I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed taking you back to Pomme Valley. Each time we visit, I have to ask myself: what’s different? As with any towns, things change. Businesses fold, others are created. Relationships falter, while new ones start up all the time. As for Zack, I’m gently, but assuredly, steering him toward a permanent path with Jillian. Will they ever get married?

As for Lentari Cellars, I still have to admit I don’t care for wine. At all. But… I’m certainly learning a helluva lot more about it. How to make it, how to nurture the vines, when to harvest, etc. Trust me, though. If you ever find yourself asking, wouldn’t all this research into making wine encourage you to try some? The answer to that is a definitive NO. :)

As for what’s next, well, I have a brand new fantasy, with new characters, a new world, and a new type of magic in the works. It’s taking a little time to properly develop, so I’ll be starting that as soon as it’s ready. Since NaNoWriMo (annual challenge in November, where authors try to write a 50K book in a month) is just around the corner, I’ve instead elected to write the next novel in my Corgi Case Files series. This time, Zack and Jillian are heading south, for some much needed relaxation. However, as is the case with many of us, even our best laid plans can hit a snag or two. In this case, it might be three or four.

Keep an eye on the blog. I’ve closed my CafePress account and have created a Zazzle account, which means be on the lookout for some contests where you can win some merchandise! I’ll even include some signed paperbacks.

As always with us indie authors, we can’t encourage you enough to leave a review wherever you purchased the book. Positive reviews have been repetitively proven to help by allowing our books to be found in searches, recommended to prospective readers, and so on. Additionally, if you want to be certain you don’t miss out on any future releases, please sign up for my newsletter, which can be found on my website.

Happy reading!



October, 2019