Over the next ten minutes the two clergymen laid a white linen altar cloth across the kitchen table, on top of which they laid the corporal. Then they donned white albs. From his bag, Orlebar produced a silver chalice, placing it on the corporal, into which he poured red wine while incanting a prayer. Beside the chalice, Skeet solemnly placed a silver paten on the corporal, into which he laid four round white wafers.
Orlebar now produced a silver censer, hung from chains and containing charcoal, which he lit. Grey smoke curled from the thurible, rapidly filling the kitchen with the pungent smell of incense. He lifted the censer up and walked around the room, shaking the smoke in every direction, chanting quietly, as Jason and Emily, still seated, watched in silence.
As he returned to the table, Skeet gestured with his hands for them to stand.
They did as they were bidden. The two clergymen stood on the other side of the table, behind the sacraments, and both closed their eyes, praying silently. Then, in unison, they opened their eyes again and looked at Jason and Emily.
Skeet began the communion. Almost simultaneously, they all heard, loud and clear, the ceiling shaking, and the sounds of footsteps again.
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.
Orlebar continued, ignoring the sound.
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.
Skeet took over again.
The stomping grew louder, angrier.
Jason and Emily stared rigidly ahead at the two men, not daring to glance at each other.
Like a pair of well-rehearsed musicians, Orlebar took over again.
The stomping above reached fever pitch. It sounded as if, at any minute, the ceiling would come crashing down.
Skeet continued for some moments, then Orlebar again took over, praying loudly and clearly. Finally the stomping stopped.
Orlebar said, pointedly, to Jason and Emily, ‘The peace of the Lord be always with you.’
Skeet mouthed the response to the couple.
In staggered unison they replied, uncertainly, ‘And also with you.’
The prayers continued for some minutes, culminating in the Lord’s Prayer.
Skeet and Orlebar then took communion. When they had finished their dissolving of the wafers in their mouths, and their sips of wine, Skeet nodded at Orlebar, who tried to continue with the service.
The stomping began again, even louder, drowning his voice out.
Skeet gestured for the Daneses to step forward.
Jason and Emily took communion in turn, then stepped back a couple of paces. As they did so, Jason noticed both clergymen were staring past them, transfixed, with very strange expressions. They made Jason deeply uncomfortable.
He and Emily turned.
Caroline Harcourt was standing right behind them.