Behind the Scenes

Charles Rawlings-Way

Big thanks to Tasmin for the gig, to Fleur for the inside info on Perth culture, and to all the helpful souls I met on the road in South Australia and in/around Perth who flew through my questions with the greatest of ease. Biggest thanks of all to Meg, who made sure that Ione, Remy, Liv and Reuben were looked after.

Fleur Bainger

Thrilled and grateful to be on board, Thanks to Tasmin and Charles for their endless patience with helping me learn the guidebook writing ropes. Western Australia’s epic scenery, passionate characters and inspiring produce also deserve gratitude; they constantly inspire me.


Cover photograph: Cottesloe Beach, Hans Peter Huber/4Corners Images ©

Photographs (clockwise from top left): Eden Nguyen/Shutterstock ©, (Spanda by Christian de Vietri) bmphotographer/Shutterstock ©, Jason Knott/Alamy Stock Photo ©

This Book

This 1st edition of Lonely Planet’s Pocket Perth & Fremantle guidebook was researched and written by Charles Rawlings-Way and Fleur Bainger. This guidebook was produced by the following:

Destination EditorTasmin Waby

Senior Product Editors Kate Chapman, Anne Mason

Regional Senior Cartographer Julie Sheridan

Product Editor Rachel Rawling

Book Designer Meri Blazevski

Assisting Editors Sarah Bailey, Peter Cruttenden, Carly Hall, Victoria Harrison, Kellie Langdon

Cover Researcher Naomi Parker

Thanks to Carolyn Boicos, Paul Harding, Vicky Smith

eBook thanks to Julie J. Dodkins, Craig Kilburn, Wayne Murphy, John Taufa and Juan Winata.