Abbott, Keith, 90, 212, 260–61, 273, 275
background, 82–83
did not talk about typhoon experience, 288
Emery and, 82–84
Monaghan and, 82–84, 138, 139, 175–76
after the war, 287–88
Abbott, Mary, 185
Abbott, Nathan, 185
Acuff, Jasper T., 118–20, 122–123, 129, 136
Task Group 30.8 (TG 30.8) and, 76–78, 126
Admiral Halsey’s Story (Halsey and Bryan), 281
Altamaha, USS, 158
Andrea, James, 115, 125, 171–72, 184, 268, 271
Anzio, USS, 200
Atkinson, Owen “Red,” 246–47
Austin, Bernard L., 25
Ayers, Harley “Bob”
background, 114
Floyd Balliett and, 176–77, 180
Halsey and, 117
on Plage, 290
Spence and, 113–17, 176, 208, 209
during typhoon, 113–17, 180, 208, 209
after the war, 287
Warrington and, 113
Aylwin, USS, 134–37, 161–63, 168, 194, 204
Balliett, Floyd, 176–77, 180–81, 209, 263, 287
Baltimore, USS, 161
Bampton, Frank, 164
barometer readings, 107, 117, 126, 127, 172, 194, 199
barracuda, 239
Bellino, Tom, 201
Benham, USS, 222
Beaufort, Francis, 171–72
“Big Blue Blanket” strategy, 75–76, 78, 79, 97, 265, 274, 281
Bismarck, Otto von, 35
Blankenship, John, 159
Bogan, Gerald F., 133
Bougainville invasion, 25
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 33, 63–65, 117, 167
Brooks, E. B., 223
Bryan, Joseph III, 281
Bryson, Reid A., 104
Buchanan, USS, 161
Burke, Arleigh “31-Knot,” 24–26, 113, 285
Butterfield, H. P., 123, 136, 151
Buys-Ballot’s Law, 33
Cabanatuan, Camp, 96
Calhoun, C. Raymond, 220
Dewey and, 119–20, 126–27, 165–67
during typhoon, 108, 137, 138, 194
Typhoon: The Other Enemy, 285
after the war, 284
Canberra, HMS, 154
Cape Esperance, 108, 127–28, 160–61, 183–84
Carney, Robert “Mick,” 40, 133, 205, 224, 243, 260
Carpenter, Doyle, 216
Carpentier, Arthur, 217
Central Pacific Force, 38, 43. See also Pacific Fleet
Christensen, William, 105
Cobra. See Typhoon Cobra
Coburn, R. G., 84
Cogswell, USS, 244
Columbus, Christopher, 32
combat air patrols (CAPs), 105, 106
Connolly, John, 190–91
Courts of inquiry, naval, 3–4, 14–16, 268–70, 291
findings and
recommendations, 18, 30, 86, 103, 126, 148, 162, 186, 271–74
testimony, 37, 53, 70, 95, 140, 170, 179. See also specific individuals
cyclone, tropical, 63
cyclonic winds, 66–68
Dampier, William, 34
Deeters, Henry, 263
background and overview, xiii–xiv
Douhan and, 268
on Halsey, 12
Marks and, xii–xv, xv, 65, 110, 122, 143, 173, 204, 218, 269–70
petition to secretary of navy, 292
during rescue, 202–4, 218–19, 242–43
rescue of, 230–32
responsibilities as chief quartermaster, 143
Schultz and, 137, 144–45, 191–92, 242–43, 267
sharks circling, 267
during typhoon, xi–xiii, xv, 111, 122, 142, 143, 146, 172–74, 181–82
destroyer escorts (DEs), 54–55, 59–60. See also specific ships
Dewey, USS, 109, 110, 124, 126, 159, 164–67
Calhoun and, 119–20, 126–27, 165–67
disease. See injuries and illnesses
Douhan, Pat, 274–75
background and overview, 120
on raft, 251–57
during rescue, 222–24, 226, 267, 268
reunions organized by, 288, 289
during typhoon, 111, 120–22, 178, 184–85
after the war, 288
in the water, 214–16
Dow, Leonard, 232
Edwards, Webley, 277
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 283
Elder, James, 183–84
Emery, DE USS, 82–84
Farraguts, 109
recovery, 275
after the war, 287
fish bites, 239–40. See also sharks
Ford, Gerald Rudolph, 153–59, 285–86, 292
background and overview, 153–55
Forrestal, James, 48, 280, 284
Fraser, Peter, 10
Garrett, Bruce, 109–10, 137–39, 170, 175, 268, 271, 273
Gates, Herbert K., 15, 16, 268–71
Gatling, USS, 264
Gherstly, Griel, 142, 143, 146, 147, 192, 202, 270
Gift, Ronald P., 159–60
Glaser, Leonard, 61, 62, 131, 132, 210–11, 289
GM (metacentric height), 135
guerrilla warfare, 23
Guy, George, 218, 219, 230, 231
Halsey, Eliphalet, 5
Halsey, William F. III, 8–9
Halsey, William Frederick Jr. (“Bull”). See also specific topics
Admiral Halsey’s Story, 281
alcohol consumption, 13
anxious for fight with Japanese, xiv
background and overview, 4–6, 10, 13
death, 283
minimized the storm, 152
personality, 4, 8, 10, 13–14, 16, 41, 47
political enemies, 17
popularity, 10
after the war, 281–83
war diary, 168
Halsey-Spruance debate, 27
Halsey’s typhoon.
See Typhoon Cobra
Harrison, Benjamin, 35
Hartigan, Conway “Connie,” 109
Heater, James, 248
Hellcat fighters, 46
Hoffman, Milburn “Spiz,” 228–29, 239
Howard, Lawrence, 290
court testimony regarding, 269–71
job, xiv
Navy personnel killed in, 297–300
survivors of, 217–20, 222, 224, 228, 233, 234, 236–37, 241, 243, 244, 264, 269–70, 274
during typhoon, 110–11, 120, 142–47, 173–75, 181–82, 188–89, 191–92, 202–4, 209–10, 225
variance, xii
“hurricane hunting,” 65
hypothermia, 252–53
inclinometer, xii
Ingersoll, Stuart H. (Slim), 154–57, 204
injuries and illnesses, 239–41, 244, 252–53. See also specific survivors
Japanese military, 33–34. See also specific topics
Jellicoe, Admiral, 49
Johnson, George, 119, 189, 221, 261, 262, 286–87
Johnson, Lawrence “Preacher,” 165
Juneau, USS, 277
kamikazes, 28, 33, 50–51, 74–76, 129
See Robert F. Keller
Khan, Kublai, 33–34
Kincaid, Thomas C., 43, 44, 46–48, 98, 99
King, Ernest J., 38, 39, 42, 48, 102, 259–60, 274
after the war, 283–85
Koiso, Kuniaki, 27
Kosco, George F.
background and overview, 65–66, 126
court findings regarding, 271
court testimony, 70
denial regarding the typhoon, 128
Halsey and, 106, 117, 118, 129–30, 140, 232
journal, 151
New Jersey and, 78, 87, 89, 163–64
recognition of typhoon, 132–33
after the war, 285
weather forecasts, 103, 117, 127–29, 140, 232
weather warnings and, 86–92, 106, 107, 117, 118, 127, 232
Kotsch, William J., 152
Krauchunas, Alphonso
recovery, 267–68
during rescue, 246–51
transferred from Solace to USS Sturgis, 274
during typhoon, 186–87, 189–91
Kurita, Takeo, 46–49
Kwajalein, USS, 161
Langley, USS, 161
Lend-Lease Act, 54
Leyte, 44
Leyte Gulf, Battle for, 44, 49, 50, 101–2
life jackets, 146, 163, 180, 212, 213, 221
Lindquist, Vernon, 214
Link, Elwood, 193
Lockhart, Wilbur M., 37
Lubinsky, Stan, 159
Luzon, 42, 44, 75–76, 98, 132, 265, 274
MacArthur, Douglas
background and overview, 37–38
beachhead on Mindoro, 141
communications, 74, 232–33, 265
Halsey and, 10, 12, 16, 39–42, 44–45, 100–102, 151, 224, 265, 282
World War II and, 4, 6, 20–21, 23, 38–50, 97, 99–101. See also Mindoro invasion; Sixth Army
Manchester, William, 37
Manila and Manila Bay, 18
Marcus Island, 87
Marianas, 27
Marks, James Alexander, xii–xv, 82, 122
court findings regarding, 271, 273
court testimony, 269
DeRyckere and, xii–xv, 65, 110, 122, 143, 173, 204, 218, 269–70
E. B. Brooks and, 223
on Farragut, 109
Halsey and, 173
Lloyd Rust and, 236
Preston Mercer on, 269
rescue of, 229–30
after typhoon, 268–69
Maurey, Jack, 159
McCain, John Sidney III, 284
McCain, John Sidney “Jack,” Jr., 284
McCain, John Sidney “Slew,” 75, 101, 133, 136. See also “Big Blue Blanket” strategy
awards, 283
Aylwin and, 161
background and overview, 71–73
course change advised by, 141
court findings regarding, 271
court testimony, 141
directive to “commence exercises when practical,” 137
family, 284–85
Halsey and, 8, 70, 71, 75, 101, 161, 194, 204, 283–85
“Tom Cat” strategy, 97
William Rogers and, 162
McClain, William, 61
McClellan, Gen. George 7
McClelland, Vincent, 24–25, 28, 29
McCrane, Joe, 139, 171, 179, 182–83, 206–7, 216, 257–59
Mercer, Preston, 109, 124, 125, 165, 269
Merrill, Frank, 23
Mindoro invasion, 62, 76, 78, 85, 97, 102, 104
Mitscher, Vice Admiral, 27–28
Mog Mog, 55–56
Monaghan, USS, 80–80, 212, 271
Abbott and, 82–84, 138, 139, 175–76
Navy personnel killed in, 300–303
survivors of, 259, 260, 264, 267, 274
during typhoon, 137–39, 170–76, 179–80
capsizing, 180, 182–83, 185, 259–60
Montgomery, Alfred E., 155, 157
Morgan, Roy G., 179
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 47, 68, 209, 281
Moulton, Douglas, 40
Murray, George D., 15
Nagurney, Nick, 254
Nantahala, USS, 169
Navy Department
court findings and, 274
weather warning, 86
Nimitz, Chester A., 6–7, 22, 48–50, 76, 174. See also Central Pacific Force
agenda of “calculated risks,” 23
awards and honors, 283
background and overview, 6–8, 14–15, 17
communications, 194, 224, 225, 273
daughter, 282
death, 283
on disciplinary action, 271, 273
Halsey and, 6–7, 9, 11, 17, 40, 43–45, 48, 49, 74, 98, 225, 272
Monaghan and, 259–60
Panay and, 72
Raymond Spruance and, 27
South Pacific Command and, 7
Tokyo Rose and, 74
Vincent McClelland and, 24–25
Yamamoto and, 11
Okinawa, 283–84
O’Leary, Mrs., 164
Operation Vengeance, 11–12
Ozawa, Jisaburo, 27, 28, 47–50
Panay, USS, 72
Peleliu, 83–84
Philippines, Japanese invasion of, 18–20
Phillips, Paul “Cookie,” 56–57, 61, 62, 132, 226, 232, 239
Plage, Henry Lee “Hank,” 54, 60–62, 257, 265–66
awards and honors, 266, 276, 277, 279, 291–92
Ayers on, 290
background and overview, 57–62
death, 291–92
DeRyckere and, 292
Halsey and, 222, 234, 266, 275–76, 279
Marks and, 230
in media, 276
personality, 227
Phillips and, 56
during rescue, 199–201, 207–8, 210–14, 217, 222, 224, 227–30, 234–35, 237–38, 241
Schultz on, 290
Tabberer and, 60–62, 130–31. See also Tabberer
during typhoon, 148–51
Plage, Marjorie (Armstrong), 58, 290
Poer, George W., 248
prisoners of war (POWs), 96–98
Purvis, Louis Anthony “Skip,” 217–18, 277
radar, 238
Robert F. Keller, USS, 149–51, 244
Rogers, William K., 109, 134–37, 162, 163, 194, 224
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10, 11, 21–22, 48
Rudyerd Bay, 261
San Bernardino Strait, 46
San Jacinto, USS, 158
Schlener, Paul, 108, 127, 160, 287
Schultz, John Ray, 209, 210, 241–43, 268, 274
DeRyckere and, 137, 144–45, 191–92, 242–43, 267
on Plage, 290
during typhoon, 122, 137, 144–47, 174, 191–93, 202
after the war, 289
sharks, 222–23, 227, 231, 239, 244, 251–52, 254, 257, 258, 263, 267
Sharp, Alexander, 277
Shaw, USS, 188
Sherman, Frederick, 140
Singer, Watson T. “Watso,” 117
“Singer’s Law,” 117
Southwest Pacific Force, 38, 40
Spain, 19
Spence, DD USS, 24–26, 28, 243
Ayers and, 113–17, 176, 208, 209
Navy personnel killed in, 303–7
survivors of, 221, 243, 247, 261–263, 274. See also Krauchunas, during rescue
during typhoon, 119, 125, 171–72, 176–77, 186–87, 190, 208–9, 243
Spohn, Tom, 218, 219, 230, 231
Spruance, Raymond A., 13–14, 27, 43, 45, 47
Stimson, Henry L., 38
storm warnings.
See weather forecasts and warnings
Sturgis, USS, 274
Surdam, Robert M., 60, 113, 131, 150, 202, 208, 234, 235, 277
Tabberer, Charles Arthur, 60
Tabberer, DE USS (“Tabby”), 54, 70, 289–90
Cookie Phillips and, 56–57
honoring men of the, 275–76, 291
Plage and, 57, 60–62, 130–31. See also Plage
seamen rescued by, 263, 264, 266
after typhoon, 213–14, 217, 219, 220, 224, 225, 227–30, 233–35, 238–40, 242, 265–66, 277, 278
during typhoon, 130, 148–51, 199–202, 207–8, 218
Task Force 38, 45–47, 65–66, 78–79, 95, 283–84
Task Group 30.8 (TG 30.8), 76–79, 126, 200
Taussig, USS, 159
TBS (talk-between-ships), xi, 100, 138
Thatcher, USS, 159
Thorpe, Ray, 160
Tojo, Hideki, 27
Tokyo Rose, 74
Toner, Raymond J., 149–51, 200, 244
torches, acetylene, 166, 210, 211
Tracy, USS, 193
Truman, Harry S., 282
Tucker, Ralph, 200, 211–12, 219, 237, 263
Typhoon: The Other Enemy (Calhoun), 285
Typhoon Cobra. See also specific topics
core winds, 105. See also wind speed and wind force
early development, 88–92
early signs and warnings, 66, 86–87. See also weather forecasts and warnings
fortieth anniversary of, 290–91
in media, 276–77
names for, 268
“typhoon season,” 31
Typhoon Viper, 284
at sea, locating, 32–33
signs of, 117
Warrington, USS, 113
Watkins, Cyrus, 234
weather forecasts and warnings, 86–87, 103–107, 271. See also under Kosco
Wendt, Wally, 110
Wiemers, “Buddha,” 143
Wilson, Ralph, 133
wind speed and wind force, 105, 167, 194, 199
Winn, Bob, 105
World War I, 5
World War II, 18–29. See also specific topics
Wouk, Herman, 286
assassination, 11–12
Yonai, Misumasa, 101
Yorden, Steven F., 165