The images in this book are from the collections of the Library of Congress unless otherwise noted. Known information about these images, including creator, year, custodial division, collection name, and reproduction number, is listed below by page number. Many images in this book are from the Library’s Prints & Photographs Division and can be viewed or downloaded from the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog ( For reproductions of images from other divisions, contact Duplication Services (; 202-707-5640). The following abbreviations are used throughout the image credits:
AFC American Folklife Center
AMED African and Middle Eastern Division
Br-Ha Brady-Handy Photograph Collection
Coll. Collection
COM Office of Communications
DS Duplication Services
EUR European Division
G&M Geography & Map Division
HEC Harris & Ewing Collection
IPO Interpretive Programs Office
MBRS Music, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division
MSS Manuscript Division
MUS Music Division
NPCC National Photo Company Collection
NYWTS New York-World Telegram & Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection
P&P Prints & Photographs Division
CMHA Carol M. Highsmith Archive
PO Publishing Office
RBSC Rare Book & Special Collections Division
UNK Creator unknown
Cover and 1. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03188; 2. Carol M. Highsmith, 1980–2006. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-12559; 3. Carol M. Highsmith, 1980–2006. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-13970; 4. Carol M. Highsmith, 1980–2006. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-16602; 5. William Thornton, ca. 1800. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-07219; 6. Levin C. Handy, ca. 1897. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-34896; 7. After John Singleton Copley, 1850–1900. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-15705; 8. Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin, 1805. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-31800; 9. UNK, ca. 1853. P&P, LC-USZ62-1818; 10. George Munger, 1814. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-23076; 11. Peter S. Duval, 1846. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-30581; 12. Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Harrison Smith, May 8, 1815. MSS; 13. LC/David Sharpe, 2000. COM; 14. Alexander Jackson Davis, 1834. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-09409; 15. After W.G. Doles, ca. 1898. P&P, LC-USZ62-59096; 16. Augustus Köllner, ca. 1846–1855. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-23165; 17. N. Currier, 1844. P&P, LC-USZC4-6089; 18. UNK. P&P, LC-USZ62-14760; 19. John James Audubon and R. Havell, 1827–1838. P&P, LC-USZC4-894; 20. Thomas U. Walter, 1852. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-07220; 21. UNK. P&P, LC-USZ62-13081; 22. Mathew B. Brady, 1844–1860. P&P, Daguerreotype Coll., LC-USZ62-109962; 23. H.C. Howard, 1860. P&P, LC-DIG-pga-01637; 24. E. Sachse & Co., 1866. P&P, LC-DIG-pga-04078; 25. (above) Mathew B. Brady, ca. 1865. P&P, LC-USZ62-91814; (below) MSS, LC Archives, PIO series; 26. G.D. Wakely, 1866. P&P, LC-DIG-stereo-1s02418; 27. UNK, 1880. P&P, Br-Ha, LC-DIG-cwpbh-03642; 28. (left) UNK, 1855–1865. P&P, Br-Ha, LC-DIG-cwpbh-01804; (right) UNK, 1860–1880. P&P, LC-USZ62-117814; 29. Smithmeyer & Pelz, 1873. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-31513; 30. G.F. Gilman, 1881. P&P, LC-DIG-pga-01369; 31. Carol M. Highsmith, 1980–2006. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-13002; 32. George West, 1844. MSS, Caleb Cushing Papers, oversize container #2; 33. Joseph Ferdinand Keppler, 1885. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-04498; 34. Abdullah Frères, 1880–1893. P&P, Abdul-Hamid II Coll., LC-USZC4-11658; 35. P.J. Pelz, 1888. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-25376; 36. Frances B. Johnston, ca. 1900. P&P, LC-USZ62-6010; 37. UNK, 1890. P&P, Washingtoniana Coll., LC-USZ62-73542; 38. UNK, 1892. P&P, LC-USZ62-51462; 39. Carol M. Highsmith, 2009. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-11661; 40. UNK, 1894. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-22306; 41. W.K.L. Dickson, 1894. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-13462; 42. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-01932; 43. UNK, 1895. P&P, LC-USZ62-120935; 44. Elihu Vedder, ca. 1896. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-13482; 45: UNK, 1896. P&P, LC-USZ62-40188; 46. W. Bengough, 1897. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-17588; 47. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-02072; 48. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-02015; 49. Levin C. Handy, [1898?]. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-25378
50. Detroit Photographic Co., 1901. P&P, Photochrom Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsca-18147; 51. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03193; 52. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-01927; 53. Albrecht Dürer, 1504. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-18945; 54. UNK, ca. 1898. P&P, LC-USZ62-38245; 55. UNK, 1901. P&P, Br-Ha, LC-DIG-cwpbh-03424; 56. Frances B. Johnston, ca. 1899. P&P, Frances Benjamin Johnston Coll., LC-USZ62-4541; 57. Detroit Photographic Co., 1898. P&P, Photochrom Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsca-18034; 58. (right) UNK, 1900. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsc-04826; (left) MSS, Daniel A.P. Murray Papers; 59. UNK, ca. 1900. P&P, LC-USZ62-59275; 60. P&P, BIOG FILE; 61. UNK, 1900–1920. P&P, LC-USZ62-118630; 62. Jack Delano, 1930–1950. P&P, LC-USZ62-100400; 63. Underwood & Underwood, 1904. P&P, LC-DIG-stereo-1s05904; 64. (next photo) EUR; (above) LC/Barbara Dash. RBSC; 65. UNK, 1906. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-35800; 66. UNK, 1924. P&P, NPCC, LC-USZ62-111913; 67. Harris & Ewing, 1912. P&P, HEC, LC-DIG-hec-01689; 68. 15th century. AMED; 69. UNK, 1914. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-33995; 70. UNK, ca. 1911. P&P, Robert M. La Follette, Sr., Papers, LC-USZ61-1553; 71. Underwood & Underwood, ca. 1919. P&P, LC-USZ62-60729; 72. UNK, 1922. P&P, NPCC, LC-USZ62-33031; 73. UNK, 1919 or 1920. P&P, NPCC, LC-DIG-npcc-28564; 74. 1920. P&P, U.S. GEOG FILE; 75. UNK, ca. 1875. P&P, Br-Ha, LC-DIG-cwpbh-03798; 76. UNK. P&P, LC-USZ62-399; 77. UNK, 1922. P&P, NPCC, LC-DIG-npcc-06229; 78. Harris & Ewing, 1938. P&P, HEC, LC-DIG-hec-24277; 79. MUS, Coolidge Foundation Coll.; 80. Harris & Ewing, ca. 1930. AFC; 81. UNK, 1925. P&P, NPCC, LC-DIG-npcc-26817; 82. RBSC, Otto Vollbehr Coll.; 83 and 84. MUS; 85. (left) RBSC; (right) UNK, 1929. P&P, NYWTS, LC-USZ62-115443; 86. Columbia Pictures, 1939. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsc-03738; 87. (left and right) George and Ira Gershwin Coll., MUS; 88. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03190; 89. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-02758; 90. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-02767; 91. MSS, LC Archives, PIO series; 92. UNK, 1938–1950. P&P, Lomax Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsc-00433; 93. U.S. Office of War Information, 1940-41. P&P, LC-USZ62-123290; 94. LC/Shawn Miller, 2015. COM; 95. 1941. Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Workers Coll. (AFC 1985/001:PH16); 96. Ludwig van Beethoven, 1820. Gertrude Clarke Whittall Foundation Coll., MUS; 97. Carol M. Highsmith, 1980–2006. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-13238; 98. RBSC, Rosenwald Coll.; 99. Pix Inc., 1943. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-17591; 100. Dorothea Lange, 1936. P&P, FSA - OWI Coll., LC-DIG-fsa-8b29516; 101. Press Association, Inc., 1944. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-09163; 102. (bottom) LC, 1944. MUS; (top) LC/Shawn Miller, 2016. COM; 103. Victor Kraft, 1946. MUS, Aaron Copland Coll., Box Number 492/11. Used by permission of The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc.; 104. MSS, W. Somerset Maugham Papers; 105. UNK, 1916. P&P, LC-USZ62-113150; 106. UNK, 1948. P&P, LC-USZ62-135719; 107. Orville Wright and John T. Daniels, 1903. P&P, Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright, LC-DIG-ppprs-00626; 108. MSS, LC Archives, PIO series; 109. DS, LC-USP6-2891-a; 110. J.S. Smith & Co., 1890. RBSC, Alfred Whital Stern Coll. of Lincolniana; 111. DS, LC-USP6-6286-c; 112. MSS, LC Archives, PIO series; 113. Mathew B. Brady, 1855–1865. P&P, Br-Ha, LC-DIG-cwpbh-01026; 114. RBSC, McManus-Young Coll.; 115. DS, LC-USP6-3598-c
116. LC, 1988. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10201; 117. LC/Pat Fisher, 2005. COM; 118. LC, 1964. COM; 119. UNK, 1966. P&P, NYWTS, LC-DIG-ppmsca-15437; 120. Stanley Tetrick, 1963. P&P, LOOK Magazine Photograph Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsca-24295; 121. UNK, 1936. P&P, Visual Materials from the NAACP Records, LC-DIG-ppmsca-39304; 122. COM; 123. RBSC; 124. UNK, 1966. P&P, Biographical File Filing Series, LC-DIG-ppmsca-38574; 125: Rudolph Assoc., 1966. P&P, Alfred Easton Poor Papers, LC-USZ62-116855; 126. H.C. Miner Litho. Co., 1926. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsc-03732; 127. Robert L. Knudsen, 1968. P&P, Ralph Ellison Papers, LC-USZ62-137238; 128. UNK, 1887. P&P, Charles E. Feinberg Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsca-07550; 129. DS, LC-USP6-5805c; 130. LC, 1970. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10195; 131. Charles E. Martin/New Yorker, April 24, 1971 © Condé Nast; 132. Russell Patterson, ca. 1925. P&P, Swann Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsca-01589; 133. Alexander Graham Bell, March 10, 1876. MSS, Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers, Box 271; 134. Beverly J. Robinson, 1977. South-Central Georgia Folklife Project Coll. (AFC 1982/010), 6-17617-29a; 135. Lancy Hidy, Center for the Book; 136. IPO; 137. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03177; 138. LC, 1979. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10199; 139. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03189; 140. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03169; 141. MSS, LC Archives, PIO series; 142. PO; 143. DS, LC-USP6-9814-36; 144. N. Currier, 1835–1837. P&P, LC-DIG-pga-05787; 145. MSS, LC Archives, PIO series; 146. LC, 1989. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10202; 147. LC, 1989. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10203; 148. LC, 1990. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10205; 149. LC, 1991. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10209; 150. Robert Silvers, 1994. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-04950; 151. (left) Jack Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer, New York Music Co., 1908. MUS; (right) UNK, ca. 1853. P&P, Daguerreotype Coll., LC-DIG-ds-04496; 152. MBRS; 153. John Bryson, 1959. P&P, Charles and Ray Eames Coll., LC-USZ62-137158; 154. LC, 2000. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10211; 155. Carol M. Highsmith, 2009. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-11597; 156. Carol M. Highsmith, 2009. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-11617; 157. LC, 2000. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10212; 158. LC, 2000. P&P, LC-DIG-ds-10210; 159. UNK. Carol Scott Coll. (AFC 2001/001/11082), Photograph (PH01), Veterans History Project Coll.; 160. DS, LC-USP61-090801; 161.; 162. PO; 163. UNK, ca. 1980. P&P, Herbert L. Block Coll., LC-DIG-ppmsca-22217; 164. G&M; 165. UNK, 2001. P&P, Coll. of Unattributed 9/11 Photographs, LC-DIG-ppmsca-02149; 166. G&M, Jay I. Kislak Coll.; 167. LC/Steve Winick, 2005. AFC; 168. UNK, 1964. P&P, NYWTS, LC-USZ62-107994; 169. LC/Scott Suchman, 2007. COM; 170. LC/Shawn Miller, 2015. COM; 171. LC/Nancy Alfaro, 2007. COM; 172. Columbia Pictures, 1950. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-25371; 173. LC/Shawn Miller, 2016. COM; 174. Photo courtesy First Evenements, 2009; 175. LC/Barry Wheeler, 2009. COM; 176. UNK, 1863–1865. P&P, Liljenquist Family Coll. of Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-ppmsca-36454; 177. LC/Abby Brack Lewis, 2010. COM; 178. National Jukebox, MBRS; 179. LC/Abby Brack Lewis, 2013. COM; 180. Rachel Carson, 1962. IPO; 181. Bill Ray, 1980. MSS, Seth MacFarlane Coll. of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive. Courtesy of Bill Ray and Druyan-Sagan Associates, Inc.; 182. LC/Katherine Blood, 2013. P&P; 183. LC/John Harrington, 2014. COM; 184. Pete Souza, 2015. P030815PS-0117. Courtesy of the Barack Obama Presidential Library; 185. LC, 2014. COM; 186. LC/Shawn Miller, 2015. COM; 187. LC/Shawn Miller, 2015. COM; 188. LC/Shawn Miller, 2016. COM; 189. LC/Shawn Miller, 2016. COM
190. Carol M. Highsmith, 2007. P&P, CMHA, LC-DIG-highsm-03192; Watterston: UNK, 1811. P&P, LC-USZ62-6007; Meehan: P&P, John Silva Meehan Papers, LC-USZ62-43063; Stephenson: Anson, 1860–1865. P&P, LC-USZ62-57283; Spofford: L.C. Handy Studios, ca. 1900. P&P, Br-Ha, LC-USZ62-23839; Young: Dinwiddie Studio, ca. 1895. P&P, LC-USZ62-6011; Putnam: Frances B. Johnston, ca. 1900. P&P, Frances Benjamin Johnston Coll., LC-USZ62-92405; MacLeish: UNK, 1939–1944. P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-17592; Evans: UNK, 1940–1960. P&P, LC-USZ62-123764; Mumford: Harris & Ewing, 1964. COM; Boorstin: LC. COM; Billington: LC, 2005. COM; Hayden: LC/Shawn Miller, 2016. COM