
Rather than meet in the throne room, we’d convened in the war room. A circular table surrounded a round platform in the center that bore an incredibly detailed map of the six kingdoms. The dark wood walls were lined with monks, one beside Kiva at Ericen’s back to my left.

Estrel sat on my other side. After everything I’d learned, I’d expected to feel a rush of emotions. I didn’t. I was just tired and a little hurt and far more unmoored than I’d ever felt. Like all the strings that had once held me fast to this world had been cut, and the place I found myself in now was something altogether new.

My world had changed so much the last few weeks.

When I reached the part in my story about Samra’s crew and Onis’s betrayal, the captain collapsed back into her chair, stunned. Aroch, who perched on her shoulder, nudged her head with his, but she didn’t respond. My throat began to close, and I held back the urge to break down into tears as I explained that the Jin rebels were lost, fighting my way through the rest of the story.

“Res and I closed the doorway, but Razel has six Sellas on her side,” I concluded hoarsely, addressing Queen Luhara.

Her dark eyes were thoughtful, her fingers splayed across her mouth in contemplation.

Samra stood, Aroch clinging to her shoulder. Her good eye was rimmed red, but whatever tears she’d shed were gone. “So what you’re saying is that we’re hopelessly outmatched now?”

I flinched. With the loss of the Jin rebels and the addition of the Sellas to Razel’s ranks, her strength rivaled ours. Even with Res, fighting this war would be a risk. These kingdoms had already lost so much; could they really be asked to lose more?

The captain’s normally stony expression turned wary with doubt, and I knew she was thinking of her family back in Seahalla. She had already lost her crew; she wouldn’t lose her family too.

My eyes unintentionally found Auma, who sat still and silent as a shadow. She’d missed cleaning a few flecks of blood from her jaw, and her dark eyes looked haunted.

“We can still win this fight.” Estrel stood. “Now that Razel knows about the alliance, she’ll have to gather more troops to counter us. It’ll take time, and we can use that time to hone Res’s magic.”

“What good will one crow do us against an army of magical beings?” one of the council members asked.

“One crow with the power of eight,” I said.

Samra crossed her arms like a soldier barring entry. “Even if Razel’s attack is delayed, it won’t be for long. And when it finally comes, one crow isn’t enough, no matter how many abilities he has.”

“You’re underestimating Res’s power,” Ericen cut in, and I felt Res puff up, bolstered. “Illucia has faced the crows before. There’s a reason my mother destroyed them before attacking Rhodaire.”

“Why are you even in here?” Samra snapped back. “He shouldn’t be witness to any of this.”

I looked to Ericen, who hesitated. Would he fully turn against his kingdom?

He stepped forward, the monk stiffening behind him and Kiva’s hand going to Sinvarra. But I moved aside to allow him next to me.

“I’m here to help you,” he said. “I’ll provide you with whatever information I can regarding my mother’s armies and strategy in exchange for amnesty.”

It wasn’t enough. I could see the reluctance on everyone’s faces. They’d spent too long with Illucia as an enemy to crush their desire to lock Ericen in the deepest, darkest cell they could find.

I might not be able to get them to let go of their past, but maybe I could get them to see a different future.

“There’s an additional advantage to granting Ericen’s request.” I paused, looking to him. He hesitated but nodded. “You must remember he’ll inherit the throne after Razel.” A murmur spread through the room, and I spoke over it. “In ensuring his safety and accepting him into this alliance, we ensure that when this war is over, Illucia doesn’t remain our enemy. Razel already disavowed him as a traitor. She was willing to kill him in the wood, and he’s done nothing but help me since before I left Sordell. We can trust him.”

Auma stood as if rising against a heavy burden. “During my time in Illucia, I was always struck by the prince’s sense of honor and morality in a kingdom that tried to strip it from him. Like so many of us, he is not responsible for the sins of his parents. I believe we can trust him.” She met my gaze with a nod. Then whatever surge of emotion had pushed her to her feet deflated, and she collapsed back into her chair.

Kiva was at her side in an instant, abandoning her post behind Ericen in a move that left me staring. Kiva’s mother had trained her to leave no room for love, only duty. Looking at her now as she wrapped her arms around Auma, I had no doubt the princess had broken through that armor. Kiva had learned to bend without breaking, something her mother could never do.

The silence hung like a funeral shroud across the room until at last, Queen Luhara stood. “I’m inclined to withdraw Trendell from this alliance,” she said in a voice of stone.

“And I the Ambriels,” Samra said. A murmur rippled through the gathering.

My throat went dry. I looked at Estrel, who stared back wide-eyed. This couldn’t be happening. Without them, Rhodaire wouldn’t survive.

Standing, I met Queen Luhara’s eye across the room, and she called for silence. By the time everyone had quieted, my nerves had settled.

“I’ll be the first to admit that when it comes to politics, I’m still learning,” I said. “That was always my sister’s calling, not mine. But it is also Razel’s.” As I spoke, I met the gaze of each person in turn, hoping they could see my sincerity. “She knows exactly what she’s doing. The attack on Samra’s crew? The strike against the Jin rebels? Infiltrating Trendell? They were coordinated, targeted moves meant to hurt each of you and make you think twice about this alliance.”

“Thia’s right,” said Ericen. “She did this because she’s afraid. From the beginning, her plans have always relied on you being isolated and alone. She doesn’t know how to face a united front. She’s scared to face you together.”

I nodded. “Dissolving this alliance is exactly what she wants.”

“So we’re playing straight into her hands,” one of the council members said. “What does it matter if we know that? Even if we band together, can we defeat her?”

“Ira wasn’t our only stronghold,” Auma said. “There are rebel forces scattered throughout Jindae. We’re not out of this fight.”

Relief swept through me, even as I realized that Auma hadn’t originally intended to share this information. She’d meant to let us think she had nothing to offer in order to protect what remained of her forces. Did this mean she’d changed her mind?

“We may have an edge on Razel too,” Estrel said. “That shrine wasn’t the only one of its kind, was it, Your Majesty?”

Queen Luhara frowned. “That’s correct. There are several others on the grounds. Are you suggesting they possess the same power as the other?”

“They will once Thia activates them,” Estrel replied. “These roads once connected all the major cities in each kingdom. It’ll take a few days, but we can use the roads to Jindae and the Ambriels to gather the remaining troops.”

Of course she knew about the roads. It was probably another piece of information the Order had kept for themselves.

Estrel looked to Auma and Samra. “Do you both have ships?” The two nodded, and she pressed on. “You can both sail to a higher point in Rhodaire and flank the Illucian army. Razel is too confident and didn’t plan for an attack from behind. Her failure to anticipate this alliance leaves her military focused at the front, on Rhodaire.” She looked to the queen. “Thia can funnel the Trendellan forces through Aris and bolster the Rhodairen army from the front. Razel won’t expect our ranks to swell so quickly. With the element of surprise, we can take the fight to her.”

“That might actually work,” Samra admittedly grudgingly.

I seized the upward turn of the conversation, leaning my hands on the table. “We’ve all seen what Razel is capable of. What she’s willing to do. None of our kingdoms are safe, and alone, none of us will survive.” I looked to Res, whose eyes glowed a soft silver as his magic awakened. Lightning sparked along his beak and through his feathers. “What she doesn’t know is what we’re capable of. We can still win this battle.”

Queen Luhara exchanged looks with her husband, and they spoke in hushed tones. Samra regarded me gravely, as if she might see the future in my eyes.

But it was Auma who spoke.

“Jindae stands with you.” She rose from her chair. “I too do not abandon my friends.”

I met her gaze, bowing my head.

“You have my rebels as well,” Samra said with a nod.

“And the Trendellan army will honor its pledge,” said the queen.

Relief flooded through me in a cool wave, only to hit the simmering anger inside me and steam. We had the other kingdoms’ support. With their help, we would reach Rhodaire in time to defend it, and we’d have the strength to win.

Heat flared through my skin, my nails digging into my palms. I could feel that familiar darkness pressing in the back of my mind, that need to give in, to give up after everything that’d gone wrong. But something hotter pushed back. Something rash and full of talons.

My heart raced with the rising fire in my veins.

Even your very heart is armed, Auma had said. It must have peace before you can expect to bring it to others.

But I didn’t want peace right now.

I wanted war.