List of Illustrations

Figure 3.1

Goya, The Dog (1820–3)

Figure 6.1

Piero della Francesca, Saint Michael (1454)

Figure 6.2

Bartolomé Bermejo, St Michael Triumphant Over the Devil (1468)

Figure 8.1

Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Betrothal (1432)

Figure 8.2

Jan van Eyck, segment focus from The Arnolfini Betrothal (1432)

Figure 8.3

Velásquez, Las Meniñas (1656)

Figure 8.4

Dürer, Jesus Among the Doctors (1506)

Figure 8.5

Dürer, Self-Portrait (1498)

Figure 8.6

School of van Eyck, The Fountain of Grace and Triumph of the Church Over the Synagogue (1430)

Figure 8.7

School of van Eyck, segment detail from The Fountain of Grace and Triumph of the Church over the Synagogue (1430)

Figure 8.8

Dürer, face detail from Jesus Among the Doctors (1506)

Figure 8.9

Dürer, hands detail from Jesus Among the Doctors (1506)

Figure 9.1

Turner, Dawn After the Wreck (c.1841)

Figure 9.2

Piero di Cosimo, Satyr Mourning the Death of Nymph (1495–1500)