Back stitch: a type of machine stitch
Backstitch: a sturdy hand stitch
Back tack: backward stitches
Basting stitch: see tack
Blanket stitch: used on blankets
Blind hem stitch: see hemstitch
Blind stitch: see hemstitch
Buttonhole stitch: for sewing buttonholes
Catch stitch: a flat-looped stitch
Chain stitch: a type of hand or machine stitch
Click stitch: a type of embroidery stitch
Cover stitch: a type of machine stitch
Cross-stitch: usually used to describe a decorative stitch
Daisy stitch: stitch that looks like a daisy
Darning stitch: a stitch used to mend holes
Ditch stitch: a type of machine stitch
Double-stretch stitch: a type of machine stitch
Double whipstitch: see whipstitch
Embroidery stitch: a stitch that incorporate elements of embroidery
Eyelet stitch: a stitch used for eyelets
Flat-catch stitch: see catch stitch
French knot: a type of hand embroidery stitch
Hemming stitch: see hemstitch
Hemstitch: decorative stitch used for hems
Kitsch stitch: an embroidery stitch
Knit stitch: a type of machine stitch
Lock stitch: a type of machine stitch
Lock-a-matic stitch: see lock stitch
Locking stitch: see lock stitch
Multiple zigzag stitch: a type of machine stitch
Outline stitch: a type of machine stitch
Overcast stitch: a type of hand stitch
Overcasting stitch: a type of machine stitch
Overlock stitch: a type of machine stitch
Pad stitch: a stitch which provides an element of padding
Pick stitch: a type of hand stitch
Rantering: a type of stitch used to conceal a seam
Running-stitch: a hand stitch for seams
Running stitch: a type of machine stitch
Sailmakers’ stitch: a type of hand embroidery stitch
Satin stitch: a type of machine stitch
Satin stitch: a type of hand embroidery stitch
Slip stitch: a form of blind stitch used to fasten two pieces of fabric together
Stem stitch: a type of hand embroidery stitch
Stoating: a type of stitching used to join two pieces of material
Stoting: see stoating
Stotting: see stoating
Straight stitch: a type of machine stitch
Straight stitch with needle far to the left: a variant of straight stitch
Stretch stitch: a type of machine stitch
Tack: quick, temporary stitching which will be removed later
Tent stitch: a diagonal embroidery stitch
Topstitch: a stitch used for hems and edges
Triple-stretch stitch: a type of machine stitch
Triple whipstitch: see whipstitch
Whipstitch: a stitch used for edges
Zigzag stitch: a type of machine stitch