Picturing This
Picturing the End of Worship 1
Picturing the Limitations of Worldview: Reading Wendell Berry in Costco 8
Picturing Love and Worship in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest 22
Picturing a Feel for the World in Bright Star 46
Picturing Kinaesthetic Conversion in The King’s Speech 66
Picturing the Pedagogy of Insignificance with Carson McCullers 98
Picturing Secular Liturgies in Nicholson Baker’s The Mezzanine 103
Picturing the Sanctification of Perception in Jewish Morning Prayer 164
Picturing a Reflective, Sentimental Education 189
To Think About
Longing Leads to Action 7
Learning the Hard Way When It’s the Only Way 14
Shaping a Worldview in Downton Abbey 21
Existential Maps of Our World 40
Chicken Sexing and Nonconscious Knowledge 52
Motor Intentionality in Rise of the Planet of the Apes 55
“Catching” Sleep 65
Newman on Faith as Love 88
Schooling as Ritual Performance 94
Slouching toward Ritual 96
Metaphor as Godfire 122
I Can’t Say; Let Me Tell You a Story 130
War Games 138
Imagining the Reformation of Manners 158
Story and the Economy of Abundance 161
The Poetry of Prayer 175
Praying a World(view) 176
Love’s Litany 183