Thursday 27 December

Jason looked behind him, then across the restaurant. There was no sign of Emily. Had she gone to the loo?

Where was that now? Everything had changed in here. The door he remembered from before, which used to lead to the toilets, was now an alcove with a curved banquette.

‘Excuse me,’ he said to the greeter. ‘Which way are the loos?’

Busy checking what looked like a seating plan of the room, she did not react.

‘Erm – the loos?’ he repeated. ‘Could you tell me where they are?’

This time she did look up, but not in response to his question. It was to smile at another couple who had just entered. An instant later they were in front of him, blocking his view of her.

How rude of them barging past him – and of her to ignore him, he thought, indignantly.

‘Name of Nick Godfrey,’ the man said.

‘Party of four?’


‘Your guests are already here, Mr Godfrey.’

She took their coats and led them off.

Jason turned around, utterly bewildered. He went back outside into what seemed to be turning into a hurricane. There was no sign of Emily. He returned to the restaurant. ‘My wife – she came in with me,’ he said to the greeter. ‘Is it possible you could check the Ladies for me? I think she must be unwell.’

Yet again the woman did not appear to notice him. She tapped busily on her tablet, then looked up and right through him, with a blank expression.

‘My wife,’ he said. ‘I think she might be unwell – is it possible that—’

Now four people suddenly stood in front of him, blocking his view of her again. He heard her check the reservation name, then gather their coats and lead them to a table. Jason followed them in, feeling very weird, as if both conspicuous and inconspicuous at the same time. He was walking strangely, his feet unable to feel the ground, almost as if he was floating. None of the diners took any notice of him.

I’m freaking out. Having a panic attack. Need to get home and wash my hands. Get in the shower.

He saw a sign for the toilets, in a completely different location from before, and went through into a unisex cloakroom. A woman came out of a door with a female gender symbol on it. ‘Is there another lady in there, by chance?’ he asked her.

She walked straight past, without answering.

Was everyone in here this rude? he wondered.

He went over to the door, not daring to go in. ‘Emily?’ he called out. Then, louder, ‘Em? Are you in there? Are you OK?’

No response.

Sod it. He decided to go in and see for himself. ‘Em?’ he called out, cautiously. ‘I’m coming in!’

The toilet was empty.