Behind the Scenes

Our Readers

Many thanks to the travelers who used the last edition and wrote to us with helpful hints, useful advice and interesting anecdotes:

Abi Mcanally, Alain Vada, Alex Anderson, Alexandra Boissonneault, Amy Skewes-Cox, Angelica Aguilar, Anna Steinert, Anne Sorensen, Armando Nogueira, Audun Lem, Barry Weiss, Brian Fagan, Bryan Booth, Carol Janney, Christopher Cheung, David Lacy, Dirk Verhulst, Eduardo Vial, Eve Masi, Gabriela Saez, Gilles Caouette, Han Wong, Helen Stanley, Houda Lazrak, Ines Ruestenberg, Joan Reid, Johan Engman, Jonathan Freeman, Juan Zuazo, ­Judith Baker, Juliette Giannesini, Kathrin Birner, Liz Rushton, Louis-Francois Delannoy, Manuela Holfert, Mark Miller, Martin Grancay, Martin Hellwagner, Martin Vest Nielsen, Michael Stolar, Michelle Washington, Miriam Price, Mirjam Hiller, Murray Jones, Naomi Joswiak, Naomi Sharp, Noelle Ehrenkaufer, Oskar Op de Beke, Patrick Cafferty, Pierre Naviaux, Piet Hageman, Remco Wulms, Rich Lang, Ron McDowell, Ron Witton, Roxanne Cote, Sabine Doorman, Sean Casey, Steve Sample, Susannah Glynn, Tobias Rönnertz, Tom Kowalczyk, Wendy Horton, Wendy Pickering, Wendy Salvo

Author Thanks

Carolyn McCarthy

Big thanks to copilot Estefania, hosts Angela and Jim Donini, Susanne in Natales for the lunchbox, Eliana in La Junta for car help, and Trauko for shepherding this planet like no one else. Gratitude also goes to the crew in Coyhaique, Mery and Mauricio, Nicolas Lapenna, Carolina Morgado, Andres, Philip Cary, Ruth and the amazing ladies of Puerto Williams. In the last edition, I thanked the Subarito for not breaking on the Carretera Austral. Looks like I spoke too soon.

Greg Benchwick

Gracias to my coordinating author Carolyn McCarthy and destination editor MaSovaida Morgan. Your vision made working on this book a pleasure. Beautiful Natalia was a great help finding my way through the hills of Valparaíso. And the biggest and bravest of thanks to Brian Kluepfel, who traveled with me through the schopperias of Arica and Iquique on my fateful first journey to this long, lean land.

Jean-Bernard Carillet

Heaps of thanks to the editorial and cartography teams at Lonely Planet for their great job. Coordinating author Carolyn deserves a grand merci for her support and hospitality – I won’t forget my lovely retreat at her home, and the great company of Richard, moniteur de kayak extraordinaire (and the wine was great, too!). On Easter Island, special thanks to Sebastian, Lionel, Antoine, Henri and Michel.

Kevin Raub

Thanks to my wife, Adriana Schmidt Raub, who once again put up with my missing Christmas, my birthday and New Year’s Eve! Also to ­MaSovaida Morgan, and my partners-in-crime, Carolyn McCarthy, Lucas Vidgen, JB Carillet and Greg Benchwick. On the road, Richard Carrier, Alfonso Spoliansky, Britt and Sandra Lewis, Fernando Claude and Amory Uslar, Mirella Montaña, Juan Pablo Mansilla, Karin Terrsy, Cyril Christensen, Tracy Katelman, Claudio Ansorena, Sarina Hinte, Vincent Baudin, Ben Miray, Raffaele di Blasé, Rodrigo Condezza, Sirce Santibañez and Mariela Del Pillar.

Lucas Vidgen

Thanks first and foremost to the Chileans for having such an excellent country to travel and work in – ¡re bacán, compadres! Thanks also to Vicky Toledo for excellence in everything, Patrizia, Flavio and Gerardo in Putre, Marco Iglesias in Vicuña, Doménica in Caldera and all the travelers who wrote in or offered tips on the road. And last but far from least: to Teresa and Sofia, for being there, and being there when I got back.


Climate map data adapted from Peel MC, Finlayson BL & McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated World Map of the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 163344.

Cover photograph: Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Michele Falzone/AWL.

This Book

This 10th edition of Lonely Planet’s Chile & Easter Island guidebook was researched and written by Carolyn McCarthy, Greg Benchwick, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Kevin Raub and Lucas Vidgen. The previous edition was written by Carolyn ­McCarthy, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Bridget Gleeson, Anja Mutić and Kevin Raub. This guidebook was produced by the following:

Destination Editor MaSovaida Morgan

Product Editors Carolyn Boicos, Tracy Whitmey

Senior Cartographers Mark Griffiths, Alison Lyall

Book Designer Clara Monitto

Assisting Editors Andrea Dobbin, Anne Mulvaney, Christopher Pitts, Ross Taylor, Simon Williamson

Cover Researcher Naomi Parker

Thanks to Imogen Bannister, Kate Mathews, Claire Naylor, Karyn Noble, Martine Power, Jessica Rose, Wibowo Rusli, Ellie Simpson

Ebook thanks to Andrew Bigger, Ruth Cosgrove, Julie Dodkins, Liz Heynes, Craig Kilburn, Chris Love, Wayne Murphy, Jacqui Saunders, John Taufa, Glenn van der Knijff, Juan Winata.