AEC: Atomic Energy Commission

ASPAC: Asia-Pacific Council

CCP: Chinese Communist Party

CPKI: Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence

CPV: Chinese People’s Volunteer

DMZ: demilitarized zone

DPRK: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency

ICRC: International Committee for the Red Cross

JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff

KATUSA: Korean Augmentation to the United States Army

KCIA: Korean Central Intelligence Agency

KCP: Korean Communist Party

KDP: Korean Democratic Party

KMAG: Korean Military Advisory Group

KPG: Korean Provisional Government

KPR: Korean People’s Republic

KSC: Korean Service Corps

LST: landing ship tank

LWR: light-water reactor

MACV: Military Assistance Command Vietnam

NAM: Nonaligned Movement

NKPA: North Korean People’s Army

NKWP: North Korean Workers’ Party

NPT: Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

NVA: North Vietnamese Army

PDS: Public Distribution System

PLA: People’s Liberation Army

POW: prisoner of war

PRC: People’s Republic of China

ROK: Republic of Korea

SACEUR: Supreme Allied Commander Europe

SCA: Soviet Civil Administration

SCAP: Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers

SKWP: South Korean Workers Party

SOFA: Status of Forces Agreement

TF: Task Force

UNC: United Nations Command

UNRC: United Nations Reception Center

UNCURK: United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea

USAFIK: United States Army Forces in Korea

USAMGIK: United States Military Government in Korea

VPA: Vietnam People’s Army

WFP: World Food Program