“The Leadership Lab rightly shines a white-hot spotlight on the need for 21st-century leaders to be thinking about gender and provides a valuable snapshot on how to get started.”
Julia Gillard, 27th Prime Minister of Australia, Chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, King’s College London
“Wise words on leadership to steer you through perilous waters.”
Sir Anthony Seldon, MA, PhD, FRSA, MBA, FRHisS, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Buckingham, contemporary historian, educationalist, commentator and political author
“Society is changing at an exponential rate. To thrive, our thinking also has to change at an exponential rate. The Leadership Lab provides a much-needed road map for that change.”
Hap Klopp, Founder of The North Face and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Hult University
“Interesting, insightful, innovative. A must-read if you choose to lead.”
Lord Holmes of Richmond, Paralympian
Today’s business world has been rocked by seismic geopolitical and economic shifts, ongoing financial calamities, unexpected election outcomes, the unseating of traditional political powers and the rise of populist dogma. How can leaders keep up with this infl ux of change, and what do these challenges mean for their own leadership narrative?
The Leadership Lab explains why the old rules no longer work and provides the skills to figure out a new course - from building a new type of leadership trust when all other spheres of public power have been overturned, through to robots overtaking companies, gender inclusivity and exclusivity and how short-termism negatively affects businesses.
Bestselling author Chris Lewis and megatrends analyst, co-founder of H Robotics and former White House presidential adviser Pippa Malmgren lay the foundation for a new type of leadership. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to make a difference and build an empathetic, stable and strong leadership path.
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