stinking to high heaven
with all the foulness
of your worn-out stories –
je me souviens.
Bunions. Spittle. Squint.
You have yet to crack a smile,
your eyes wind tunnels.
And maybe you’re what I get –
the rush to destruction,
that whistling maw.
Eros exiled.
Bloody Time, you old cannibal
with your necklace of skulls.
By the scruff of your neck
I hoist you – toss you out.
Hose you down.
Drenched, you glitter.
in my arms,
in your nightgown,
you’re just an old woman –
frail, beset, bedraggled –
familiar as my kitchen.
How long for this world?
I reinsert you in the captain’s chair.
Across the table
we take each other in.
You tear off a chunk of baguette,
toss it my way.
Got your goat, eh?