Abaft —toward the stern of a boat; behind
Abeam —on a line at right angles to a ship’s keel
Aft (also stern) —the rear part of a ship
Amidships —in or toward the center
Beam —the width of a ship at its widest part
Bow (also prow) —the forward part of a ship
Bridge —the raised platform on a ship from which it is navigated
Bulkhead —a vertical partition separating compartments
CINCPAC —commander in chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet (Nimitz)
Coaming —a vertical piece around the edge of a cockpit, hatch, etc., to prevent water on deck from running below
Comdr. —commander
CPO —chief petty officer
CWO —chief warrant officer
Following sea —an overtaking sea that comes from astern
Helm —the wheel or lever controlling the rudder of a ship
Hull —the frame or body of a ship (excluding masts, yards, and rigging)
Keel —the longitudinal plate extending along and projecting from the center of the bottom of a ship
Leeward —away from the direction of the wind; opposite of windward
Line —nautical term for a rope
Locked in Irons —unable to escape the liquid gorge formed by parallel waves on either side of a ship
Pilothouse (also wheelhouse) —the deckhouse for a ship’s helmsman containing the steering wheel and navigating equipment
Port —the left side of a ship
Starboard —the right side of a ship
Stern —the rear of a ship
TBS —talk-between-ships
Watch —four-hour period when a sailor is on duty
Windward —toward the direction from which the wind is coming