AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU LET me tag along?”

Emma had difficulty concentrating as she lay beside him under the shade of a towering pine, her body still shuddering from the power of her release. “Maybe.”

Laughter vibrated through the cheek resting on his bare chest.

“We need to get going, though.”

She noted his voice didn’t sound too happy with that idea. “Just five more minutes.” She raked her fingers through the tight curls on his chest, lightly scraping across one nipple before angling lower.

He hissed in a breath and pressed down on her wandering hand. “Enough or Sarah’s baby will arrive before we get there.”

Reluctantly, they separated and were soon on their way to the Owens ranch where Henry greeted them at the door.

“Thank God you’re here!” He pulled Emma inside. “She’s been asking for you. She thinks the baby will be here soon and I have no idea what to do.”

Emma barely controlled the urge to tell him he wasn’t alone.

“Do you need me to ride into town for the doctor?” asked Ty.

He shook his. “I sent one of the boys already.”

Ty looked at Emma. “Em? What do you need me to do?”

The question broke through the panic building inside her head. She struggled to maintain a cheery demeanor. “Know how to deliver a baby?” Please say yes, please say yes.


“Then I guess just keep Henry company.” She headed up the stairs.

“I have hot water ready when you need it.”

What the hell will I need hot water for?

A loud moan from the room on the right sent a shiver up Emma’s spine as she entered and found Sarah clutching the rails at the head of bed, face contorted in pain as another spasm gripped her.

With no clue what to do, Emma sat on the side of the bed and used a cloth on the nearby table to wipe her friend’s brow.

“Boy,” Sarah grimaced at last, “that was a dandy.” Yellow-gold hair, damp with perspiration, clung to ashen cheeks, but her blue eyes sparkled with happiness and a tired smile graced her face. “I’m pretty sure the baby will be here before Doc arrives.” She looked intently at Emma. “I can’t lose my baby, Emma. You have to help me.”

Emma was too shocked to respond at first, and then she squeaked, “I know about pulling calves, not babies.”

Sarah gritted her teeth and groaned as another contraction wracked her body. When it passed, she drew in deep gulps of air and looked at her. “It’s not all that different with babies.”

Emma flinched, then gasped. “Oh my God! I have to put a rope around its feet and pull it out?”

Sarah’s laughter was strained. “Good Lord, girl. I could write a book about stuff you don’t know.”

Emma couldn’t argue with her comment, so remained silent.

“I don’t remember much about the first time since I was so sick, but this is what Mable said.”

Emma listened with rapt attention as she learned the basics of childbirth, all the while praying God would help her and she didn’t pass out.

The spasms came closer together and with each one, Emma’s own anxiety mounted. What if something goes wrong? What if I do something wrong? I couldn’t bear it!

“It’s time!” cried Sarah, “it’s time!”

Emma followed the instructions as best she could, and soon held the newborn in her hands. “It’s a girl!”

“She’s not crying!” wailed Sarah, “she has to cry!”

Panicky and unsure of how to accomplish that part, she did what she would if it were a newborn calf: cleared her mouth, then held her up by her tiny ankles and tapped her on the back. When that didn’t work right away, she swung her lightly side to side, then popped her on the butt.

The baby’s shrill cry, mixed with the happy cries of mother and makeshift-midwife, filled the room.

Now I know what the hot water is for.

At Emma’s instruction, Henry and Ty cautiously entered the room.

Sarah’s face beamed as she looked at her husband. “Come meet your daughter.”

Emma worked hard not to cry again at the sight of Henry carefully holding the blanket-wrapped babe, his mouth curved with tenderness and wonder. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered, “just like her mother.”

Ty slid an arm around Emma’s waist and she leaned into him, surprised to note her shaky knees wouldn’t support her.

“Congratulations you two,” said Ty. “Do you have a name yet?”

Sarah looked at Emma, then back to Henry. “I’d like to name her Abigail Rose, after my mother,” she looked at Emma again, love etched in the smile she wore. “And my sister by choice.”

Henry looked down at his daughter. “Hello, Abigail Rose. I’m your father.”

The tears started again in earnest.