Jim lifted Allison’s hand and kissed the back of it. Her ring shone in the light.
They were married!
The pilot came on and announced the final approach to Connecticut. Jim had arranged for both vehicles to be delivered home from Pennsylvania so they wouldn’t have to make the long drive after the flight.
“Could you have ever guessed you’d end up marrying your crazy neighbor who screamed at you like a shrew in her old nightgown for waking her up?”
Jim grinned and squeezed her hand. “I never thought I’d get married, period, but if anyone could tempt me, it was you in those sexy old-fashioned nightgowns of yours. I’m going to buy you another dozen or so. I’ve developed a fetish.”
“No sexy lingerie for you, hmm?”
“We can give those a try too. The fact is, I’d find you the sexiest woman alive no matter what you wore.”
She leaned her head on his shoulder.
He kissed the top of her head and rested his head against hers.
Joy bubbled over and filled her completely. She’d never dreamed she could be this happy. She’d never believed she deserved happiness. All the guilt shrouding her life had lifted. She was a new person.
Ms. Thompson’s evil couldn’t touch her anymore. The woman had lived, but she would spend the rest of her life in jail. Jim’s stalker was in a psychiatric ward getting the help she needed. Alan’s nurse was going to trial for murder on multiple counts. The press was calling her an angel of mercy, but some of the families weren’t so forgiving. Allison wouldn’t take part. She and Alan’s story was their own and in the past.
Karen had squealed in surprise and delight when she’d called from Las Vegas and broke the news of their marriage. She’d insisted on talking to Jim and threatening him with bodily harm if he ever broke Allison’s heart. Then she’d squealed again and said they’d restored her faith in love.
“What are you thinking about?”
“How happy I am.”
“In that case, please proceed.”
She chuckled. “What’s the first thing you want to do when we get home?”
“Carry my bride over the threshold and then take her upstairs and show her just how much I love her.”
“I concur. Please proceed.”
And he did—most thoroughly!