than Sebastian found himself the object of close scrutiny by the others in the room. Instinctively he knew he wouldn’t get out of the room without explaining everything.
With a deep sigh, he poured everyone a brandy and sat down to explain the events that had happened to date.
Upstairs, Amelia slipped down into the luxuriously warm water with a deep sigh. As she relaxed, the significance of the changes the past day had brought finally hit her.
The Countess suite was simply divine. Decorated in pinks and creams, it had a bright and airy feel to it that was very feminine. Despite the pleasant surroundings, Amelia still felt she didn’t belong.
She wondered if she should ask Sebastian to move her to the servants’ quarters. Would the servants understand? She didn’t want to encroach on their space and make them uncomfortable. It was after all their living accommodation, but she didn’t belong in such luxurious splendour of the Countess suite either. Whatever Sebastian wanted, it all came down to one thing. Amelia had spent the last two years of her life living and working as a servant. Her upbringing was a long-buried memory, and had no bearing on her current situation, or future. That left her with a predicament. She didn’t belong upstairs with the Lord and his family, and she didn’t fit in below stairs either.
“You look worried.”
Amelia squeaked and sank lower in the water. She turned toward the door next to the bed she hadn’t noticed before, and Sebastian now standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing? Get out!” Amelia snapped, very much aware of his casual scrutiny, and his own fully clothed state.
Sebastian leant nonchalantly against the doorjamb. He ached to sweep her out of the bath tub and enjoy the delights of the large, soft bed beside him. Instead, the worry and sadness he had just seen on her face kept him still. Despite the hardness of his manhood at the delicious sight of her wet and naked body surrounded by steaming water, he kept his distance and defiantly remained where he was.
“Is Izzy not here?” He casually scanned the room, knowing that Izzy was discussing dresses with her maid, in the room he had just passed.
“She is sorting through her wardrobe,” Amelia replied, looking around for a towel or something larger to cover herself with. Sinking down to her chin, she glared across the room at Sebastian, standing so arrogantly aloof that she wanted to throw something at him.
“I see you have already bathed,” she mumbled, taking in his pristine appearance. He was so elegantly handsome. The rumpled shirt and stained breeches had undoubtedly been relegated to the fire. In their place was a neatly starched shirt and cravat, tucked elegantly into clean breeches, topped by a waistcoat that, unless she was much mistaken, appeared to be silk. He screamed Ton, from the very top of his neatly combed and fashionably cut hair, to the tip of his highly polished hessians. So unlike the Sebastian she had come to know and love that it was heartbreaking.
“Just finished,” Sebastian replied briskly, smiling cheekily at her. “Want me to scrub your back?” He wanted, no needed, to erase the sadness that lurked in the shadows of her eyes. Pushing away from the doorjamb he ignored her protests and casually sauntered over to her, plucking a towel off the end of the bed as he passed.
“Don’t come any closer,” Amelia ordered with a glare, sinking further down into the tub until the water almost touched her ears.
“You have nothing I haven’t already seen, Amelia.” Sebastian’s voice was soft, his gaze chiding as it met hers.
“When?” she rapped out. Most of the time they had shared a bed, she had been fully clothed. She scowled at him.
“When we were arguing that last morning at the cottage. You were so angry with me, you left the bed. Naked. Splendidly naked. Also, when we were making love and I tugged the sheets off us,” Sebastian teased, taking a seat on the ottoman at the end of the bed to hide the evidence of his eagerness for her. Casually he dangled the towel between his feet, tempting her to come and fetch it.
Amelia felt her cheeks heat as the sensual tension rose within the room. Despite the heat of the water, her wayward body began to respond and her nipples tightened wantonly beneath her fingers.
“Go away, Sebastian. Izzy will be here any minute. I don’t want her to find you here.” Amelia knew she was pleading with him, but he had to understand that there could be nothing more between them.
Sebastian stood, locked the door and resumed his seat. “We have to talk, Amelia.” Sebastian’s voice was low and measured as he studied her.
She was simply stunning. Her hair floated in the water, in a halo of silken delight. His fingers practically tingled with the urge to slide into the silken strands and….. He took a deep breath to steady his wayward thoughts.
“Please, Sebastian, you have to leave.” Amelia met his gaze, pleading with her eyes. “I cannot, and will not sleep with you in this house.”
“Why?” Sebastian was nonplussed. “It’s my house,” he added, trying to figure out her logic and failing miserably.
“Because that will make me your whore, which I simply refuse to be.” Amelia felt the sting of tears in her eyes and she blinked them away quickly. He had blithely ignored her objections about leaving her cottage, but this was something else. This involved her pride and meagre self-esteem. She couldn’t allow him to ride roughshod over those too.
“Making love with me will not make you my whore, Amelia.” Sebastian frowned. Was she still cross with him for making her leave that hideous cottage?
“Your whore. Your mistress. Same difference. Don’t think for a moment I am not aware of the significance of the room you have put me into.” She glared at him, as her temper began to rise at his supreme arrogance. She shouldn’t be surprised that he clearly intended to ignore her objections. But she couldn’t allow him to think he could dominate her because of her lowly status. “The connecting door, and the ease of access to me, should you get the urge.”
“The urge?” Sebastian felt his own temper rise.
“Where is the key to the connecting door?” Amelia snapped, wishing she had a robe or something to wrap around herself. She was at a distinct disadvantage, arguing her point whilst naked in a bath.
“There is no key.” Sebastian raised an arrogant brow. “The urge?”
“I insist you move me to another room,” Amelia snapped.
“No. You are staying in the Countess suite. Not,” he raised a hand when she took a breath to argue, “not, because I want to visit you, should I get the, er, urge.” It was a lie but he knew she wouldn’t appreciate the truth. “This is the suite you are the safest in. If anyone should get into the house, then you are right next door to me. Izzy is sleeping with Dominic. Peter and Edward are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, and are armed.” He tried to keep his voice matter-of-fact, and his eyes off the lush mound of her delectable breasts barely covered by the transparent water.
“I don’t need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself.” She purposely ignored his snort of disbelief, and continued. “As soon as Ballantyne is dealt with, I shall be leaving.”
“Where will you go to, Amelia?” Disbelief coloured his voice. He knew she had nowhere to go. No funds with which to return to Glendowie. No job to go back to, and no likely chance of getting a job in the small village.
“While you are finding Ballantyne, I shall obtain a reference from Sir Hubert and set about finding myself a suitable position as a housekeeper, companion or nursemaid. With Sir Hubert’s reference, it is possible.” Amelia’s voice was prim as she thought aloud. “When Ballantyne no longer poses a threat, then I shall take up my new position and be out of your hair.”
Sebastian wisely remained quiet for a few moments. If he had any say in it, there was no way Amelia was going to be stuck living as someone’s companion, or nursemaid. Instead she would take up the most important position in his household. That of his wife. Somehow though, he didn’t think the declaration would sit well with her at the moment. He eyed the defiant tilt of her chin warily for several moments, as the memory of her fury the night before returned.
Despite his desire for her and, he suspected, his deepening love, he couldn’t in all conscience ask her to marry him until she trusted him enough to tell him about her past. Whether he liked it or not, he needed definite facts on her upbringing before he proposed.
Wearily, he ran a hand down his face and heaved a sigh. It seemed that convincing Amelia to stay was going to be far more difficult than he had ever expected.
“There can be no further -,” Amelia paused, thinking of the most discreet way of saying it, “-bed sharing between us. I am, however reluctantly, a guest in this house and I will ask you to respect that.”
Sebastian felt like punching a wall. His frustration at her doubled. Did she really think she was going to be living in his house, sleeping in the next room and he would treat her as a mere acquaintance?
“We can’t go back, Amelia. We have already slept together. I cannot deny that I still want you.” Always will, he added silently. “I make you no promises.”
“You are supposed to be a gentleman.” Amelia glared at him, knowing she had just thrown down the mantle that he had rapidly snatched up. “Are you saying you will force me in that too?”
“For God’s sake, Amelia, I have never forced you before, why the hell should I do so now?” Sebastian’s voice rang across the room as his temper let loose. “I could have any woman I chose without the need for force.” He fought to keep his voice lowered and failed miserably.
He knew how pompous his last declaration sounded, but couldn’t help it. She needed to know she wasn’t the only female in the country and, if he chose, he could go and find a female who was willing. She wouldn’t be as wonderful as Amelia. Or, have the control over his emotions that Amelia had, but she would spread her legs and accept him gladly, of that he was certain. Wisely he kept the last thought quiet, instead contenting himself with a scowl.
“You override everything else I want. You decided that I should come with you, and ignored what I wanted.” Amelia slapped the water in frustration, ignoring the spray of moisture that covered her face as she continued, her voice rising. “You resorted to kidnap to bring me here, but that’s alright because it is in my best interests. You put me in the Countess suite ostensibly to keep me safe, all the while knowing there is an unlocked connecting door between us that can be used any time, day or night. But that’s alright as long as you get what you want.”
Amelia knew she was shouting now, but in her temper, couldn’t sit still. She couldn’t sit there and let him tower over her any longer.
Bristling with feminine fury, she rose like Aphrodite from the tub, water cascading down her pink-tinged glory. She was a stunning sight to behold as, splendidly naked; she stalked towards him, dripping moisture and feminine fury onto the polished floor in her wake.
Sebastian fought to keep his mouth closed. He had never in his life seen such stunning beauty. It made him all the more determined to keep her.
“Understand this,” Amelia snapped, her hand shaking with temper as she pointed at him. “I am a mere servant.” His eyes snapped up to hers with a scowl. “I have spent the past two years scraping, cleaning and cooking for my employer. I don’t belong in this room, in this house.” She swept her arms out wide to encompass the vast expanse of the luxurious room, her eyes locked onto Sebastian’s. “By rights, I should be downstairs with the serving staff but because of the way you have brought me into this house, I don’t belong there either, now.”
Her chest heaved with temper as she fought to control her roiling emotions. “I have said to you before that I will not be your mistress, or whore, and by allowing you to use that door and me whenever you see fit, I may as well charge you for my services.”
She poked a finger into the hard muscles of his chest, aware that his hungry gaze travelled over her curves. At that moment she didn’t really care. “I will also remind you that, as I am a servant in your house, the very last thing either of us needs is for you to get me with child. We have hardly been careful now, have we?”
A child with him was something she ached to have, but the possibility of it actually happening was nonexistent. If by some unfortunate circumstance she was already with child, it would cause more bittersweet regret than she could stand.
“I cannot and will not destroy whatever future I can find for myself, by getting myself with child by you.”
“Amelia,” Sebastian groaned. The thought of her delectable body, big and round with his child, rose tauntingly in his mind. His already rigid manhood stirred excitedly in his breeches. He wanted to tell her that any child she carried would be more than welcome in his house, his life, but his mind wouldn’t form the words. He raised his hands to place them on her shoulders, only for her to slap them away.
“Don’t, Sebastian. If you have any respect for me at all, just don’t.” Amelia turned on her heel and disappeared behind the retiring screen.
It was only once she was there that she realised there was nothing with which to cover herself. She didn’t possess a robe, and her only dress had been taken by a maid earlier for cleaning.
Silence descended in the room for several moments, before the towel Sebastian had been holding was draped over the top of the retiring screen, making her jump. Seconds later she heard the soft click of the connecting door as it closed behind him.