This book was a long time coming but it took even longer to get it out there. It is the culmination of years of writing and seemingly endless patience. The years came with writing the first five books in the Resurrection Man series. The patience was mainly waiting to get book six published. And that’s where my patience finally ran out.

Jim Grant has been a passion project ever since I introduced him in Jamaica Plain. I like his cop sensibilities and his Yorkshire grit. He has been well received by readers and reviewers and yet it was still hard to get each book published. The industry moves slowly and I write fast. The books were piling up while publication seemed to take longer. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Shelter Cove was published independently and I have to say it has been a very enjoyable experience. I am grateful for the professional help producing this book, including editing and cover design, but the decisions about style, choice of cover and timescale have all been mine. Going independent could prove to be the best decision I’ve ever made.

Whether that continues depends on how many people read it. So, the future is in your hands. If you like it, tell your friends. No author is any good without readers. You’re the reason we write.

Colin Campbell

May 2018


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